Friday, June 7th marked the 20th anniversary of the death of Croatian basketball legend, Drazen Petrović. Petrović was killed on the German autobahn in 1993 at age 28 during a car accident. It followed his best season with the New Jersey Nets and was only one year after Petrović helped Croatia to the basketball silver medal at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. He will forever be remembered as one of the greatest shooters in NBA history, putting international players on the map.
Before Croatia’s World Cup 2014 qualifier with Scotland on Thursday, the team joined Petrović’s parents at his memorial to show their respect.
NBA great Reggie Miller on Petrović
I don’t see us losing to the serbs. Tie most likely, which means Belgium would be able to clinch the group with a tie in ZG.
Now which Croatia will show up for the next three games. Belgium will eat us alive now and Serbs would love to give us another loss. Which will probably make it a very tight race for the playoff round. Anyone seeing us going 1-2 ? I do.
MatesicMethod is just to upset. We need to let him grieve. The game was a joke but the sun rises. The racist stuff and just gone to an all new level. This all started with Balotelli and then Sammir crap.
Why do you need his name !?
It’s the same idiot that’s been trolling this place for months.
Wallace / HAET etc
I am passionate about the repka.
Croatia is apart of my world and I want the best for Croatians.
I appreciate the support with integrating the lost.
It would be nice to put a name to your contributions.
Not the end of the World but could be the end of the World Cup.
Look on the bright side, at least Sammir didn’t score “for us”.
You can’t say 1 or 2 or 3 or 5 non-whites on Croatia “is enough” and claim “anti-racism”, that’s being a HYPOCRITE!
I’m no hypocrite, I don’t claim “anti-racism” and I say Croatia must be ALL White. “A little integration” is like being “a little pregnant”, there’s no such thing; Go ask France or England as just two examples. But they are much bigger countries, they at least have some time left to abort, Croatia has much much less leeway.
@matesic, we lost! Get over it!!! Not the end of the fucking world!!!!!
Watching the Scotland goal again today.
It was Srna’s best pass of the night !
This adds to his misses penalty against Japan in the 2006 World Cup that thwarted our second round entry.
He has played good football for us over the years but it does not have the energy anymore to wear the captain’s arm band.
Shifo was closing down the ball well there was no need for that lazy toe poke.
His role at Shaktar is well suited as he plays with real brazilians and hard working Ukranians. His skill shines as he has acres of space to pick out sharp crosses. Unfortunately we do not have the same set up in our repka.
Sammir missing open goal and Srna gifting goal.
Sammir saga needs to be complete.
Srna hands arm band to Modric and gets 45 mins going forward.
Put in all players you want to get a look at.
You think Sammir is better than Sertic?
Well said Raptore. Not one Croatian athlete today plays with the heart Drazen played with!!!
It helps when you’re the underdog and not the “#4 team in the world!”
Drazen would have been disappointed as we were at the NT performance V Scotland, not a good way to pay respects to the late great Petro.
He was a winner & played with heart, apparently in the Dream Team Game Drazen was constantly reminding his fellow croats that they could win this game, shows how determine he was even when the odds were lob sided & stacked against them
if only our NT played with half the heart yesterday.. if only
WELL SAID….the leadership in the basketball federation (Radic) is 100 times worse than Puppet Suker’s office.
I met Drazen in 1992 while he was playing with the NJ Nets. He was a true Soul Champion and has inspired my life’s work as an educator.
At a time when shooting guards would get crushed mentally by Jordan, Drazen would relish going at him.
His leadership on and off the court for the Croatian cause was extraordinary.
To think of the clowns in that picture that lead our HNS is almost comical. Drazen had more presence in his pinky then all those dudes combined.
Have to say that Croatia has been lacking in the leadership development in relation to sport for decades now. We are all running after talent but not developing character.
I would have Gotovina run a leadership academy for sport in Croatia.
Drazen was the last of the Mohicans. No one has filled his void when it comes to Kosarku.
I asked Rudy Tomjanovic if he could help out Croatia basketball, years ago at MSG when he was doing some scouting for the Rockets. After acknowledging me as his brother, he said that the leadership over there are a bunch of arrogant clowns.
There it is, talented Croatian people being led by smotani.
And you wonder why we voted all the facist lodars out of office.
Dobro Jutro Svima.
Novi Je Dan!
rumor has it Petrovic rolled over in his grave at the performance of the soccer team yesterday.
here’s a good old documentary on the late Drazen. Enjoy.
I hope we have another icon from the ex-Yugoslavia region to put the Balkans on the map, once again.
R.I.P. Drazen “Mozart” Petrovic
Glad I lived through those days & got to witness your A Game..
A true Legend & a Croatian Icon