Photo: The Guardian
So who exactly is Aleksandar Holiga? He is an independent Croatian football writer who often contributes to FourFourTwo and The Guardian. On June 26th, 2012, Holiga posted “Euro 2012: The problem with Croatia’s nationalistic fans starts at the top” in the Guardian’s sports section, citing all the problems he has with Croatian fans during major tournaments, the personnel at the top of the HNS and even Thompson’s famous song, Lijepa Li Si.
Many Croatians did not approve of this article, and because of that, with have an email interview with Holiga in the next week to get his full story. Holiga was the former editor-in-chief at FourFourTwo Croatia and has a faculty of Political Sciences from the University of Zagreb.
Prva Generacija and readers of, if you have questions for Holiga, please leave them in the comment section below and we will try to include them in the email. Please keep all questions in good taste, as we pick Holiga’s mind to see where the motivation for his article came from.
(Please have all questions in by Thursday, June 28th at midnight)
Typical political correctness fanatic playing Thought-Police.
Wow, too much.
And here I thought posting on a Croatian Sports website to talk with like-minded Croats would be an interesting way to pass the time.
Good luck to you HAET and my apologies for offending, probably got carried away there.
Since the Chetniks and Ustasha are both nationalists, shouldn’t they’ve made an alliance against the commies?
Jelic: “HAET – appropriate moniker eh?
Notwithstanding your rant on race relations in the UK, you have to admit that hooliganism in England is now under control, right?”
Yea I guess, but my point had nothing to do with hooliganism; I’m sure the Soviet Union had no problems with hooligans either, right?
Anything that doesn’t conform to your religion of political correctness according to you is a “rant”, right? And where did I say anything about “race relations”?
But since you mentioned “race relations”, how are “race relations” in Japan and Korea? How are “race relations” in Nigeria and Zambia? How are “race relations” in Saudi Arabia? etc.
You have no idea what ‘HAET’ stands for. Typical political correctness fanatic playing Thought-Police.
@ ZIva
Nakon što se pročulo da djevojci golmana Zadra njezin otac prijeti smrću zato jer se namjerava udati za ‘tog Srbina’, svoju verziju priče iznio je i nesretni vratar Danijel Subašić – i to u intervjuu kojeg je dao svom učitelju iz osnovne škole.
“Točno je da se moj otac zove Jovo, ali tvrdim da on sa srpstvom nema veze. On se izjašnjava kao Hrvat, ali pravoslavne vjere. Točno je i to da je moja majka Hrvatica i katolkinja Brkljača iz Raštevića”, objašnjava svoje porijeklo svoje loze Subašić.
Pa onda još jednom, ako netko nije razumio: “Ne znam koliko puta moram reći da sam Hrvat i katolik. Hrvatska je moja domovina i Zadar je moj grad, u kojem sam rođen. Uostalom, kršten sam u katoličkoj crkvi , imam sve katoličke sakramente”.
Subašić, koji najavljuje da će uskoro oženiti svoju Antoniju, ima razumijevanja (!) čak i za njezinog oca: “Mogu shvatiti da je mom budućem puncu teško, poglavito zbog nesretnog Domovinskog rata. No, najvažnije je da se Antonija i ja volimo i poštujemo”.
Prso played for us. Is there a DNA test that can weed out any cypto Serbs?
Rale, Religion does not make you a race.
Completely off topic, but tell that to the Zidovi!
Ummm…..Prso aint Catholic and neither is Serb Subasic. Not that it matters.
“You attack the soccer federation for catering to the “nationalistic” element, but has not the soccer federation also done a good job in promoting unity with all Croatian citizens. Robert Prosinecki, Da Silva, Darijo Srna (captain), Dad Prso, Bosko Balaban are all players who have played for the repka and none of them are 100% croatian catholic. Doesn’t the savez deserve praise for that?”
@ Ziva on this list only eduardo has you hould have mentioned again you look at where some ones root are and that is why we had the WAR in the 90s people get brainwashed Balaban Prso Srna are croatian, Religion does not make you a race. Prso is catholic if you watch an interview just like Subasic so i Balaban and Srna too!
Also in the end Our Navijaci didnt cause any trouble Serbs and Russians we the ones who thre flares againt Italy and their wa no bannana thrown what i shame i still cannot believe it how little respect we get as a nations SVI NAM GACE SKIDAJ A MI NIJIM PUSIMO KURAC i cannot believe it Our team should have a slogan mi protiv svi i svi protiv nas!
Wait until WC 2014 when Serb come to macedonija and start trouble by throwing flares and stopping the game fucken this is unbelievable.
The problem with Thompson i that stuff he did at his concerts with the youth dressed in black and at those concerts where he sang jasenovac Evo zore evo dana, and people even commie croats look at him in a bad way, Croatia want to let go of the past but the past alway sticks around it alway NDH that was in the 40s man I am proud of the 90s not 40s, Thompson never said in his songs about jew yet jew call him anti semetic wow get the history right, Hrvati when we think ustas we think killing partizani and cetniks yet because of our ties with germany we are anti semetic, also why does ljepa li i have to play it is not an anthem in my opion 3 ong should be played Vecras je nasa festa,Boze Cuvaj Hrvatsku, i Mojoj Majci aka Ruzo Hrvatska,
Ps it looks like after all we were the real group of death minus ireland! FUCK WEBB AND STARK!
Sad story, back in 2009 I took my U13 soccer team on a tour of CRO and Herzegovina (fantastic time!) and finished up with a couple days in Ciovo on the water.
Our diaspora parents spent a good amount of cash at the beach bar all day and into the evening and so requested the kono bar play a Thompson cd one of the moms had with her.
To our utter amazement buddy wouldn’t oblige. We were stunned, but learned much of what Ziva says then firsthand.
Da mislim koliko decki su umrli na bojiste za slobodnu Hrvatsku i sada ovo djubre.
@JosipB……I agree with that, but then again I surround myself with hrvati in the diapsora who think the same way. Back in Cro, that is not the case. I think Thompson is by far the most popular and also the most disliked singer/pop culture individual in the country. Whatever he does makes news because of him being famour or infamous (depending on what side you are on).
“Lijepa Li Si” is considered to be a contemporary version of/homage to “Lijepa Nasa”.
That is exactly why the song is frequently played at games. It ties and connects together all the regions of Croatia (as well as region heavily connected historically and culturally, as well as almost exclusively Croat) as a “beautiful homeland”. It is a Thompson song that most Croatian citizens, like or dislike Thompson, look at as unifying in a positive way.
Who but the most fervent Anti-Hrvati would have a problem with that?
Jelic….well said.
@Ivica….there is plenty that can be done. Jelic said it perfectly at what can be done.
HAET – appropriate moniker eh?
Notwithstanding your rant on race relations in the UK, you have to admit that hooliganism in England is now under control, right?
IvicA Nowadays, for most international sporting events like the Champions League, Euro, etc. local country police and authorities are brought in to act as buttress between the local officials and the travelling fans. Again, if you have security in the stadium watching and ready to pounce you can quickly act if idiot fans start throwing flares (how did they smuggle them in in the first place?) or monkey chants. Diaspora or no diaspora!
The difference I saw in terms of security at Wembley (outstanding) and then in Klagenfurt Austria for Euro ’08 was significant. In Austria there were scraps outside with nary a security contingent in sight. No check of what you were bringing in and very little visible presence in the stands during games.
One of the biggest issues is rather than working together and managing this stuff up front, ALL parties (host country, visiting countries and UEFA) would much rather simply hope and pray, and then point fingers to blame and fine. Reactive rather than proactive.
IvicA there is NO difference whether the Croat fans originate from CRO or from any of the diaspora nations supporting the team. Put the infrastructure in place ahead of time and deal with ALL trouble-makers ahead of time.
The current retreads in the Savez (most will agree Markovic and his cronies are well past their due date) simply don’t have the capacity to think outside the box. This has been proven time and time again.
Jelic: “If England was able to curb the massive amount of hooliganism why can’t we? It takes a will, a plan and the necessary commitment to weed out the few idiots that cause so much damage.”
In England, the Cops arrest you for something you wrote on friggin twitter that THEY deem “raaaciss”. In England, they put you in jail for QUESTIONING the “six million” – JUST QUESTIONING THE NUMBER! In England, English courts say “The Truth is no defense” – i.e. you must BOW to our religion of political correctness. In England, they outlawed guns, so outlaws (almost all of them non-white) can break into your house and put their “illegal” guns to you and your family’s heads. There was practically NO violent crime in England before the grotesque anti-white establishment started pouring hundreds of millions of third worlders into EVERY and ONLY white countries.
Ziva Istina: “The guy is free to say what he wants, but we are also free to say what we want in a civil manner.”
No actually we’re NOT “free to say what we want in a civil manner” – we only “free” to CONFORM to our established anti-white religion of political correctness.
Ziva Istina: “The guy has his work published by well known publications, so like it or not that does give him some form of credibility.”
The guy gets published “by well known publications” because he writes what he knows the publishers will publish, i.e. politically correct bullshit – for a paycheck. See how that works? In my eyes, this gives him LESS “credibility”.
@Jelic & Ziva
These suggestions you two have made are fine for controlling fan behaviour WITHIN Croatia, but there is little the Savez can do to manage the fan behaviour outside their country’s borders.
What could the HNS really have done to prevent what happened in all three games of Euro2012? The only thing they could have done was barring any known hooligans from travelling to Poland by seizing their passports…that’s it.
So who controls Croats from Germany, Canada, or Australia who come rolling in from other sides of the world? Or who controls any new hooligans (that are not so known) from leaving Cro to attend the games? Something like monkey chants can easily be started by just a couple of drunken immature fans (with no prior hooligan history) and it just picks up.
The failure to manage the couple hundred idiots in the crowd is almost entirely on the hands of stadium security in Poland and UEFA. They were very poorly prepared for this tournament (which made them look especially stupid as they were promoting “respect and diversity”), and they needed a scapegoat to label as racists with countries like Croatia, Russia, and Ukraine being easy targets for people to assume as having a general racist problem in their not so demographically cosmopolitan countries (I’m beginning to believe a banana wasn’t even thrown in the Cro vs Italy match as I just see one odd photo yet no video or any other photos).
The only thing that saved us from being made an example of, was the fact that the fans from Spain, Germany, and Portugal were doing the same things. After each of those countries made repeat offenses that couldn’t be swept under the rug anymore (like the initial monkey chants in the Spain vs Italy game), then the slander articles suddenly stopped and there was almost zero follow up on the stories after only slap-on-the-wrist fines were handed out to everyone instead.
@Jarac…..I don’t really care what this guy writes. But, someone posted him column and it had to do with cro soccer and our fans. It’s a timely topic, plus this appeared in one of the most read websites/news organizations. That gives him some form of credibility. Now, the guys who run this website said they reached out to him and are going to interview him. Again, timely topic.
I’ll repeat what I said earlier……I don’t agree with everything in his column, but its not like he wrote any lies.
@Ivica….plenty can be done, as Jelic described, even with diaspora Croats. All these games take place in modern stadium with cameras all over the place. Very easy to monitor the fans in the stands and pinpoint who they are and eliminate the trouble makers. Where there is a will there is a way. Again, most of our fans are great, but more needs to be done to remove the budale.
Why do you care what this guy writes? Everyone is entiled to their opinion, as well as everyone is entitled to a response. Why should this guy be acknowledge? What makes this guy so important to be confronted? U said urself u are aware of other blogs and websites which bash croatia, why not write them? Why call him a serb or udba or yugo or whatever else, because unfortunately many croats and citizens fall into those categories, it is good to acknowledge that those still exist.
IvicA here are some thoughts on eliminating the idiots from ruining things.
When I was at Wembley to cheer on the Vatreni for the memorable 3-2 victory, the English did the folowing;
1. Everyone gets searched thoroughly before entering the arena, head to toe thoroughly. If you’re trying to smuggle in flares or any other contraband, you don’t get in.
2. As we came close to the stadium announcements were made in English and Croatian to remove all face paint so that photographs were not obscured.
3 In the stadium, arena security stood on each step on both sides of our section. Any trouble and they were able to react very quickly and efficiently.
4. At the bottom of the section, you had cops and security personnel looking up watching and again any signs of trouble the trouble-makers were out.
We had a great time, everything went smoothly, no incidents and everyone enjoyed the game.
This would be costly, but less costly than the fines being paid and the knock on our image.
This is not an HNS issue, this should be a coordinated effort by UEFA and every Savez to deal with things pro-actively.
Again, if the English managed to stamp out their massive hooligan problems of the 70’s and 80’s we can to.
Ask him if he thinks that other countries’ fans behaved worse than HNS fans.
Ask him if he thinks Wolfgang Stark was biased against us.
Ask him why he finds that particular Thompson song offensive.
Ask him why it necessary for our national team to visit Auswitz. Why was visiting another WW2 site not adequate?
Vlade Divac? Cetnik!
My question is: Why are you such a chetnik?
On a related note, I still don’t understand what the Savez can do to “manage” these fans. A lot of these fans are from the diaspora and do not live in Croatia nor have Croatian passports that the HNS can so easily seize during these tournaments.
Yes, Croats are more passionate than, say, Germans…so, the politically incorrect things we do (monkey chants, lighting flares) stand out much more than the politically incorrect things a German fan does (raising a racist banner). But how can anyone prevent this from happening, other than the actual security guards at these games who “should” be preventing people from smuggling in flares and kicking out fans who make these chants?
Živa Istina = Aleksandar Holiga
what are you gonna learn from this guy and why do you really care about his opinion I think you already got what your gonna:-)get from him but whatever giver your best -U-
Thats what I’m talking about. I like what I see so far boys and girls. I doubt that this guy would do a video or audio interview because he’s been bombed with hate mail and death threats most likely. The best we can do is an email interview.
Ziva came through once again, however, Slavonac, Shinobi, Mishko, Jelic, MB13, Nije Bitno….. and others… all adding to the round table.
“Target his message. Not the messenger” ~MB13…
thats what I’m talking about…
calling him a Yugo, a commie, udba, serb, jew, etc etc… does nothing.
Ziva – I dont really think thats his point…but on another note your approach is the more correct way…we shouldnt be giving people a reason to write, talk or fine us…I think he’s saying this covert Serb is unjustly misinterpreting and manipulating the situation.
what did you address?????/
Again, point out what I said that is false.
The guy being croatian or not croatian is insignificant. So, in your views only hrvati are allowed to comment on the idiotic actions of other hrvati.
Lies and deception??????? Please, dear sir, point them out!!!!
And I never mentioned Sammir……you did.
If you want to attack Ziva Istina, then by all rights do so, but ast least present an argument that warrants a response.
Nice Straw Man ya did there and typing in the 3rd Person is pathertic. Out of my ENTIRE response the only thing you can pick out is Sammir because you avoided EVERYTHING I mentioned.
BACK TO THE ISSUE – Address what I said, shut the fuck up or go away.
Mishko, insulting people only serves to reinforce the notion that you are only on here to ramble on about mysterious conspiracies and obsolete theories on world domination.
By the way, my apologies type-o as I meant opiate of the masses.
That’s it for me by the way, not interested in inserting myself in a discussion that quickly degenerates into name calling and inolerant views.
Good luck with that.
@Jelic, serious? Opirate of the masses? Shut your cock holster, most people are too busy cashing their EBT cards and watching Amerikwan Idol to even have a relevant thought.
Lies and deception??????? Please, dear sir, point them out!!!!
And I never mentioned Sammir……you did.
If you want to attack Ziva Istina, then by all rights do so, but ast least present an argument that warrants a response.
Mishko who killed Kennedy? Conspiracy theories, the opiate of the masses! LOL
@Ziva, I don’t give a damn what other people think, you’ve brain washed them, but at the end of the day you’re a liar.
I don’t agree with what this guy wrote, but he is free to write whatever he wants. He must be a good enough writer to get posted/published in a leading British media outlet. Maybe if we had some articulate writers they could offer a response instead of the same BS (on je UDBAD, jugo, etcc???)
You lose all credibility when that happens.
He writes for a BRITISH MEDIA OUTLET. These scumbags only care about what’s in THEIR interests, which is promoting diversity, multiculturalism and FIAT money. His BOSS or whoever signs his PAYCHECK will determine what gets published. Either he plays by their rules or he doesn’t get paid.
I just find it comical that people are asking about his ethnicity based on his name (he is a serb??? he is a jew???). The same people who are saying he is not a hrvat are the same ones who have no issue with the brazilian-born hrvat playing for Croatia. Double standard, no????? At least be consistent.
This is what I truly find offensive. Can you NAME THE NAMES of people here that have no issue with Sammir yet are talking crap about this traitor? No, because you’re a liar. Do you work for UEFA and promote the RESPECT DIVERSITY kill your nationality campaign?
I hope that other people on CSR get wise to your lies and deception.
a commentor pointed out, the Irish sing a song that lists Belfast and Derry, two cities outside of the Republic of Ireland….singing On The One Road
Target his message. Not the messenger.
I agree with ziva. He’s entitled to his opinion – challenge this guy on his opinion…not him.
@Elvis….sounds like you are a bit paranoid. Yeah, I don’t read serb blogs and websites. I don’t care what they say or what is posted in the comments section. They are probably preaching shit to the choir. How credible are they? There are a million blogs/websites. Most dont have many, if any, followers. I can find numerous vroatian websites that say stupid shit, but guess what, nobody pays attention to them.
I don’t agree with what this guy wrote, but he is free to write whatever he wants. He must be a good enough writer to get posted/published in a leading British media outlet. Maybe if we had some articulate writers they could offer a response instead of the same BS (on je UDBAD, jugo, etcc???)
. You lose all credibility when that happens.
I just find it comical that people are asking about his ethnicity based on his name (he is a serb??? he is a jew???). The same people who are saying he is not a hrvat are the same ones who have no issue with the brazilian-born hrvat playing for Croatia. Double standard, no????? At least be consistent.
Once again I agree with Ziva Istina.
Dennis, the questions Ziva suggests are good.
Personally I would hammer away at his weak/non-sensical mish mash of trying to associate Thompson song Ljepa li si with his so-called nationalistic/nazi bent.
During the England-Italy match, the England fans were doing that standard navijaci clap that finished with two hands up and out that so many accuse us of being a nazi salute. To me, use this as an example of how if one really, really tries hard they can make anything a racist symbol.
Personally, I would agree that there remeains work to do in terms of weeding out the negative element (few) in our navijaci that many countries struggle with (perhaps cite the examples of other countries being fined and reprimanded) to illustrate this.
Finally, those of you who say to ignore this guy really do miss the point. I grew up in the Toronto area in the 70’s/80’s being mocked by lots of people that we didn’t have a nation and being put down as Jugo djubre. Now that we have a nation are so very proud of it, we need to address all of this misinformation and stretches of reality by being articulate, calm and counter any of his comments with facts and solid rebuttals.
Personally, I could care less what his nationality is….to me it is irrelevent. Counter his story with facts and you will be taken seriously. Rant and rave and you simply perpetuate the govno he is trying to spread.
Good luck Dennis and let him have it!
Denis, I have the resourced to do a audio interview with this guy, record it, and also add in music etc to make it professional.
Email me at
We already know that the savez has done nothing about the hooligans. We need this guy to reinforce it?
In an email interview, you don’t have the opportunity to ask follow-up questions, interrupt (when appopriate) and see a persons expression/body language. He’ll be vague and he’ll simply reiterate what he said in that article.
Nizic. the problem with Croatia is that we’re all white. Look at the blatant racism that UEFA has against homogenous nations. We need to respect diversity, this is like the movie 1984, RESPECT, OBEY and on and on and on.
I will get back to you.
Za dom”. SPREMI ” I think this guy je pravi dava i izda bi mamu soju ovi je proklet od Boga i svi Hrvati moji kaze meni iz Hrvatskoj dont waste your time with dubre udba radi tu I have a real problem with izdajice if you guys want to google my first cousin Stanko Nizic pravi Ustasa you will understand -U-
Elvis do you have an email address you can share. I’m a 100% in agreement with your statements.
@Ziva people who read that shitty paper are left wing morons. They will catch on to this and work against the Republic because that’s what leftist pussies do.
Serbs are constanly rferring to Croats as Nazis. They do it in every manner and medium. Its constant. I cannot tell you how many stories I have read on-line about lets say Croatian beaches and in the comments section there will be some Trofo claiming Croatia escaped the war crimes tribunal. If repeated enough it will become truth.
@Ziva you obvious do not read many blogs or internet posts. You may say you dont care but everytime there is a mention about anything to do with Croatia there is a Serbian Propaganda machine blogging away. The Chinese Government employs the same type of tactics. If you thiink that it won’t have an effect over time makes you insane. Keep your head in the sand.
@Elvis…….your insane……I realy doubt Serb nationalists will use this article for anything. And if they do??? So what!!! it’s about time we stopped paying attention to what the serbs do or react like a little school girl when things don’t go the way we want.
This article was about soccer and how the leaders of the savez are idiots in patrolling our fans. You may not agree with the article (I don’t), but don’t make more out of it than what it already is.
6 days
@ziva istina
Great questions by the way.
i just feel that we are being singled out. Platini himself made mention that he is ” not happy with the croatian people”, “the tournament is 99% great execept for the croatians” He failed to mention the other incidents that happened before croatias games.
Spain did the same thing with the ape sounds to balotelli and jeering of the anthem, which was said to be even louder.
Their game with italy was 4 days prior to the croatia italy game. Yet no charges and was “still being investigated”
Croatia got investigated and charged with rascism in 3 days.
With russia its the same story as spain, game was held 4 days before our clash with the italians, yet prompt action was required with us. You get my point?
Denis, ask him what’s his religion. You’ll have all your answers then.
I would ask him if he understands that this article will be used by Serbian nationalists as propaganda for their own expansionist ideology. How does he feel about feeding their right-wing media machine? We have WC Qual… games with them and they need to be played professionally but he is feeding the bad feelings further.
I disagree Hrvatska is being singled out. And if we are, so what????? There is alsways somebody that will be mae an example of to get others in line. I don’t think that is the case here.
We did more to bring the spotlight on us than any other nation. We had something take place all three games (some minor, some significant). Other countries did not have issues all three games. We did.
I dont have the slightest idea why this dubre would critisize thompson’s song (lijepa li si)? This song is in no way politically inspired, refering to war, or fascisim.
@ziva + Denis
I also agree with freedom of press, and everyone is entitled to their opinon. But to allow this type of sranje to be printed without any reliability or factual evidence to prove his case is just wrong.
I acknowledge that alot of croatians were out of order when they rascialy abused balotelli (rascism has no place in sport), jeered the italians anthem (very disrespectful) and threw flares on the field (idiots for interfering with the play).
This type of behavior does nothing but give them the opportunity to highlight and paint us any way they like, and i agree the savaz needs to handle these thing better.
We are not the only nation guilty of this type of behavior, but we are the only ones being charged and critisized-‘we are what you call the proverbial scapegoat.’
When other nations wave their flags, sing their songs chant their chants and show pride where they come from Its called patriotism. When Croatians do the same its called nationalism and fascism.
Denis, to me this would be one of those interviews where I would only have a few questions planned and most of my questions to him would be based on his answers. The art of a good interviewer is someone who actually listens to his subject. You see the opposite in today’s media (especially tv). Questions are fired off with the interviewer not paying attention to the answers.
Questions I would ask/consider:
Why did you write the article, what moved you to write it?
What are your feelings about the federation and its old/new leadership?
The corruption within croatian soccer is eveident, but is it not the same with croatian society in general. We have govt. officials who are not honest and are only self-serving, why would we expect anything different from the soccer federation?
What should the savez do better to manage and control the fans?
Doesn’t UEFA get some of the blame for not doing a better job with security and preventing the flares from entering the stadium?
Why the anlogy of the Thompson song? We can agree that Thompson is a divisive figure, but there is nothing in that specific song that promotes hatred.
You attack the soccer federation for catering to the “nationalistic” element, but has not the soccer federation also done a good job in promoting unity with all Croatian citizens. Robert Prosinecki, Da Silva, Darijo Srna (captain), Dad Prso, Bosko Balaban are all players who have played for the repka and none of them are 100% croatian catholic. Doesn’t the savez deserve praise for that?
Ask him since Thompson is so “fascist”, whose songs he would like to hear before the game, Ceca or some other turbo folk cetnik music ?
Italian newspaper regrets Mario Balotelli as King Kong cartoon, but doesn’t really apologize
There were major fears of racism in Ukraine and Poland ahead of Euro 2012, but it turns out some of the most egregious offenses have come from within the visiting players’ own countries. The Police in England are investigating the racial abuse of Ashley Cole and Ashley Young on Twitter after the pair failed to score in England’s penalty shootout against Italy and around the same time, Italy’s best-selling sports paper, La Gazzetta dello Sport, decided to publish a cartoon depicting Mario Balotelli as giant gorilla King Kong.
Questions? Anyone?
I appreciate all the comments.
Interviewing this guy doesnt “add fuel to the fire” or “promote” this guy. I’m with Ziva Istina on this one. Once again, I will get shit for agreeing with Ziva Istina for the 1000th time.
I wont comment on this guy until after the interview, if it does go through.
Ziva, any questions?
I did a google search on him a I just read on the internet that his article has become of interest to Serbs and the topic landed on some british/Serb web page! so this is why i feel like he could have chosen his words better.
@Croatian Crippler
As far as i’m concerned this guy is a piece of trash. I wouldn’t even waste time giving this idiot anymore publicity it will just add fuel to his fire. I would rather you interview some old baba from the selo about planting mrkva then this bozos opinion on anything to do with Hrvatska.
I say do the interview……so what if he has a different point of view. Let him talk and explain himself.
30 years ago hrvati were forced to shut up or even jailed for having a different point of view. Don’t impose that on others as well.
Do I think he is a jugo-lover????? Not sure, would like to know more. Just because he thinks the savez does not do enough to control/police ourfans does not make him a jugo. I’ve said the same thing.
He could be a jugo-lover, but not based on that recent blog for the Guardian.
His analogy of the Thompson song and the connection with Nazi Germany and the Polish towns is very weak. He is trying to navaigate his way to a narrative that I don’t think belongs, but that is his right.
The guy is free to say what he wants, but we are also free to say what we want in a civil manner. Nationalism is not a bad thing. In my mind its just another word for be patriotic.
He is not croatian by his first name or his last name. To be born in certain country makes you a citizen of that country, but that’s not the same as nationality. This looks as a good example of that difference. Yes, some wrong doing was done by a few, but he is trying to get our pride and indentity away. More mightier brains and powers were trying to do it for centuries, without success. We always remembered who we are. Please, stay united.
@ All of you
Let me hear what do you think, did our fans do anything wrong? Do you think that our savez has a job to do? Or you think that we should be proud of few problem causing divljaci?
Have the Turks apologized for all of the Croats they killed and enslaved? Did they do that when they visted Zagreb to play?
God I hate Communists!!
What’s next….he doesn’t like that “Zivjela Hrvatska” is played after every Croatian goal at home?
He has an issue that the Croatian team didn’t visit certain sites in Poland where attrocities were committed? Well, how many road teams have come to Croatia to visit sites like Vukovar where Serbs mutilated thousands of Croats? This guy conveniently leaves this part out (for the record- I don’t care if teams have or have not visited our sites….they have come to play a game and not come to mourn).
Don’t give this guy credibility.
It should have read….
Allen, that was easily your “best” post/comment. Great job!
Allen, that was easily your post post/comment. Great job!
I love how barley anyone has asked a question. Good job by the site, please ignore him.
Mandzukic to Bayern.
He is just a stuck up Croat that looks down on every other Croat and thinks your a seljak if you don’t have the same thoughts on Cro and Croats as he does. No interview needed boys just a nice BACK HAND would do the trick. Then after we should all buy him a one way ticket to Skabrnja and let them talk to him about his bullshit ass article. .
Do not waste your time with Communists. He doesn’t deserve anymore publicity. I bet if you dug a little deeper, you would find out that this udba is actually not Croatian at all. DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME.
neka se ovaj cigan jebi
I agree with Ziva Istina.
To me an interview will flush out many of the inconsistencies in his dubious little article.
Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. The HNS needs to get ahead of these issues by pro-actively managing the idiots who ruin these great sporting events for the majority of Croatians who demonstrate their great love for their team and country.
If England was able to curb the massive amount of hooliganism why can’t we? It takes a will, a plan and the necessary commitment to weed out the few idiots that cause so much damage.
Doesn’t it make more sense to spend the money now being needlessly paid in fines by spending more cash engaging resources at the gate checking navijaci, filiming them to spot the habitual offenders ( and permanently banning them) and managing crowd control?
Otherwise, have the interview and expose this guy for what he is.
Ćorluka potpisao na tri godine s Lokomotivom: Doveli smo veliko pojačanje!
Aleksandar Holiga…..Cetnik
Also, his ethnicity is important but not that important.
Many “Croatians” of Croat ethnic stock have the same views and positions as Aleksandar Holiga. Croatia is riddled with traitors, zombies and the brain-washed. The many Holigas in public life have the means to conduct the brain-washing.
Holiga is a product of the Faculty of Political Science at Zagreb University? Shocking! LOL Always a hot-bed for Marxism, Yugoslavism and Croatophobia.
Whatever had to be said was already said in the comments section of the loser’s blog. He was rebuked, refuted and thoroughly trashed.
Onto the next one…
He has said that he is not a Serb/Croat. Is he Jewish?
“And just for the record, as some of you seem worried by that – I’m not a Serb. But not a Croat either. I’m a Croatian citizen, I love my country and my ethnicity is none of your business.”
Mladen Petrić blizu španjolske Malage
sorry the political/economic talk. i just thought this guys criticism as nationalism as a problem in croatia misses what the real problems are
I disagree with much of what this guy says. True Croatia has pockets of ultra right wingers that are going to stir up issues, but they aren’t the majority and in general patriotism is a national treasure. it shouldn’t be done away with like this guy suggest. Croatia’s real issues are geared more toward economics. Continued socialist policies that mix with corruption and high debt levels is a ticking time bomb when combined with croatia’s lack of immigration and declining population .ultimatley, croatia economically is in for a decade of economic pain…maybe more… i was a fan of joining the eu a few years back, but now i worry about that decision for croatia. a country already with too much debt and a declining population moving to a currency they can’t print –> they will likely be eventually forced into similar bailouts and then have their sovereignty moved to berlin or brussels like the other struggling EU countries. that is a greater issue than nationalism
I am yet to see a single piece of evidence of ANY of these racism claims.
If the pre-game music was an issue, why was it played by the Polish-Ukrainian stadium audio technicians?
If lighting a flare is racism, the US Coast Guard has a lot of explaining to do.
This is more Western European – EU – UEFA influenced propaganda. Shame they found someone who speaks our language to spew it.
I’m all for the interview. Do I agree with the guy???? Not at all. He is probably a jugo-lover. But, nothing wrong in hearing more about this topic. The guy has his work published by well known publications, so like it or not that does give him some form of credibility.
Is there a problem with croatian fans??? Yes. I don’t think its major, but there are problems with our fans. We lead the Euros in terms of fines given to our fans over their conduct. So, I think that supports part of his argument.
Is the Guardian not a left wing rag anyhow?
Croatia is emerging as a forward thinking peaceful state in spite of our politicians. It is our neighbors who pose the real threat to ethnic conflict and hatred. Who did Serbia just elect as her president? How about the Islamic terrorists who reside in Bosnia?
Croatia is a very small country and we have every right to be proud of who we are and where we came form. That protection includes the protection of our borders and an immigration policy
that prevents the squatting of our cities. We also need to encourage couples to have more children. We have seen what has been happening to another Serbia Ally Greece and the instability created by massive third world migration. It is my hope that Croatia emulates Israel and protects her citizens better.
As Fisto mentioned, do not waste your time. Just another Milanovic puppet…..scum
ko ga jebe nije nas
why even give this piece of s…t the time of day, dont publish his propoganda .
Among other points I don’t agree with, this ****** tries to equate nationalism with racism…last time I checked these two are not mutually inclusive.
hahaha Herceg Bosna not Croatian…….. What a fucking retard..
beautiful kreso…
whether he is born croat or what, who cares… he has views like that he ain’t a croat in my eyes
fuck that serb lovin cock….. why waste time with an interview with him
im surprised we don’ get fined for some of the chants like za dom and u boj… thinking they are violent and hateful
screw them… all i know is you won’t hear much of the other teams fans like you hear when croatia plays… that for me is the most beautiful thing watching a major tourney with croatia in it.
i agree stop the bannana throwing… you know how many starving kids there are in africa who could use that bannana, ok small joke:)
Accept the fact that ignorant people exist and many of them hate Croats. Accept the fact that Croatia continues to be associated with nazis more so than Germany. Accept the fact that no one will give Croatia and it’s people one inch of respect. Take solice in KNOWING that Hrvati can accomplish more with less and succeed. Know that we stood together and won our freedom. Know that a people the size of Toronto can take pride in their world class football team. Know that you have a choice to sing whatever patriotic song you like and who gives a rats ass if stranci take offense…turn up the volume! Whether English, French, Jewish or Muslim, know that I am a Hrvat and proud of it. Understand that I will never care what others think as I know all people’s have their own black marks in history.
i said this on another thread…it seems as though he’s some covert croat hating cedo…with the conch and a huge audience. all it takes is a few uneducated dummies to read shit and then they believe it…that said i cant stand this dirtbag! yes, aleksandar is a total cedo name…if i could ask one question to him it would br…if your proclaim yourself as a croat then why are you telling people your ethnicity is nobody’s business? if i lived in israel but was an arab (maybe palestinian) how much weight would any of my opinions carry to israelis/jews if they knew i was not one of them? opinions are formed from birth…from religion, our parents, our culture…and so on…he may enjoy the fact he can say he’s croatian but then why would he take offense to a Thompson song? why would he twist the views of the meaning to what would be considered a serb view? unless of course he is one…so if he is…yes, some things he said are true…but once you add the rest of it things add up differently…his motivations seem to incite controversy and definitely would suggest croatians are fascists…I highly doubt any Croatian would agree there is anything wrong with feeling a sense of national pride…Thompsons songs were a HUGE inspiration when the western world watched as Serbs ravaged our people and we mostly had primitive weapons to defend…and when the war finally ended…ask any Croatian if they didnt feel they had the right to feel proud and how many of them felt that it ws their will and overwhelming desire for a free Croatia…ask Aleksandar if he ever felt those things…and then maybe he would understand that a Thompson song wasn’t about fascism but moreso about our people feeling the same pride…a feeling of identity when we hear his songs!
Croat or not, doesn’t matter. This no talent ass clown proves idiocy has no borders…srami se Aco, srami se
I’m with fisto,
Don’t waste ur times with this clown, all ur doing is giving him more publicity. Who cares what someone says about cro, theres plenty of articles typed daily about racism in the us and every other country who cares.
Not even worth our time. Croat my ass
thats what i said!…not one wants to believe me though, although aleksandar isnt limited to them, its an orthodox name in general
aleksandar nije hrvatsko ime. srbin jebem mu majku.