Real Madrid have barely been champions of Europe for two weeks and the 2017/18 European season is ready to begin.
The first and second qualifying rounds have been drawn in both the Champions and Europa Leagues and Croatians have received some very favorable opponents.
HNK Rijeka will enter the second round of Champions League qualifying after wining the HNL this past season. They will face the winners of the first round of qualifiers featuring The New Saints, from Wales and Gibraltar champions, FC Europa. Rijeka should be heading to the third round of qualifies.
In the Europa League, Hajduk Split will await the result of Bulgaria’s Levski Sofia and FK Sutjeska of Montenegro, while NK Osijek kick off the first round of qualifiers against FC Santa Coloma, champions of Andorra. FC Luzern awaits the winner of that match in the second round qualifiers.
Dinamo Zagreb await in the third round of Europa League qualifiers.
So Obama said that no serious person would ever suggest that the American elections could be rigged, he said that in response to Trump suggesting they can!
Trump wins the election, Hillary yells that it was rigged, others say there’s no proof it was rigged.
Obama knew of Russian meddling before the election but said nothing because he thought the Russians were on their side, and so Hillary didn’t campaign in a lot of places because the Democrats thought Hillary would win with Russia’s involvement.
Democracts got shafted, that’s what happened here.
All that’s left for America now, is to change their national anthem to….
America “Stronger together,” Lol.
@idemo-ain’t that the Truth.
@bz add isn’t retired or a college graduate to that
Like I’ve said, i used to be quite the athlete in my day. Sadly Father time always wins. I played nogomet…. Or soccer for those of you in the diaspora…. Was never the best, but solid. But i don’t want to reveal more than that to keep my identity secret
What the hell is wveryone talking about?
Ps- truth never played higher than high school sports.
@The truth
“My sports career forced me to skip it.”
This explains a lot, a sports career in which you recieved a lot of head knocks no doubt.
“Sadly i never went college.”
“But really, as many people find, there’s not much to learn at these universities and i wouldn’t have overcome the liberal arts education and the left wrong indoctrination that often occurs.”
It’s so true, you are a guy that’s not well disposed, and you definitely haven’t got the gift of discernment, both of which are required to escape unscathed from one those universities you speak of.
So whether it was sport or college, head knocks or brainwashed, either way, YOU don’t escape unscathed.
@truth troll. Lies lies lies ya. An old 80’s song. Get lost chump!
Well I’ve done some college computer and statistics course work in my retirement. But really, as many people find, there’s not much to learn at these universities so i wouldn’t overcame the liberal arts education and the left wrong indoctrination that often occurs. Unless you study a hard science like math, statistics, medicine…. Then college is just a resume builder to get you a job. Since I’ve been able to acquire a substantial amount of wealth without going to college, no point in going back with the exception of having some fun.
The truth troll moron didn’t go to college. You don’t say? It’s hard to go to college when you’re stuck in the 3rd grade
@ zee
Sadly i never went college. My sports career forced me to skip it. I was fortunate enough though through my sports career and business dealings afterward that I’m essentially retired now, which has given me a lot of time to pursue the truth and use that knowledge to educate fellow hrvati, especially in the diaspora
@Bolan Ne Seri
Like Stipe said, “Croats who turned Muslims during the Ottaman Reign for an easier life, those cowards.”
“They aren’t and never were our friends.”
Muslims of course are enemies of Catholics, Pavelic knew that, but when Pavelic said what he did, he is appealing to the fact that they are Croats, yes, they were “insecure,” but still Croats.
Like Crnkovic, he converted to Islam, he was “insecure,” is he still a Croat? I would say yes.
Is he a friend to the Catholic Croatian people? Absolutely not.
The only flower muslims could be are sunflowers. They’ll turn wherever the sun is brightest. While they might have been with Ustase in the beginning, they became even bigger partizani by the end of WW2.
Just look at what happened in the recent elections down in Hercegovina. They aren’t and never were our friends.
The truth u speak nothing but garbage, your the type to get raped by a Muslim & make apologies for him, cuck boi, n get tf out with yo social justice warrior bs, there would be no nation without pride
Muslims are enemies of Catholic Croats, accept it, move on, stop lying to the Croatian public.
Mohammed is a false prophet, if you believe that, Muslims are not your enemy is what Crnkovic wants you to believe!
Why am I not surprised that “The truth” agrees with him.
Indoctrinated. Wow. Big word. School is helping. Keep learning. Talk to you in a couple years!
I know truth hurts zee. You probably struggle with it because the elites have indoctrinated you to think a certain way to their benefit
I’ll reiterate anonymous’s comment. Get lost truth troll. School tomorrow. Get some sleep. Might learn something.
“Get out of here truth troll moron.”
It’s because he’s a moron that he’s a troll. I like it! It’s easier for a moron to be a troll.
@The truth
“the country surrendering their long awaited independence to Germany and Brussels in the eu not more than 30yrs after finally getting independence.”
I foresaw that happening.
Maybe anonymous is part of the elite as well. I’m a part of the hrvatski narod
Insecure –
uncertain or anxious about oneself; not confident.
(of a thing) not firm or fixed; liable to give way or break.
(of a job or situation) liable to change for the worse; not permanent or settled.
Not me.
Get out of here truth troll moron
You make the correct point. That people focus on Croatian nationalism over the real problems if the nation.
This is the scan if the elite and the 200 families though… The Croatian hierarchy (like kvartuc is a part of).
In the 90s, they exploited sincere nationalism of the people to cause a war and restructuring of the government. This would give them the opportunity to Rob the country blind of it’s assets in the aftermath. The country continues to suffer from this theft and the inefficiencies it generated.
The hierarchy becomes rich, while the rest of the country suffers but is given the opiate of nationalism.
Finally that opiate starts to wear of as seen by the country surrendering their long awaited independence to Germany and Brussels in the eu not more than 30yrs after finally getting independence.
@ Anonymous yes i am a big Catholic I do like the footy season drags on a bit. The game is fairly soft everything is almost deliberate these days. G Ablett 3 votes J Kennedy 2 votes lol the suspense of the Brownlow.
My point is not hating on anyone. But to be Croatian you have to Catholic. If you say your a Croatian Jew. I’ll say no, your a Jew that lives in Croatia.
I know there is a difference in religion and ethnicity. But in the balkans, it’s diffferent I believe
Here religion is ethnicity.
there is a difference between ethnicity and religion. religion is belief, ethnicity is blood. nationality is another separate issue. why you guys all so obsessed with it? really why so insecure? it’s fine. Croatians problems are related to criminality. corruption and economic failure caused by greed and incompetence. some of the biggest talking talking pure Croats cate nothing for their country because they ruin it for their own gain. these people are the enemy, not the Serbs or the Muslims or anyone else. blaming others for your own problems is really childish. I can be a proud croat without hating on anyone else. come on guys, be big
Hrvatsky , are you big catholic?
I get the feeling you don’t like AFL?
F1 is on soon! Go Lewis Hamilton
Jebem ti ta Kengurska Klokanska igra ma kakvi Richmond.
Me and Vicila are big catholic
Great win by Richmond today!
Calling Serbs pravoslavci is something unwary Croats do, but I truly am a Traditional Croat and a devout Catholic.
Here’s a quote I’ve put up before on this site,
For he that believes not according to the tradition of the Catholic Church, or who has intercourse with the devil through strange works, is an unbeliever.
– Saint John Damascene
An Exposition of the Orthodox Faith
Book IV Chapter 10
Serbs don’t believe according to the tradition of the Catholic Church, therefore they are unbelievers.
A more lying antichrist is he who with his mouth professes that Jesus is the Christ, and with his deeds denies Him. A liar in this, that he speaks one thing, and does another.
– Saint Augustine
Homilies on First John – Homily 3:8
The Traditional Croat doesn’t listen to what a Serb says, because he lies all the time, they are schismatics, and that’s why it’s by their deeds that we know they’re not Christians and deny Christ.
Serbs = Krivoslavci
@Traditional Croat
I understand what your trying to say. But if someone who lives, wherever, Bosna, Srbija, Makedonija, Hrvatska, or Crna Gora or even USA and they say “Hey I’m Marko. I’m a Croatian Muslim. My family originates from Mostar. I am Croatian Muslim. ”
To me that’s a oxymoron. No such thing. I think it’s a fact that if your Croatian, you have to be Catholic. Just like if you are Serbian, you have to be pravoslavac. I know people will disagree with me with the Serbian part. But the religion is the only thing that separates Croats and Serbs. But the Muslims. I don’t know. I think it’s a DISGRACE that Pavelic believe Bosnian Muslims are the Flower of the Croatian Nation.
I want to do with Muslims. Serbs are our enemy. But at least we believe in the same God. That’s one main thing that we can relate to them with. Everything else Jebi Srbi. Fuck em ya kno
@Tradional Croat. Thanks for breaking that flower comment for me. I appreciate it
What are these Bosnian Muslims but Croats, these people are our flower, not becsuse they’re Muslim, but because they’re Croats. They were addressed as Bosnian Muslims because that’s what they considered themselves.
As Muslims they are our enemies, but as Croats we had a common goal.
Not all Bosnian Muslims were Croats either, some were Turks, now the Turks are not our flower, therefore, this was not said to the Turks, who are Muslim.
Every Croat knows that Bosnia is Croatia.
Another thing. I understand the whole Ustasa pride thing. But why in the hell did Ante Pavelic consider the Bosnian Muslims and the Ustasi believe, and they quoted ” THE BOSNIAN MUSLIMS ARE THE FLOWER OF THE CROATIAN NATION ”
I am proud to be Croatian. I fuckin love being Croatian. I consider myself lucky to be Croatian. Am I a Ustas? No. But obviously I have to pick their side cause I sure as hell ain’t a cetnik nor am I a Muslim. Moj Did was Partizan. It wasn’t by choice. Partizani came to our cela and handpicked whoever. He was only 15. So I hate communism
You can never trust Greek schismatic Serbs, their sect of perdition is Greek unorthodox, but they call it Serbian “orthodox”, they’re schismatics for crying out loud, morons, muppets, imbeciles, plus all schismatics go to hell with the Muslims and Pharisees.
It’s always been hard for Croatia surrounded by such filth!
What happened to Dalmatia after Italy shit their pants in WWII?
“Following the Italian capitulation of 1943, the German Army took over the occupation after a short period of Partisan control (officially, the Governorship of Dalmatia was handed to the control of the puppet Independent State of Croatia).”
So Pavelic “gave” it away and got it back? There’s some great foresight!
Are you interested in hearing the real version of events regarding Dalmatia?
@Croatianperson85. Thanks for clearing things up. I know we got fucked with Dayton Argreement regarding Bosna. Personally I think we should ganged up with the Bosnian Serbs and wiped out those Turks who call themselves “Bosnian Muslims”. They are not Bosnians. They are Turks. Yea yea I know they are former serbs and Croats who turned Muslims during the Ottaman Reign for an easier life, those cowards.
So during the war in the 90s I think that we and Serbs should have just taken out all the Muslims permanently. And carved of Bosnia the way you should be. Give the Serbs northern Bosnia and then we have the rest.
Sorry. Maybe i should’ve put independent in quotes cause at the end of the day pav-ass-lick (thanks the truth), was never more than a puppet with both an Italian and German hand up him
So not only do you slaughter 600 thousand people in concentration camps, but you abandon 500 thousand Croats in istria and dalmatia. Fail fall fail. #croatian_coast_overrated
Great player, deserves his own post!
@traditional croat. Well said and well put!
I think we should stop calling The truth/Hrvatski Domoljub a troll, we should just accept that he is a moron that believes what he is saying, but obviously doesn’t know what he’s talking about. So he is not trolling, he’s just a moron.
It also could be that early onset dementia is his problem, he does appear to be confused.
The truth didn’t even know what choking in sport was, he made up his own meaning after losing his bet against Mexico at the last WC. Also confused.
@Hrvatski Domoljub
“maintain Croatian territorial integrity: fail
Even before losing independence, the ustase failed by sacrificing dalmatia to the Italians. What good is a body with no legs.”
“Pavelic went along with it because he wanted to rule but didn’t have any power that was not bestowed to him by the Germans.”
Was the NDH an Idependent state or not? Make your mind up you moron! Dickheads like you make shit up as you go along, you actually don’t know anything. Let me help you ya muppet, if you have no power, you’re not idependent. So you’re now saying he wasn’t acting independently when he “gave” Dalmatia away?
Ne znas dalje nosa.
Hey Stipe there wasn’t any strategy that benefited anyone from those two places (my mothers from Istra, father from Dalmacija, I have my own bone to pick with Istra, regardless,) it was given to the Itals from the Germans to work together in that area, (from us in reality) in exchange for the “Independent state of Croatia” minus Dalmacija and Istra. That was the trade off. Those two regions got shafted in the deal much like Hrvati from Bosna Hercegovina today have been shafted. Was it not the Americans who wouldn’t give Hrvati their dio in Bosna? But Serbs and Muslims were allowed? Dayton Agreement anyone…
50 comments on this story and not one on what it’s about..
Thanks anyway Colin.
You’re the man!
truth troll with his 3rd grade name calling again
Pavelic? More like pav-ass-lick
That’s why Modric went to Madrid because Pavelic did join the dots.
On another note, the Italians were also providing safe harbor to pavlevic and crew prior to their return to Croatia. So it was also a concession to the Italians to play ball
Germany and Italy were in alliance. So this was the Germans concession to the Italians as to how to divide up its neighbor Croatia. Pavelic went along with it because he wanted to rule but didn’t have any power that was not bestowed to him by the Germans. So he pretty much went along with it. He must have been a real veliki hrvat to give away the most prized part of Croatia and all the croats in that area just so he could rule huh
@Traditinional Croat. Can you answer my question before you ask your own better question? I’m not trying to start anything. I just wanna know.
@Ziva. You seem like u kno ur shit. I really am curious. What was the strategy of giving Dalmacija. It makes no sense from a war zone point of view. Because why just give away our whole coastline? I know they were ally’s with us. But still. I’m just curious.
What was the political strategy of giving Dalmacija to the Italians. I’ve read about it. But I don’t trust any books written by Jews about Croatia. Anyone help me out???
What was the political strategy of giving Dalmacija to the Italians. I’ve read about it. But I don’t trust any books written by Jews about Croatia. Anyone help me out???
Screw off truth troll some using pseudonyms! Know who you are chump ass!
“Pavelic did not really care about uniting the Croatian people in one homeland. He just wanted power which means he would do anything to rule over anywhere even if it meant ruling over sticks, rocks, and snakes in bosna.”
That coming from a guy that thinks Tito did!
A guy that believes the Ustase killed people, but the Communists didn’t!
Truth is the Ustase never killed anybody, not a single person died in the NDH.
All the stories of people being killed were made up after the war ended. The communists though killed 6,000,000 Croatian people, believe me it’s true, but if you don’t believe me, you’re anti-Croat.
You got it anonymous!
Beat it truth troll
Truth troll. Stop playing the game. We gotcha figured out chump!
Pavelic did not really care about uniting the Croatian people in one homeland. He just wanted power which means he would do anything to rule over anywhere even if it meant ruling over sticks, rocks, and snakes in bosna
Better question, how did Croatia get Dalmatia back, were the Italians forced to give it back to Croatia, or did they never have it?
I’m not trying to start shit, I just want to know?
Is Mussolini one dumb son of a bitch?
Why did Pavelic give up dalmacija to the Italians ? I’m. It trying to start anything. I want to know. Cause that pissed me off
“They’ve got communication skills in a third language comparible to a mouse.”
Sounds like someone on this site.. 😉
Hang in there dude.
I was an electrical engineer. Good luck with that.
Modric has been carrying the weight of this trial & the Spanish Inquisition that plagues Ronaldo also. His mind was not on Iceland. Witch hunts everywhere I look.
@Laknat- hang in there. Study hard, then play hard next summer in Russia.
Get lost truth troll!
You’re Wife has a Chile pizda
I remember on the eve of the oluja, we were pretty excited thinking wed be able to continue the push through the original Croatian borders and establish a Croatian state in most of herceg bosna. This is a frequent practice in international affairs where ethnicities are able to form their own state. One could argue the Croats in Bosnia deserved the chance to join the Croats in Croatia. But ultimately, because the ustase had so stained the country, the international pressure was too great that Croatia was forced to stop its forward movement to Unite all Croats
i swear to god if another crap ass cunt face comes and says
“I’ve got another job for you” or “we need to meet up for issue A and B” with another one of those fucking business smiles that paints the picture of corporate slavery from brim to brim, I am jumping off the balcony of my 4th apartment and diving head first into the drain so it splits like a watermelon
Is it so hard to have a rested weekend as a university student for crying out loud. I’m supposed to be stuck at home studying engineering and glued to my computer screens and textbooks, not going around learning about mythology and teaching children, parenting elder people during events because they’ve got communication skills in a third language comparable to a mouse!
I will declare myself unavailable next year no mattr what! i deserve my year long vacation with my programming! my electrical engineering
I don’t even fucking remember how to calculate cut off frequencies for high/low pass filters goddamit!
Cilic faces his 3rd American in a row at queens QF
All I know is I would trade Modric and Rakitic for Vidal and Sanchez in a heartbeat!
Their hunger is so evident to see in every game they play.
Also I already feel like we have no leadership on our team. And with Modric doing what he’s doing in court he might as well just hand in his armband. I wouldn’t follow him anywhere!
“They’ve got 2-3 super stars and so do we.”
In my humble opinion, Croatia has no world class players.
Chile has 2 world class players, that being Sanchez and Vidal.
Couple of questions for everyone, how do you reckon Chile would go without Sanchez and Vidal in the team, and who do you think would win in a game between Croatia (without Modric and Mandzukic) and Chile (without Vidal and Sanchez)?
“Seems like the main difference is attitude and team spirit.”
I believe that’s what it is.
@ Poglavnik
Chile broke through to become an elite national team.
They have there own style and there super stars are deployed to maximum effect.
Two Copas in a row.
Now they are showcasing there elite status at the confederations cup.
Budi ponosan … Siempre Chile !
FYI I have no idea what they psycho is talking about lol
Fuck Chile are awesome to watch!
What a generation they have.
Why can’t we play that well?
They’ve got 2-3 super stars and so do we.
Both our teams don’t have big name anchors on the back line or great keepers.
Seems like the main difference is attitude and team spirit..
I think it might be better if they don’t know. So long as me and you know.
I’m letting you know that I want everyone to know and I’m letting you tell them….so please…..carry on
and I want you both to know that I already knew about you both knowing that I already knew you know.
I just wanted to let you know that I know!
Oh sensei so wise, there exist things which people can not speak on due to lack of first hand expierence
But I’m letting you tell everyone since you already know, so go ahead you have my permission
You know a wise man once said, “There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting subject; the only thing that can exist is an uninterested person.”
So, Idemo, you are under no obligation to comment on a topic that doesn’t interest you, but in no way should you be telling people to “move the fuck on” from anything! But, something has compelled you to write your comment, care to let everyone know what it was? You don’t need to tell me, I already know, and don’t worry, I wont tell anyone, that’s up to you.
Many of you don’t know***
none of you know what a ustasa, cetnik, or balija are. Especially the lot of you that don’t speak the language or have never lived here. (Genuinely no offense). No history book or Wikipedia article can tell you about this topic. And at the end of the day it’s better you don’t know. Move the fuck on from this topic
you guys are alright seeing past this fakn goof…
ustase forver
@traditional croat. That is truth troll. You wasting your time replying. Don’t bite.
@Hrvatski Domoljub/Modern Croat
So you’re what passes for a Hrvatski Domoljub today?
“create an interdependent Croatia:. Fail”
Were the Ustase trying to create an interdependent state of Croatia, a Croatia that depends on Serbs?
It’s obvious that outwardly that’s what you want.
Inwardly, me and you both know what you want!
Wonders never cease, a Yugo/Serb is now a “Hrvatski Domoljub?”
@BZ. Hrvatski domoljub is the truth troll. Don’t reply to that goof.
@Hrvatski domiljub- I know Vets of the war, and you psycho, are not a Vet of the war.
Anywho I’ll be at poljud
Im a veteran of the homeland war. I remember how the stain of the ustase made fighting the war so much more difficult because of it constantly causing doubt of the motive of the mission by everyone. The Croatian public, international community, even the opposition. The war might not have turned so dark if there wasn’t such fear on the other side that the ustase had returned
Hrvatski Domoljub must either:
1. Be an Udbaš
2. Really miss Yugoslavia – probably cause his family were partizani and they lived good life
3. Be Serbian
4. Be someone from the site deliberately trying to create some site traffic
No other way to explain such ridiculous points.
I hope it’s not point 4
I agree with what you said, he’s a muppet.
He’s the type of guy that if he wanted to buy a new Holden car, would go to the Ford retailer to ask about the new Holden, expecting to hear a good report! He’s an imbecile.
hrvatski domoljub,
you have no clue about ustase and what
they tried to do !!!!!!!!!!!! you honestly think that they would sacrifice dalmatia? your the type of guy that believes everything you read…. do some more reading before bashing the USTASE …..
Has there ever been a more failed group than the ustase?. Let’s review
1) create an interdependent Croatia:. Fail
Croatia was merged into Yugoslavia once again. Even when it was allegedly independent, it was nothing more than a puppet who had to bend over and take it from the Germans
2) maintain Croatian territorial integrity: fail
Even before losing independence, the ustase failed by sacrificing dalmatia to the Italians. What good is a body with no legs
3) uphold Catholic principles: fail
There horrendous slaughter of hundreds of thousands of innocent including women children and elderly even sickened the Germans
4) remain culturally relevant: fail
Ustase slogans and symbols are banned all throughout their very own homeland even after Croatia finally achieved independence. The ustase brand is so terrible that even non ustase traditional Croatian slogans like zds are condemned jyst by association
Wow. What a disastrous movement
I agree with Croat hrvat- when nobody knew us and saw us as a nobody gives a crap country we took joy in being the underdog- 1998 and beating Germany was a lifetime memory- now our guys are super rich and are about the next big pay day- kind of feeling that this is a tipping point for a sport that played a critical role in the countries history- Boban’s kick of the Yugoslav cop is considered the second we said let’s go world- we’re going to kick butt
The whole Modric thing has reached BBC News –
I’ve finally flipped, I don’t give a damn about the national team if its full of liars and thugs.
Iceland are enjoying success in football that is uniting a country while we are torn apart with superior talent. I miss the days when we used to enjoy our football like the Icelanders.