So what did we learn tonight for the Croatia-Mexico postgame interviews?
Croatian players do not like giving interviews? (or they’re not allowed to)
Vedran Ćorluka is ready to play in the World Cup as a starter.
Ivan Rakitić is a team player and true captain for making the trip to Dallas.
Davor Šuker is just a shy guy; as he didn’t want to talk to us either.
@ Slavonac,
I agree with everything you said. Thank you sir! Appreciate the words. Always.
Kvartuc, ok got it!
Would you agree with anything I mentioned to you?
Ante…. Keep plugging away. Your efforts are appreciated. Sretan Uskrs!!!
Firstly, Anonymous, potato is my insult that I have used for years and you have stolen from me. Your lack of creativity also suggests a lack of intelligence. Don’t worry brother, soon all the books in the world shall open themselves to you.
I stretan urkrs svima! Bog i hrvati!
I vama pog.
And a happy Veliki Petak to all!
“I know my history buddy.”
I don’t give a shit what you know you potato, I was just showing that where Christ is concerned you believe what the Jews believe of Him not what the majority of Croatians believe of Him.
I remember when Ziva once said that “Rakitic was not a born leader,” and I was the only one defending Rakitic by saying he was. Looks like I was right.
It really looks like Rakitic loves leading the team.
You’ve already been exposed as two faced faggot.
Nay mate, that wasn’t me. That was my twin brother Nardev. We both reside in the same vessel.
@Anonymous-Take solace in knowing Blak Prescott was dancing like a puto in Mexican gear, as our boys were kicking the crap out of them. It would have been worse if he were dancing for us.
Vedran seems to somewhow write a coherent article for an angry crazy guy
What r u talking about negro in a costume ..negro colored person ,croatian sensation,reptilian….fuck are our cros..posting here crazy or am I reading a serbs post.
Why were there negros in the stands wearing Croatian costumes? So help me God if I ever hear someone from the media calling a colored person “the Croatian sensation” or some such name. I’m serious, so help me God.
I know my history buddy. Don’t worry, soon our Reptilian overlords will reconquer us.
The last time we had a Zlatko manager was in 2006 World Cup and we got knocked out not a good sign.
“(and maybe at other places for all i know…)” means…… i hadn’t bothered to look elsewhere. saw them at WSS and shared info.
“Yeah this magician from Israel”
Tertullian explains that the Jews called Jesus a ‘magus’ and Justin Martyr writes in his Dialogue with Trypho (c. 160 CE) that the Jewish witnesses to Jesus’ miracles considered him to be a sorcerer:
‘For they dared to call Him a magician (μάγος) and a deceiver
(πλάνος) of the people.’
@ Slavonac,
The Cilic thing was an inside joke for him. He came over to me at training the day before and laughed at the Cilic piece I did last week.
When he snubbed me in the media line, that’s what I replied with. Tongue and cheek.
Most Croatians in Croatia are aware of that story.
Cool thanks maminjo!
Why don’t you just buy them on
They have the real ones, and it ships free. They also have our amazing new black zip up jackets.
These are honestly amazing jackets. Very wearable in any setting.
Kvartuc, prior to the Mexico game in the World Cup, Kovac mad a cocky comment…what happened? We got shit kicked! I’m ok with Dalic not saying anything and I’d rather him come across as humble and not over confident. If he would have said “yes, we’re gonna win”, people would criticize that as well!
Your Croatian isn’t that bad, your accent needs a bit of work but I thought you did ok in that aspect!
My advice to you: be polite, address people by saying “Gospodin or Gospon” Dalic/Suker/or when you’re speaking to any delegate…give the respect and they may treat you a bit more seriously! Don’t ask Suker about Cilic, that looked horrible on camera and maybe you got the question but 99% of the people didn’t…even if it’s obvious to you, it’s not to most and the joke was a bit tasteless and disrespectful.
“Samo sekund” really makes you look desperate….maybe say “hallo Ivane or hallo Vedrane, moze li par pitanje”? If you present yourself as a friendly and nice guy…not rude or pushy, they may make time for you.
Overall yo did ok, I just think you can work on your professionalism.
@gbvh. Thanks. I like em a lot.
^ ^
Good lookin out!
new kits can now be bought at (and maybe at other places for all i know…)
“Greater Croat Vedran is always fuming like he wants to beat the fuck out of everyone – haha”
Yeah this magician from Israel will make his once a year appearance like Sigfried and Roy
@ Vedran
Actually … Isus will be back as Isus Krist this Sunday!
Hvaljen Isus.
Bog i Hrvati.
I just find it funny that no matter what, even if Jesus came back from the dead, the Croatian community on this site will find a way to shit on one another.
Thanks for all you do for us here Ante!
But in all seriousness, I just got home from Dallas. Thank you for the endless airplane reading.
To all of you, thank you for the compliments and the criticism. I like to hear it all. My work will never be perfect, nor will this style make everyone happy.
But you know what? We got to go live on Facebook outside the locker room of the Croatian national team in the fortified basement that is Cowboys Stadium…that’s amazing!!
I wanted to go live to share the experience with you fans. We didn’t want to cut it up for you guys…the experience for you will always be my #1 M.O. I’m not after a Pulitzer. I’m not trying to be ESPN. Because that will never happen.
Yes, my Croatian sucks. I’ll be the first to admit that. But I’m working on it, so please bear with me.
I’m still gathering my thoughts on the Dallas trip. A lot happened behind the scenes which caused me to ask certain questions.
I’m not impressed with the team off the field; and it’s not’s entirely the players’ fault.
More on the USA trip in the next few weeks.
But I’m disappointed in Dalic. I gave him a cookie cutter question: Can Croatia win the World Cup?
And he couldn’t answer the question. Not good. #smh
Full respect to Chicago, not from there, been a couple times … but …
This game has to be in NYC area.
Chicago pulled out of World Cup bid? Smart move … but still speaks to lack of world football commitment.
Usmnt want to avoid another Costa Rica where they were out drawn in stands and bum rushed on the field.
NYC area would come out enmasse.
@ Dalić
Master job in Texas with line up and tactics.
Humbly rewquest you give the fringe younger players a look this Spring:
Halilovic would tear up that right flank. Vlašić is beast and may get some PT now that Everton is safe from relegation. Čaleta-Car is a stud. Brekalo can play as well.
Is Lovre Kalinic better than Subasic ?
Have courage to cut under performing veterans.
@ Ivan Rakitic
Vintage Sevilla captain performance!
Go out and have a great World Cup, you deserve it.
@ Ćorluka
You still got it!
Train well and focus on football this Spring.
@ Lovren
We still need you. Be healthy, do you best and fuck the rest.
If you’re not from Chicago, you don’t understand. I grew up there and can tell you Hispanics never have and never will support anything that has no conection to them.
I attended almost all the Chicago Sting games while they were in the city. Few Hispanics ever attended.
Hajduk Split actually came to Soldier Field once to play the Chicago ethnic league All-Stars, back in the 70’s which included players from the two big Croatian clubs in the city at the time. There was a crowd of over 40,000 there.
There are over 200,000 Croats in the city today, way more than Miami and Dallas combined, and, as Canuckcro rightly pointed out, it is a comfortable car ride for all the Midwestern based Croats, especially from Cleveland, who are familiar with drive. Chicago has hosted the most Croatian Labor Day tournaments in the country.
We dont air travel well, true, but a game in Chicago would see a bigger turnout than last year in California.
Yous all talk a big game here like yous will pack the stadium in Chicago if they come. I guarantee more Hispanics will be there even though one of there teams isnt playing. You know why? Because they have passion and a love for the game. Most people on this site take pride in attacking each other, our own people. Sram te bilo. That attendance over both games was a disgrace. Good for the 12 of us that actually showed up this weekend.
niqqa fuk chicago
Big cro community in chicongo,should be lot more checker fans than ohio,ontario,penn fairly close by also natural grass turf for the bears.
Good win Croatia!
why in shitty ass negro gang shooting Chicago. Bring that game to new york! (jersey)
Kvartuc’s turned into a cocky little bastard and Greater Croat Vedran is always fuming like he wants to beat the fuck out of everyone – haha
I actually was embarrassed for you watching this. Why do you want to stir up shit about those players going back?? If someone played and got hurt then you would say why did they have to play in a meaningless game. Ridiculous, Croatian people are their own worse enemy. Who gives a shit if this guy’s went back ??. Every other team does this , but when we do its a big deal… And what do you expect the coach to say when you ask a ridiculous questio
n like can you win the whole thing?? That’s the stupidest question I ever heard. Imagine asking a player before a game if he thinks they will win, lmao. And then this Marin Cilic?. Are you serious??.
“Za normalne ljude naravno da je bilo odlično, a sad, uvijek će naći dlaku u jajetu oni koji nešto traže.”
That’s so true of this site. I’m normal!
Ante good stuff! Excellent coverage!
Ante, keep doing what you’re doing! We come to this website because its laid back, and Kvartuc does ask the questions we have. If you want tamed “professionalism” go read sportske novosti
I’m no expert but I do think that it is very arrogant to call Sukerman a puppet and then expect him to talk to ya like he’s your buddy.
I echo the sentiments of most others- I know this is a labour of love for Ante and friends and appreciate all their efforts to bring interesting content. For those who disagree, there are plenty of other sites to visit. Can’t help but think that the same two or three trolls with multiple user names are the source much of the criticism.
Lots of experts in the comment section here as on Facebook
– Za normalne ljude naravno da je bilo odlično, a sad, uvijek će naći dlaku u jajetu oni koji nešto traže. Prije svega zbog naših ljudi koji su došli iz Kanade, Amerike, velikih gradova, to je odlično. Nadam se da ćemo im nagodinu moći doći i bliže, najvjerojatnije u Chicago. Već smo uspostavili kontakt da igramo prijateljsku utakmicu s Amerikom, ali o tome se moramo sastati još nekoliko puta i dogovoriti. Volio bih najviše kad bi to bilo u Chicagu jer u Minneapolisu bi u ožujku moglo biti loše vrijeme – rekao je Šuker.
Suker announced after the match that he is trying to set up a friendly next year in Chicago against USA.
Good stuff Ante! Thanks.
great stuff AK.
loved the kramaric work.
“Your Dad must be funding you. No wonder why your partner left.”
Is not constructive criticism. nolifers are watching alone from their dark basements and get salty when they see Ante having a great time smiling, laughing and among famous ppl. Your croatian is perfectly understandable and your interviews are good, i really enjoy watching.
No matter how long a creator spent on content and how good it is, there will always be ungrateful people talking shit, who comment negative things to try to bring you down, cuz every troll knows your failure is their success.
@ante kvartuc
I thought you did quite well. There is always room for improvement but I respect the job you did. I enjoyed the behind the access look that you provided. In addition, the entertainment factor when you serenaded the Mexican journalist, top notch . You are quite the ladies man.
Nice job!
Nothing wrong with constructive criticism!Our team would be screwed with cacic imo.Dalic saved our boys and avoided us all a boring summer like my Italian buds.Ante keep up the good work.
Keep up the good work Kvartuc. We all appreciate it.
I didn’t want to answer any of Ante’s questions because he said that I am a puppet to Mamic and the team should walk off the field in protest! I really used to respect him but not any more. Myself and all the players read the articles and comments posted here by everyone.
Great job Ante!
And fuck Suker!
Personally I like this website a lot. Even more, this is one of my favorite websites.
Thank you for your hard work, Ante. Most of us really appreciate it!
This site reminds me of Bleacher Report, when it was all casual but it had some content and a following…until someone bought it and it took off.
With all the Croatian news portals already stealing the interviews and content from this site anyway, I think it’s only a matter of time until Kvartuc strike it rich with a deal with HINA or Index worth thousands of kuna. 🙂
Looks like Svircic is posting on the site using multiple usernames 😉
This is side thing that he does as a hobby. I don’t think he’s doing this for a living or taking this as seriously as you think. Not to say that I always agree with Ante but nobody agrees with anyone 100% of time.
Appreciate all the effort and the live reporting as I would not know where to get this kind of info anywhere else. Keep growing and getting better Ante, there’s a reason why you’ve created such a following.
Get a life.
All that time and money spent to have the privilege of having that kind of access and you choose to be like that reporter from the Howard Stern show that asks those goof ball questions?
You act really weird around other female reporters as well. It really isn’t your thing, you do struggle, no natural ability to take it seriously for more than one question.
Very much like most of the guys at ESPN who try to be funny while giving highlights in the morning but suck at it.
How about running things behind the scenes and hiring someone who is more accomplished?
Your Dad must be funding you. No wonder why your partner left.
You need to be more professional man, who asks Suker that question? You are acting just like the Croatian media by being all negative. One improve your Croatian speaking skills and don’t be questioning why the coach doesn’t say yes we can win a world cup. A true coach focuses a game at a time. If he becomes to confident then the team fails. its better to exceed expectations then set high goals which are very difficult to achieve. stop embarrassing yourself and work on being a true professional. You do well with the site but take it more serious
@ ante kvartuc
Marin cilic was sitting close to me at the Peru game in section 226.
I tried to say hi but he gave me the nod and was quite shy.
Also had Ivan ljubicic and his friends sitting in my seats by accident. Had to redirect them to there proper seats in the concourse. On a side note neither Ivan nor Marin was wearing any Croatian jersey. I am assuming they were keeping a low profile.
Ante good job on all the Mexico coverage etc. Everyone has a comment about your reporting etc…but your the only one running this site for us for free. Respect brother!
Ante – you are seriously picking up some awesome interviews here, love this content, well done man
“Didnt you have a 1v1 interview with him last May? Did he recognize you?
I think Sukerman recognised Ante K as the guy who wrote that article suggesting that the players should “walk off the pitch at haltime” against Ukraine, the one where he called Zdravko Mamic the HNS’s puppet master, implying that Suker is a puppet.
Looks like word got back to the Sukerman that Ante K considers him a puppet.
You also repeat the same questions to people and seem to struggle when you have to fill air time. Enthusiastic, but, nodes to seem to be your thing.
It really did look like he would have come over, but, he definitely heard that stupid question.
To get better results, you need to be a bit more professionally serious. I mean, thanks for what you do, but, you definitely shot yourself in the foot tonight. You are not setting yourself up for future interviews very well.
Build a better reputation.
Didnt you have a 1v1 interview with him last May? Did he recognize you?
kind of a stupid question to ask Suker tbh..