Team CSR is leaving the sunny beaches of Southern California behind for the next week to tackle on the obstacles that New York City has to offer. Denis Svirčić, Dennis Fistonić and yours truly, Ante Kvartuč, are headed to Gotham to cover both Croatian Euro 2012 qualifiers, the U-21 match vs. Serbia and the U.S. Open Tennis Championships.
Croatia open up their Euro 2012 qualifying campaign on Friday, as they travel north to take on Latvia. Four days later, the Vatreni come home to take on Group F contenders, Greece, at Maksimir. CSR will be covering both games from the Croatian-famous Scorpio bar in Astoria, Long Island. If you weren’t planning to already, come down and have a few drinks with the boys. It’s going to be a crazy atmosphere, especially on Tuesday, as Astoria has one of the largest Greek populations in the world outside of Athens.
Saturday’s schedule has the Croatia U-21’s traveling to Serbia in their last qualification match. With a win, the Mali Vatreni book their spot in the U-21 Euro 2011 Playoff round.
Marin Čilić and Ivan Dodig both won their 1st Round matches in the U.S. Open easily. Sadly, Ivan Ljubičić lost his in a 4-set shocker to 18 year-old American Ryan Harrison. Nonetheless, Team CSR will be rooting on Čilić and company from the grandstands in Flushing Meadows. Please contact us at CroatianSoccerReport@Gmail.com if you will be at any of these events. We would love to chat and have a drink with any of our readers that will be in New York this week.
@anonymous people…
sign in…. or sign out with a name after your comment…
If I want to call you a dickhead, I want to make sure its not going to an Anonymous.
@all the "veliki Hrvati"
save the political talk for bastardsoccerreport.com
title of this post is:
and your comment is:
"ubi srbina. end of story"
Do you get it?
you should sign in as "Veliki Hrvat"
ubi srbina. end of story
I was being sarcarstic.
Here's a few tips from someone that's far from old, but has been around. I'm Cro first above anything else. Yugoslav was an enigmatic wishwashy thing since I was a kid. It never felt right rooting for Yugoslavia, knowing the real history. That yugo kid down the block who used to go that wierd church and then call himself serb at home and with family. Then yugo again when he see's you. lol.Also, I dont give 2 shits about the church, because theyre clueless, teaching crap and sticking their nose in too many places. 2-Dont ever trust a 'Bosnian' anymore these days, believe me. And above all 3-Dont ever trust a Serb, that should be your 1st commandment and mantra. When I wear a Cro jersey, hat whatever, the bs drama and cccchetnik crap starts, nobody in Europe likes them. They lie like their life depended on it and instigate. Some serb bitch recently tells me do I want to start a war? (cuz of a dinamo jersey) Their bloody obsessed with trying to be one up on anything we do. I have a list….nevermind. Theyre very tricky and sly. According to them Croats dont even exist Fuck st. sava, fuck serbdom, fuck yugo-serboslavia.It was dead before it started. We need to get way more younger people, older people, getting Cro tats. even Cro soccer tats. btw, lets get adidas to make our jerseys already too. Neka pati koga smeta. \,,/
Jesus christ, I am only 17 and I have only started watching Croatia since the World Cup 2002 ( I know I missed the glory days). I have no idea what to tell you about the secret Serbs.
Oh, no, not Scorpio's!!!! Were they singing old partizan songs and toasting Tito and Kardelj?
just want to say how awesome it was to meet the CSR in Scorpicos. Hope you guys had a great time, but Tuesday will be more packed. It was the first time I ever the seen the place so packed although I only go for big games ( Germany, Turkey, England went only when we lost 4-1 sadly). Since they lowered the prices and I need something to cheer me up after a tough week I wanted to go and it was worth it. The guys were friendly and it was great to talk to you guys.
svaka cast gospodine
Ja sam jedan od tih (ako nas je vise bilo ja sam mislio da sam jedini) koji je potego pitanje na (ne)znanje jezika. Razlog za to je sto sam predpostavljao da si roden ovdje i pravis se kao veliki Hrvat, a kao vecina sto su rodeni u SAD neznaju ni jezik (uostalom to je sasvim razumljivo u mojoj knjizi je svako hrvat, i sa i bez jezika, ako su mu to korijeni naravno). Razlog zasto sam to rekao i zasto mislim da si roden ovdje je, mozda nisi svijestan, ali uvrijedio si sve Hrvate koji su rodjeni u ex-YU. Ljudi kao sto sam ja i HrvatskaMajka, i mozda jos ko na ovoj stranici. Dobro, ja samo za sebe mogu odgovarat, ali meni je sta si ti napisao bila uvrijeda i zato sam ti onako odgovorio. Samo zapamti da nije bilo nas koji smo ostali u tadasnjoj Yugoslaviji, ti danas nebi imao domovinu.
Nadam se da "anonimous" zna vise o nogometu i ima veci vidokrug u tom pogledu.
Ostavimo politiku onima koje hrani…..
I wouldn't support the Yugoslav national team if all starting 11 were named Boban. It's precisely the reason I will never have even a sympathy for the national side of the freak state, mini-Yugo "Bosnia & Hercegovina."
Croats in the DIASPORA never supported the Yugoslav national team.
And I apologize for not making my self clear. Let me try again:
I am SUSPECT of any person that started calling him or herself a Croat because in 1991 their beloved Yugoslavia fell apart. Thus, they had no choice but to call themselves Croats – as Yugoslavia was no more, and social pressures were abound.
To the moron that decided to remind me that Croatia existed long before Yugoslavia. Thanks for proving my point, jackass. That's one of the main reasons why we CLASSIC Croats (not instant ones) refused to be Yugoslavs and identify with Yugoslavia.
Takodjer, drago mi je vidjeti da ima toliko budala, pa i na ovim stranicama, koje potezu pitanje (ne)znanja hrvatskoga jezika.
Volio bih vas vidjeti uzivo, tako da razgovaramo lice u lice – zelio bih cuti taj hrvatski jezik kojim se tako dobro sluzite.
Mentalni invalidi jedni: Dao sam vam tocan opis onih koji zalaze u pojedine kafice u gradu NY-u, i to vas je >>zasvrbilo.<<
Inace, svak se cese gdje ga svrbi. Ugodno vam bilo, jugici.
To the founders of this site:
To the anonymous #1:
I would like to know who gave you a right to classify Croatians and judge them….
I would like to know what did you personally accomplished in your life that makes you a Croat that I should be proud of ……..
I would like to know do you know the difference between nationality and citizenship…
The fact: I was born in country named Yugoslavia (therefore, I was Yugoslavian by the citizenship as well as everybody else that held a Yugoslavian passport) and I’m Croatian by nationality (with 100% Croatian blood in me and my roots going as far as I can see). When I was supporting Yugoslavia as a team, I was supporting Croatian players the only way I could. Sometimes it is easier to run then to stay and endure (think about this….). Whoever helped you to identify with right was the one who run (I’m guessing). I know some of them who donated a few dollars and let the whole world know so there price goes up,and donated a few hours of time to pack up donations and took some home for their and their friend’s use. Make the point of knowing the silent ones who you branded, and you might be pleasantly surprised.
I DO NOT GIVE YOU or anybody else right to divide Croatians on good,proud, bad, Yugoslavs or anything else. If we continue to divide, we will never be united and the curse of Kralj Tomislav will stay with us forever.
And ZAVADI (PODJELI) PA VLADAJ will be used on us for ever…
Your obligation is to be nice, hardworking, honest person that your nation would be proud to call one of theirs sons or daughters.
@Anonymous said…
Bosanaca ? what the fuck man , just about the entire male part of my family was in the HVO and they sure as hell aint no `bosnians` .
Shit just got real?
Why are we not making fun of the CSR crew. "Guys that work so hard"….give me a break, all these guys do is party party party.
@ Anonymous
I'm going to have to agree with the ANTE B comment about you being wrong about the people in California. We're winners. =)
didn't know there were so many 'big time' Hrvati on here…
@Ante B
Znam ja dobro sta znaci "kako vjetar puse", meni sigurno netrebas prevodit. I also know a few phrases in Spanish, Italian and French does that mean I speak the language? Of course not.
Ante B, Narvano brate
jebi srbe
ali ima dobri bosanaca
@ Ziva and Ante, I agree 100% there are alot of ex-jugo croat scumbags that were part of udba killing croats who had pride in there country. I was more referring to the fact that croatia has been around for centuries. People act like croatia just began in 1991. Which is definitely not true. Anyways I agree with you guys. Jebem svi communisti i cetnici i sve druge jugoslavenske govne ko su htijeli srusiti nasa slobodna domovina.
Za Dom,
Bog i Hrvati
All web sites stateing that bilic will go with the 4-4-2
srna corluka simunic strinic
mandzukic vuki rakitic krunchie
olic and da silva
not to sure about the midfield what you guys think.
I agree….. It's a slap in the face to me when hrvati who had no clue they were a hrvat before 1991 act like they are a proud hrvat.
I have to agree with the Anonymous (this is why we register, you stupid idiots) who made the statement about being weary of instant 1991 Croats. While he is severly mistaken about California Croatians, the rest was pretty accurate. Also, for the person who jabbed him for not speaking Croatian, didn't you notice his kako vjetar puse comment? That means "how the wind blows." Slap yourself.
Contrary to popular belief with you ex-communists, what you are today is not the only thing that matters–what you were before 1991 is. Those who say it doesn't matter likely fall into the Class of 1991 Croats who probably had communist ties in one way or another. Dog shit if you ask me. Being a jugoslav was a choice that many made. I spit on all of them.
To those of you who this means nothing to, make sure to say hello to your serbian and bosnian friends for me.
You're absolutely right… that's EXACTLY what I'm saying… "who the fuck (is anyone)to judge?"
At anonymous above Tom….so what if Ante Zanetic left, are you saying that because players like Prosinecki, Suker, Boban, Jarni, Stimac, Ivkovic and many more stayed and playerd for former Yugoslavia they are not true Croatians. And who the f*** are you to judge if someone is Croatian you probably don't even speak the language. Maybe you should take a look at yourself and ask yourself how Croatian you are.
Lets drop the Jugoslavia talk. It was just a nation created by the British after WW1 just like Israel was created after WW2. The Brits tend to leave a "legacy" behind after occupying teeritory. I like the pre-WW1 tense.
Check out the pizza in NYC. It's better than anything on the west coast.
RE: "YOU'll be a lot happier once you get your terminology down and come to understand basic civic and political concepts."
The fact is, my friend, I do understand basic civil and political concepts. That's why I have politely encouraged you to recognize the limitations in your very xenophobic and divisive concept of what it means to be a Croatian. But hey, there's room for small, views in this world too.
Anonymous I'm suspect of you. To say that ur suspect of people who call themselves croatian is retarted. Croatia has always been around, mostly ruled by greater states. How far do you want to go back? To the austro-hungarian empire, roman, or turkish? What matters is what you are now. And Croatia is croatia. Plain and simple.
Have a feeling the U21s are gonna get crushed, especially if the injury news is true (no Lovren, Vukusic, Perisic)
If Croatia don't get 6 points, I don't see them winning the group.
Cilic no further than the 3rd round, US Open tradtionally has been a weak tourney for Croatians
Pluralism means that a colorful and differing political life (left/right; liberal/conservative etc.) can legally manifest itself within a nation-state.
Being a political Yugoslav is not a valid or legitimate option/persuasion in a Croatian state or society.
Being a Yugoslav within Croatia and Croatian society is tantamount to being the enemy of that same state, society and people.
YOU'll be a lot happier once you get your terminology down and come to understand basic civic and political concepts.
RE: relevant
I'm just sick and tired of listening to people constantly judge others, questioning their Croatian credentials. The fact is, we're all individuals who, to some extent — some more, some less — identify with our heritage. Croatian society, just like any other, is a pluralistic society. It's time everyone accepted that and stopped wasting valuable energy pointing fingers at those who don't "measure up" in their eyes. Get over it people… you'll be much happier once you do.
Your point is irrelevant. Those players didn't have a choice but to play under the regime at the time. It was either that or not play professional football. Some players during Yugoslavia weren't even satisfied with that – they emigrated both legally and illegally, never to return to occupied Croatia. Ante Zanetic (google him) is a prime example.
People in the diaspora had a choice to consider themselves Croats or Yugoslavs/ root for Yugoslavia or not.
That's what is relevant.
I'm suspect of ANYONE that roots for Croatia or calls themselves a Croat today – simply because the Yugoslav state doesn't exist anymore…. The early '90s saw the emigrant communities inflate – many Yugoslavs began calling themselves Croats, watching Croatian soccer, etc…
Unsurprisingly though, as the political winds in Croatia shift toward a neo-Yugoslavism and re-Titoization, we see that many 1990 instant-Croats still have a warm place in their heart for Yugoslavia.
RE: "your folks were rooting for the national team headquartered in Belgrade, Serbia."
Yes, the same team which featured Boban, Suker, Prosinecki… who am I missing?
Cafe Bar Scorpio is hardly the place you want to watch Croatia play. The games are attended by, what we call on the hard right, "kako vjetar puse kompanija."
The type of people that watch games there are undefined, unsure and, at best, equivocal in respect to their national identity.
To be blunt, the games are attended by ex-Yugoslavs (or should I say, Yugoslavs) – and they usually go to Cafe-Bar "Marshall," named after Yugoslav dictator, Marsal Josip Broz Tito – just right down the block from Scorpio.
There are, of course, a few classic Croats that watch games there. They are the minority and the exception that proves the rule.
Donning a checkered jersey on match-day hardly makes you a Croat – especially since some 20 or so years ago, your folks were rooting for the national team headquartered in Belgrade, Serbia. So, some of you California Croats visiting NY will fit right in. 🙂
This message is not intended to discourage anyone from going to Scorpio; consider it a report on the "crowd" that frequents the establishment. FREE OF CHARGE
1. judging his form since Australia, I'll be surprised if Cilic makes into week 2.
2. Cro -Latvia 2-0. Cro – Greece 0-0
3. Aren't most of the NY hrvati going to be in Canada for the soccer tournament
1. Not Far
2. 2-0 and 2-0
3. Walk
Strinic, Modric, Kranjcar and (possibly) Corluka out for the Latvia game….
Lovren definately out as he is playing for the U21.
That is awesome!!! I go to Scorpico for almost all competitive games since 2007. I always follow you guys and it's gonna be awesome to see such hard working guys like you. Hope to get 6 points on Friday and Tuesday. Also hope the under 21 fully qualifies for the Euros next year. They need to prove they don't need Rakitic to beat teams like Serbia for the under 21.
Ask Cilic if he prefers the Pijena Party in Cavtat or Copacobana??
1. Cilic will make it to round 4 and then will unfortunately be knocked out.
2. Croatia 1-0 Latvia, Croatia 2-1 Greece
3.Good luck with that…