Photos: Marko Lukunić/Pixsell
The new Croatian home kits were released Monday in Zagreb. Minor but noticeable changes include red number and name along with a smaller pattern of red checkers on the sleeves. We go over this every time a new kit is released; there’s only so much you can do with Croatia’s signature checker design.
New design: Love it, hate it or gotta get it?
Ana dont flatter yourself.
You dont look so great from where im sitting.
That distance shot and the hand on hip pose with the glaring white light aint fooling me. It might fool some of the desparados on here but not me. So dont go pretending your all that honey because you are definetly not.
I should know im an expert
@Ante k.
You say theres only so much you can do with croatias signiture checkers, thats what you said right?
Well there are more things you can do with a checkered design than a plain one like the english white, or italys blue, or basicly every other national team with no design to go on. So dont say theres only so much you can do, atleast they have something to go on.
Lotto proved that with their 96′ away white design and their 98′ waving flag effect.
It seems like you are working for nike, you both lack ideas on what can be done.
What is with the notebook paper on the back with orange name & #. 96 – 98 alot better .
@Ziva you are an idiota
ziva said:
“Unlike other countries, only hrvati pay for cro gear.”
So your saying that every other country in the world have other nations buying their shirts, execpt croatia?
So non lebonese people buy lebonese jerseys? and non maltese buy maltese jerseys buy the truck loads, is that what you’re getting at?
There is no logic in what you’re saying man.
Croatia were sponsored by lotto before nike, so obviously nike bid money for croatia to wear their brand. Going by your theory why would they even bother?
North korea were sponsored by a local home grown brand before they qualified for the 2010 world cup. As soon as they qualified, they were payed big money from Legea to change their brand in time for south africa.
Im pretty sure not many outsiders would pay to wear a north korean jersey. So why did legea do this?
FOR EXPOSURE offcourse. They want their brand worn and to be seen by millions of viewers.
Its called marketing shit for brains. There are plenty of reasons to sponsor national teams, not just the one.
It has been my experience that Puma jerseys fall apart quickly.
The color of the new kit seems off a bit.
At least the ones for purchase don’t have the white backs.
@ Ziva
Your statement isn’t true.
HNS at some point signed an exclusive agreement with Nike for 10 years or something. Who knows why they chose them. I’m sure Adidas and Puma pay the same market rate. They have the rest of the big hitters like Spain, Germany, Argentina and Italy. Regardless, it would be nice to see a different brand. It seems like most of us are over Nike.
Jaso , sto se reka ? Thi is the best and the away kit just blue these are our rukomet kits i think the bet kits you dont need that many kockice its who plays that wins games not the kit.
As soon as Puma or Adidas pay more than Nike they will have the contract. It’s that simple.
It’s not like there is a bidding war for the right to be the supplier for Croatia. Unlike other countries, only hrvati pay for cro gear. You see some of the other countries and people who have no affiliation with that country are wearing their gear.
Neca Puma napravi drugi put . Eh .
A new shirt brand is long overdue, ADIDAS or PUMA would be my top picks. The home shirt colour is screwed up just like the EURO 2004 shirts (more orange than red) and 90% of the away is just a blue shirt. NIKE hasn’t made a good away shirt since 2008.
Ovo je slabo
96 or 98 duh
I’m a caring man…well for at least posters that aren’t complete trolls or idiots.
Not so hot . Bring back 2000 version . The orange #’s on the back will be hard to see during the games. 96 or 2000 blow this away. TORCIDA 4 LIFE !!!
they look good! Can’t go wrong here. don’t like the backs alot though. Looks like they are wearing a white cape.
@ ivan. i have that 96 jersey w/ soldo on the back. its legit
@ nije bitno
Your website only propose replica, I don’t see autehntic jersey.
Don’t like it. It seems like they’re running out of ideas… As others have said, small checks on sleeves look out of place, black numbers should be used instead of the red for visibility and aesthetic reasons, and the white in the back is too large, which looks horrid…Why mess with a good thing? Leave it the way it was…greed and idiocy are at work here…it’s laughable. GRADE = FAIL p.s. Ajmo Hrvatska!!
@Robert – You can can get the authentic ones at
At least in the pictures it says authentic on the tag. Also judging by the pics they show of the jersey its our traditional red and not the orange/red thats displayed in these pics.
I dig this kit! totally purchasing one of these jerseys ASAP!
Best KIT in my opinion CRO ever had….,r:4,s:31,i:152
Lotto 96 were the best ! PLEASE bring them back .
Once again they are advertising the authentic jerseys yet I can only find the replica ones. Anyone have any luck finding the authentic away or home?
@mali HRVAT
hahaha what!? so ur just assuming im a drag queen eh?
hate to burst ur bubble, but im a chick lol guess i should b flattered since that means i really sound like some footy obsessed dude haha hvala mali
I always assumed Ana was a dude, possibly named Ante.
lmfao i just died ‘scare her away’, thanks for the solid though nice to hear something like that for a change instead of the creeping or ziva telling me to go back to the kitchen…haha
Never noticed that big white square. To all, whoever can count the amount of checkers on that damn jersey, gets 100 dollars. Don’t forget the big white square.
Ana is one of my favorite posters on the site. A woman that knows what she’s talking about when it comes to sports. What a treat for us, now please don’t scare her away.
You’re hot Ana! So is our strip!! But I love the blue away strip with the front peeled away on the shoulder to reveal the checks close to the heart!
dear creeps all going by the name of anonymous
it sounds like all u kids are the same person that’s talking to themselves (pretty funny not gonna lie)
if u must b creeps at least grow some balls & get an actual name
I actually like the red number. It works very well on the front since for some reason UEFA makes it mandatory for Croatia to place an ugly white space around the name and number of our jerseys.
On the front, the white block area is not so noticeable, so it looks good.
The back, however, they should have just gone all white instead of leaving those checkers on the bottom. I never understand why they even bother to continue the checkers on the bottom of the back of the jersey, if 60% of the back has to be whited-out due to the name and number.
But I still think they should make our name and numbers on the jersey a strong GOLD colour. That would look amazing with the checkers.
There must be serbs working at Nike because every year the shirts get worse and worse. The front can pass. The red numbers, both front and back, will surely not be seen on TV.
The worse part is the back white square. It looks like Kovacic is wearing a white vest. I wouldnt wear this shirt if you paid me. On second thought, everyone has their price.
I don’t like what nike did with the kit. There is some optical illusion type crap, where the little checkers make the players arms look smaller, does anyone else see that? haha
I just got a checkered one a few months ago. I’m probably going to buy an away one. They look alright but nothing great.
These two guys are future of croatian football, i like the kit but the away kit bothers me it should have been blue with these little checkers on sleeves.
Our away kits since 1996 has been the bests far better than our home kits but looks like that over these 2012 away kits suck.
nothing you can really do with our home kit. but nike is getting kinda lazy.
like the new kits!! just not sure about the white sox’s…
gonna have to agree with anonymous about ana.
Best kits in a long time.
I don’t like it. It’s too busy.
Ana…rawr! 😉
I like the front but the sleeves and back are lacking.
Great kit!
3rd best after ’98 & ’96.
Would love to see them play in Red strip-white shorts and blue socks – The old traditional strip most Croatian teams around the world played in.
@Ana actually i would rather see the return of my favorite kit “Lotto” 96 with the kocke around the collar -U-
not a fan of the smaller checkers on the sleeves…or the more orangey red they used (or maybe thats just the lighting)
not terrible in comparison to some of the other kits nike has been coming out with for us…im just waiting for the return of the classic ’98 kits
Love it but I’d switch to blue socks
Thumbs up for me only one thing youll see coming at you with this jersey ” This is HRVATSKA ” -U-