Derbi Hajduk -Dinamo 14.09.2013.
Split. Gradski stadion u Poljudu. Gledatelja oko 28.000 tisuca!!
sastavi :
Hajduk : Kalinić, Mikanović, Maloča, Milović , Jozinović , Sušić, Pašalić, Kouassi (od 86. Maloku ) Iluridze (od 73. Anđelković ), Bukva , Maglica(od 93. Milić ).
Dinamo : Sandomierski, Pinto, Šimunović , Šimunić, Lima, Pamić (od 66. Halilović , Ademi , Soudani, Sammir, Fernandes ,Beqiraj (od 71. Čop )
Tri su minute do početka velikog derbija na Poljudu. Igrači Hajduka na travnjak su izašli držeći transparent ‘Za hrvatski Vukovar’ s tim su zaradili ovacije gledatelja i skandiranje cijelog stadiona ‘Vukovar! Vukovar!’
Minutom šutnje odana je počast bivšem vrataru Hajduka nedavno preminulom Anti Juriću! u prvoj minuti je Toricida je ne sjevernoj tribini napravila koreografiju u obliku grba Hajduka, u prvoj minuti je Toricida je ne sjevernoj tribini napravila koreografiju u obliku grba Hajduka, a preko cile ograde je stajao transparent “Hajduk Split”, a ubrzo nakon toga se pojavio jedan novi: transparent s Hajdukovim imenom zamijenio je onaj na kojem je pisalo
“Do ludila me vodiš!”
Preko tribine su navijači vijorili crvenim i plavim zastavicama, dok je u sredini razvijena velika karikatura s jednim izbezumljenim likom, fascinantno i predivna koreografija!!
a sad dragi moji sta da vam kazem …. nakon ove koreografije i punog Poljuda, odlican ambijent, i pomislim samo jos da dobijemo dinamo i to bi bilo to, to ovaj puuuuun Poljud to zasluzuje, odlican ambijent, i pomislim samo jos da dobijemo dinamo i to bi bilo to, to ovaj puuuuun Poljud to zasluzuje, isto kao i svi i navijaci Hajduka po cilom svitu, trebamo tu pobjedu koju cekamo 4 godine, i to se je i ostvarilo na uzavrelom Poljudu dobili smo, pobjedili smo dinamo sa velikih 2:0 !!
49 – 1:0 Pašalić!!!
Korner je na lijevoj strani izveo Bukva. Ubacio je loptu na peterac gdje je najviši u skoku bio Kouassi. Njegov udarac odbio je u padu Sandomierski, no samo do Pašalića. Mladog veznjaka Hajduka balun je malo iznenado, ali fantastično je reagirao i balun koji je bilo u zraku s četiri-pet metara petom je poslao u praznu mrežu.
Torcida je ispalila čitav arsenal pirotehnike,zapaljeno je 30-ak bengalki, a odjeknulo je i nekoliko topovskih udara.
najvaznije da nije bilo prekida utakmice, dim koji se stvorio nije prelazio preko igrališta!!
69 – 2:0 Pašalić!!
Ponovili su ‘bijeli’ recept prvog gola. Zašto ne kad pali. Korner je na lijevoj strani izveo Bukva. Sam je, nečuvan, ne pet-šest metara od gola ostao Pašalić. Ovi put glavom je naciljao lijevu stranu gostujućih vrata, Sandomierski tu ništa nije mogao napraviti!
P.S. nije bilo rukometasa Vrsaljka i tako nije imao ko zabiti!!
Torcida se je u 77. minuti oglasila u svezi s posljednjim događanjima u Hajduku, tj u vezi najava splitskoga gradonačelnika Ive Baldasara kako klub treba prodati. Na “sjeveru” je izvješen transparent:
“Baldasaru, mi ne bižimo od problema ka ti ’91.“
To se je odnosilo na to da je gradonačelnik početkom Domovinskog rata 1991. godine radio u Italiji. I u predizbornoj kampanji ovoga proljeća često se Baldasara optuživalo da je “pobjegao iz Hrvatske” početkom rata, u tom stilu bila je i ovaj Torcidina poruka!!
Na derbi su dosli i Bad Blue Boysi na jugozapadnoj tribini smjestilo ih se oko tisuću! Velik dio njihova repertoara odnosio se na obračun s Zdravkom Mamićem. “Mamiću, cigane, odlazi iz svetinje!” Među nekoliko transparenata koje su razvili BBB, stajao je i onaj s natpisom “Mamiću, ti nisi Dinamo.”
Nakon što je Dinamo primio drugi gol BBB zapalili nekoliko bengalki, a dvi su bacili u teren!
Da napomenem Torica ( Hvala Bogu ) nije bacila ni jednu baklju u teren, 2-3 su pale na tartan stazu, nije se ni to tribalo dogoditi ali eto,
nadam se da ce se to popravit i da baklje nece letit na teren a ni na tartan stazu!!
Vukovar ujedinio navijače
u 57. min utakmice, Torcida je izvjesila poruku posvećenu istoj tematici.
“Nigdje i nikad ne ćirilici – hrvatski Vukovar”, izvješeno je na sjevernoj tribini. To je ujedinilo Torcidu i Bad Blue Boyse, koji su skandirali ime Hrvatskoga grada heroja, Super Mario Pasalic je zabio 2 gola dinamu!!
da bas Mario Pasalic koji prosle godine nije smio ni potrcati!!
… Nakon turneje po Njemačkoj i Belgiji s juniorskom momčadi Hajduka, u Split se vratio bolestan. Radilo se o trovanju krvi bakterijom stafilokok. Liječnici su mu preporučili strogo mirovanje, nije smio ni potrčati a kamoli igrati nogomet. Najteža fizička aktivnost koju je mogao upražnjavati bila je šetnja. Uz pomoć obitelji Mario se potpuno oporavio u roku od šest mjeseci i odlučno krenuo prema izgradi velike nogometne karijere!!
Priča o transferu u Cataniju zadnjeg dana prijelaznog roka bila je još jedna epizoda ove intrigantne priče o mladom nogometašu Hajduka. Još jedna ali ne i zadnja priča jer 18-godišnji veznjak izabrao je ostanak na Poljudu i sigurno da nije požalio kad je Dinamu u derbiju zabio dva gola. “Takav scenarij nisam mogao zamisliti niti u najluđim snovima. Nema ništa ljepše nego zabiti golove za pobjedu u derbiju u onakvoj atmosferu na Poljudu”, kaže Pašalić.
Hajdukov tić pokazao je izniman karakter, najprije povratkom nogometu nakon bolesti, ali i odlukom da ostane u Hajduku i da ne ode za prvom ponudom iz inozemstva. “Bit će vremena za sve. Najvažnije je da nastavim ovako igrati i zabijati golove”, kaže Pašalić!!
Veliko slavlje je bilo na terenu nakon utakmice Hajdukovci su dosli do sjeverne tribine, pjevali, plesali i zahvalili su se Torcidi!!
Predivno, bravo decki i Hvala vam na ovoj pobjedi a sad idemo po jos jednu pobjedu protiv Zadra!!
Puno pozdrava!!
Valentina, Split correspondent
P.S. neka neka nek se zna sjebali smo dinama najebat će i armada ona riiječka šaka jada neka neka nek se zna!!
@Ziva Istina
i doubt very much any would vote for such an insult.
@vatrena cast
Some really good points.
There is no excuse for us not getting at least a tie result with Scotland in June. There is none. Also, if Vida decides to head the ball into a completely wide open net last September we would have a fight on our hands for first place or maybe be in first place if we would have taken care of Scotland in Zagreb. I think we have a very talented side, maybe not as good as we are perceived but a talented side none the less. As far as Stimac is concerned you are on the money as he is pure garbage as far as a coach is concerned. He has been lucky in many of our qualifiers and his luck is running out! He is absolutely horrific!!
@Slavonac from Canada
The talent is there with Perisc and Rakitc and I understand your frustration with Rakitic. However, he is playing out of position. He is nowhere near a RW as he does not have the wheels to be effective against good competition in that spot. He does show shades of brilliance. The second goal against Macedonia and the heads up play to set Olic free against Serbia in Zagreb were sweet! I know one thing for sure though, if Rakitic took the corner kick against Serbia just over a week ago when we were a man up, he would not have done as poorly as Srna did which ended up setting Sulejmani free and turning Joe Simunic into the Dick Butkis train! That corner was horrific! Mind you, it was also Srna who intercepted the pass of Djuricic to set Mandzukic on a breakaway! A terrific read and a terrific pass!!!
Play Rakitic in the proper position once some of our younger players come up and let’s see what happens. Mind you, we have no depth on the wings. The one thing I will say is when I watch Rakitic at Sevilla he plays with such intensity! Sometimes I do not see that when he plays on our national side. Is that one hundred percent from being out of position? I’m not so sure?
The bottom line is what do you seriously expect when we have a coach who is a broj jedan budala!
vatrena cast – you make some good comments!
@ Ustani – I agree with the potential, thats part of the reason i feel frustrated with him and Rakitic. Rakitic in particular has some amazing talent, but he isnt there when we really really need him…he offers no spark when there isnt an answer…great players rise to the occasion, he plays great when the team is playing great, if not…sorry to say this but he looks like a picajzla! on the other hand I’m optimistic about some of the younger players we have and that are coming up!
plus once you realize who our coach is, then you know we wont beat anyone technically. everyone jumped on stimac’s nuts after the serbia game but come on now. how many kept a cool head and saw that serbia is an inferior team and not some extraordinary win
if we have to count on perisic to show up for anything than we dont even deserve to be in the world cup. people dont realize that we are a small country, of course for some reason we are really athletically gifted but none the less it should be an accomplishment not a god given right that we make the world cup. lets face it we have one world class player so far and thats modric. now there are people coming up like kovacic that could turn into that. closest to modric to being world class would be mandza, but other than that fellas we dont have much. most of our players are average at best. i know ill be hunted down for these comments but lets look at this realistically and not emotionally and pray we make the world cup.
@Slavonac from Canada
Hard to argue with you about Perisic as he does not track back very well which was the issue with him at Dortmund. However, the potential is there as he has wheels, can kick with either foot, take players on one on one and is 24 years old. My fingers are crossed where he is concerned.
@ Ustani – I’m not counting on Perisic anytime soon…he seems to be a floater…in and out of the play, doesnt command the play very much
Coach – “How does it feel to be playing for the Toronto Bay Leaves?”
Billy – “Well if I had a choice, I’d rather be playing for the Chicago Blackhawks”
Strange call by HRT. I can’t imagine the Rijeka game would draw more eyeballs than the Dinamo game. Rijeka amy be the more interesting story, but no way they draw the same amount of viewers.
@Bobby V
All that is fine as it looks like I am going to be buying my playoff tickets in……. PHILADELPHIA!!!!!!
Just read that HRT had the first choice to decide which game to telecast on a busy Thursday for Croatian sports.
They chose the Vitoria Guimaraes – Rijeka matchup over Dinamo – Chernomorets Odesa.
The basketball team plays on the same day.
Good post!
Mandzo scores wherever he goes because he is a proven goal scorer. It is not his fault that the team he plays for is loaded with talent, and at the same time it did not stop him from lighting it up at Euro 2012 or scoring goals for Dinamo, Wolfsburg and his current form for both our national team and Bayern. Put him anywhere and he scores. He is efficiency personified!
@Slavonac from Canada
“Croatia have players that can serve those kinda balls, Srna, Rakitic, Strinic can all cross…i jst dont see us attack down the wings like some teams do.”
Srna and Rakitic can serve those kinda balls in but Strinic could not do that if his life depended on it. Other than the cross he delivered against Italy at Euro 2012, which Chiellini totally phucks up making it the only reason the ball gets to Mandzukic in the first place.
In regards to wing play, we don’t have the wingers in place to attack down the wings. Hopefully Rebic pans out and hopefully Perisic picks it up a notch or two. But you’re right; we are in desperate need of some wing play.
Ziva – not sure if you saw the highlite…nice header from around 10 yards out…he headed it down and the goalie struggled to get his hands on the ball. i thought it was perfect!
Croatia have players that can serve those kinda balls, Srna, Rakitic, Strinic can all cross…i jst dont see us attack down the wings like some teams do.
Guys, if it was that easy Pizarro would already have 5 goals as well. Mandzukic is a predator at the net, and he gets paid the big bucks because he can finish.
You see guys missing those close ranges shots all day because they don’t have the instinct and calmness that players like Mandza has. Sure his job is made easier because of the service, but you have to give him his props for putting all those balls into the goal.
If Srna could consistently put a ball in the air instead of whipping it in on the ground, we might have a fighting chance at producing more goals. This plays in Dinamo locker room for mamic.
Pletikosa Corluka Kovac Simunic Pranjic Srna N Kovac(c) Modric Kranjcar Eduardo Mandzukic. that a goo
Maybe Rakitic Modric Srna Perisic Kovacic Halilovic Strinic can give him service and he will score those goals for croatia.
im predicting this team v Belgium Pletikosa Mikanovic Carli Lovren Vrsaljko Radosevic Rakitic Modric Kovacic Rebic Mandzo idemo.
And that is why Mandza will never produce goals at the same rate for the repka as he does with bayern. That is no knock on him. Just the truth.
That said, he is irreplaceable on the repka. Mostly because all our other forward options can’t score.
Ziva napusi se kurca kretencina like it matters what kind of goal he scores was the goal against serbia a olic goal mrs dubre americko
I love Mandza and he does have a lot of attributes I like and that the NT count on
but with the service he gets at Bayern, Cico would be scoring Olic-style goals game in and game out if he was in there
I missed it….Did mandza score another Olic-style goal???/
Just checking.
note to Rakitic…watch Mandzukic’s header…sure as hell wasnt right at the goalie’s chest!
FYI – Sneijder and Galtasary are a bunch cheating faggots.
Mario on the board for Bayern in Champions League.
I wonder if the same people who are bitching about the cyrillic appearing in Vukovar are the same people who voted to enter to EU or voted for anyone who is in this current govt. If so, stop the bitching.
To those who did not, then carry on.
Hvala Valentina , i Hajduk ! U Both make Me Very Happy ! Val as always Great Report on the Most Loved Team in Croatia , & Throughout the World Our Bili Hajduk !! What a Great Day it was last Saturday to give Arrogant Mamic/dinamo their first Loss of the year in the Beautiful City of Split ! We Partyed here all For 2 Days , but i wish we were there with U & Our Hajduk Brothers at the Ultimate Party in Split ! Mamic je dinamo , i dinamo je International should be a New Sign ! Ha ha ! Also the sign for Vukovar the Hajduk players were holding before the game was 1st Class !! Take Care . Bog , Hrvati , USA , Champion L.A. Galaxy , Hajduk , i HNS !!!
Has Serbia been punished by FIFA for their fan behavior? I havent seen anything in the news…
Marin Cilic banned 9 months for testing positive for performance enhancing drugs!
@macak damn that was rough grammar
Wow. Great job on the report. Keep them coming. You can write about Hajduk anytime! Also, send some pictures over when you go to games. I’ll post them on the HNL report if you let me. Great stuff!
Hajduk Živi Vječno,Bog i niko više!
Fala Vale
Stipe Pletikosa was named Goalkeeper of the Week over at NBCSports:
All respect 2 Hajduk for the banner & support of Vukovar, Svaka vam cast od srce moje!
i am not 2young now, Za Dom Spreman! with ‘OLUJA pt 2′
Picka vam materna, govno srpsko.
looks great!
i think i spend half of my time on the net googling, actually i should say youtubing, cro tributes..
anyway here’s a lovely one of SMM with the great voice of florence
Super!!! Hvala opet za report….
Bravo Valentina! Bravo Torcida!
Thank you Valentina!
Excellent work once again. It must have been a great experience.
Veliki pozdrav iz Los Angelesa!
Bog i hrvatska i Hajduk i LA GALAXY i USA i Australia i Modric i Hrvatska 2 – 0 Srbija – pizza – women !!