Written by Vedran Ćavara
Seemingly back from the dead, I’ve returned to you my fellow Croatians! I’ve been a busy boy with work, school and other projects, but expect more pieces from me this fall and winter!
If you are a soccer fan, you surely have tried the EA Sports offering FIFA. Whether you have played the World Cup version, any of the yearly editions, or just picked up the controller and played a few games with friends, you surely have enjoyed the game.
The game features modes such as “Ultimate Team”, Seasons, a career mode that you can play as either a player or manager, or create your own vital professional player and watch him compete against others online, join a club and win trophies.
The game also features modes where you can choose from any of the 20+ leagues and International teams to represent during gameplay.
So what does this all have to do with this site, the Croatian community or Croatia itself? Well, it’s quite simple. Though Croatian players are featured prominently throughout the entire game, our National team is gone.
Yes, you heard it right, the Croatian National team is not available to play with.
Let’s put his in proper context; the Vatreni have been in every other edition of the this game for at least the last ten years, going back to FIFA World up 2002 in Japan and Korea.
Where other countries such as India and North Korea are featured prominently, the world’s #11 team, at least according to FIFA rankings is gone. Croatia is by far one of the most popular teams in the game and they have gone by the wayside.
Why has this happened? I think it simply boils down to one thing-MONEY! My estimation is that the licensing fees between EA Sports and the HNS were never agreed upon, thus Croatia is gone. This has left a lot of fans disappointed and angry, Croatians and fans alike worldwide.
This issue needs to be resolved quickly and swiftly, surely before FIFA 14. However, if the two sides do agree within a few weeks or months, those of us that play via XBoX Live or Playstation Network can surely expect a downloadable patch for the game, which hopefully will once again make us all happy.
HNS, EA Sports, we are eagerly waiting!
I love croatia and play games and wear named jerseys.
For anyone who’s interested, which will be no one, i’ve been making Cro Fifa Tributes for years:
yes im a huge dick and i waste all my life arguing about video games on croatiansports. im 30 years old and i still live with my parents and i wear whitie tighties. even tho im a huge dick, i have a tiny penis
@Ivica-I pretty much agree with what you say,I am not too much of a jersey wearer and I have never had one with a name on it,not particularly my style.I really dont have any issue whatsoever about people wearing them,to constantly go on about it in a highly negative way would just make me a over opinionated jerk.
Pretty much the same thing goes with regard to video games,dont play them,would be kind of cool to select Cro if I did,but I dont have issues where I would harp on over that one either.
I’m not a jersey wearing guy, but I do own a couple of Hajduk jerseys and a France98 Croatia jersey I received as gifts. I also bought an Arsenal jersey a while back as a souvenir from London. Never really wore any of them (except for the Croatia one when I went to Euro2004 and WC2006), and none of them have names on the back.
I never really had an opinion about the whole “wearing someone else’s name on the back of a jersey” thing, until my cousin offered me an Ivan Perisic Sochaux jersey a couple summers ago.
He was 22 at the time, and is one of Perisic’s best friends (they went to elementary school together). He hangs out with Perisic and has multiple game worn jerseys from every team Perisic has played on.
I declined the jersey, but not before realizing how young Ivan Perisic really is and I felt ridiculous at the idea of wearing a jersey with my little cousin’s best friend’s name on the back. I remember just saying to him, “nah, you keep your buddy’s jersey”.
We forget that these players are just 20 year old kids on the field, who are being idolized by old men and threatened by these same older men when they don’t meet expectations. They’re looked up to, by people twice their age, when they’re just a bunch of (probably stupid) little kids who happen to be good at football.
I don’t judge people who wear jerseys with names on the back, but I myself would never wear one.
I think I may have said this before. IMHO wearing with a jersey with a name on it is a little douchy.
Personally, I never owned one until I had children.
I would go to the kids soccer,tennis etc., and the 300lb pear shaped dads would wear their Steelers’s or NY Giants jersey. The only thing worse is when one of the WT idiots would be throwing a football around during a game or practice. Americans for the most part see soccer as a girls game or a primer for American football.
In made an effort to indoctrinate my children with soccer. My wife and I made FOX soccer the default channel on our TV and I started to wear jerseys on some Saturdays. As a result, my 4 year old can identify many Croatian NT players as well as a few non Croats (Messi, Dempsey, Bale etc.).
If you live in America and you want your children to be into soccer, you need to foster their love of the game, because many of their friends/classmates will not come from homes where the parents like and/or are knowledgeable about soccer.
Here is a great article for those with kids.
Most American coaches look for speed, aggression and slide tackling from players as young as 4.
Ajax scouts interviewed for the article mention kids running on their forefeet, staying on their feet and “looking for a football solution” during a game.
If you mentioned these attributes to many “Brit lite” American coaches they would disagree. America has many diamonds in the rough that will never get polished.
@Vedran…….if you as an adult male feel the need to “honor” another grown adult male by wearing his name on a jersey, than more power to you. I wonder if Boban would wear a shirt with your last name on it.
@ Tornado
Svi se slazemo da se trebamo bojati Stimcevih odluka, ali ti brate malo pocisti tvoj jezik. Mozemo bez upadica: dica i dame su prisutni.
I have to vent Igor Stimac nema pojma sto radi bog te jeba ajme look at this 11 Pletikosa Vida Carli Joe Strinic Srna Vukojevic Modric Sammir Rakitic Mandzukic he is intensly practicing this BOG GA JEBA I think its safe to say that Stimac will drag us dno dna, Instead of Pletikosa Srna Carli Joe Strinic Rakitic Badelj Modric Perisic Mandzo Jelavic 1000000000% Pobjeda!
That’s still stupid of you to say. So if I am wearing Boban’s #, because he is a National hero, I am stupid? You make no fucking sense. Oh well, continue on.
Vedran….I never said you were stupid for wearing a Croatia jersey. You are if that jersey has a name on it.
Hey look at it this way. BBB and Torcida wont be hating too much on each other anymore. They are going to have bigger fish to fry!
So by me wearing a Croatia jersey, I’m stupid? Right. Ziva Istina nails it again.
Secondly, I am glad a video game has stirred this much talk, because whether you want to admit it or not, the FIFA series is very addictive.
Disasterous in multiple ways…
that has disaster written all over it.
Are we going to allow this to happen?
War will come to us do not worry about that. My goal is just to plant the consciousness of what’s to come. The Serbs are a stubborn people. They gave squatted in Bosnia and will not leave ever. They will hold out for 500 years. Bosnia will fail and when that happens Bosnia will become a Rogue Islamic state. Who do you think will be killed? The Serbs will entrench. We will be the victims because of our weaken position there and the leadership in Zagreb are a bunch of limp wristed ex-communist dip shits!!
Are you ready to see Croat school girls beheaded on their way to school. Do you think this can’t happen? I have yet to ever see a moderate Muslim where they are a majority or have significant power sometimes just by numbers. There are terriost units in Bosnia. Arab scum and other individuals from around the world are there training, recruiting, and planning. Go visit Sarajevo and see all the burka’s in the streets. This is right on our border. Also those waves of Muslims invading Greece will come our way soon. More Jihadists for the region. Wake up man!!
Well, most exhibitions are meaningless. Tough for me to comment on Tomic without having watched that game. I know from previous games I have seen him play that he is very skilled, but soft.
As for a FIFA 13 boycott…..by who????? the croatians who play the game and probably make up 0.09% of the playing population. Yeah, that will show the EA sports. Boycotts never work.
But, I’m all for a boycott if it gets grown men away from a video game.
Nice game for ante tomic in barcelona’s win over the mavs. 12 points, 10 boards, 2 assists, 2 blocks . time for him to transfer to the league ? (i assume this is where ziva comes in and says this is a meaningless nba pre-season game and tomic is no good)
Also, hezonja played five minutes. cool expierience for a 16 year old. happy he’s over in spain rather than croatia
Elvis: “What has been happening is that Turkey has been celebrating it’s Ottoman past. It is supported in Turkey’s media and film. No mention of the crimes that it is guilty of!!!”
In Medieval times, the Turks would decapitate the heads of their own failed Generals/Pashas, gut out the inside and stuff the head with straw. I can only imagine what they did to their enemies. The Romanian Vlad the Impaler would have fields of impaled Turks kept alive for days on end. Commies in Cambodia would cut the arms and legs of their opponents and leave them to die in the jungle, they called it “trunking”. I heard a story of something like 100 British soldiers (I think in India or maybe Singapore) being locked in a small shack whereby they were on top of each other not able to move barely at all, they were left to die like that, blacks hacking each other to pieces in Africa, imagine if they had advanced weaponry. The American Indians did horrible gruesome things to each other and whites. I could go on and on and on and on. Firemen make the best Arsonists and often the stupid masses side with the arsonists and in essence get what they deserve if the firemen fail. So what’s your problem with Bosnian Muslims? You want to start another war? If they want their own country, who are you to deny them? At the same time, they don’t have the right to deny Bosnian-Croats from forming an ‘Anschluss’ with Croatia Proper. Hope you understood all that, I have “dyslexia” ya know. Please don’t act like a “righteous” dipshit and stab a fellow Croat in the back cuz I say things that are “unpopular” yet true.
I’m working on a story about this as well, including how Pro Evo got the license that FIFA didn’t. Follow me on Facebook for constant Cro updates new group
I noticed Croatia is in FIFA’s rival game Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 from Konami. Anybody know how much Konami paid to get Cro’s licence? Maybe Suker was holding out for a similar sum? I’ve already heard of a boycott of FiFA 13 from an avid FIFA fan I know.
EA FIFA game sell in the millions so Croatia loses exposure from being excluded.
@ Ziva you don’t have many friends outside of the Croatian community do you? In university I had friends from almost every continent that know about or watched players like Olic, Srna, and Rakitic. Believe it or not, Croatia’s player’s and brand of soccer has plenty of appeal to fans of world soccer. Amazing.
On the suitability of wearing player’s names on the back of a purchased jersey I’m not for that myself. For me to wear a Croatian player’s name they would have to win the Euro or World Cup or finish runner-up and I’d consider printing their names given the accomplishment.
Speaking of which, I play indoor soccer and am looking to get the current Croatia 2012/13 jerseys for a future session. Does anyone know of any site that offers the Croatia home shirts with the red number printing on the back? Some of the biggest UK sites like pro-direct and kitbag offer the non-official blue printing which looks inferior to the red printing in my opinion.
An article about a video game? News must be slow huh.
Yes he was not at practice cause Stimac gave him the day off cause of the birth of his son. All i posted was Dnevnik.hr analysis off of today’s practice.
that lineup that was posted earlier will not be the lineup used on Friday. Some of you guys need to do a better job of reading…..Perisic will be in the lineup and he was not at practice today.
It hope it isn’t true: they will start with Niko Krancjar instead of Nikica Jelavic. Stimac should always start with Jelavic-Mandzukic!
is lovren playing in qualifying?
Dragi Igore. Pišem ovo pismo iz Osijeka. To je grad u Hrvatskoj. Ima autocesta od Zagreba. Možeš izaći na izlazu za Čepin pa ćeš uštedjeti nekoliko kuna cestarine što će obradovat Šukera.
Kad dođeš do Osijeka vozi se obilaznicom i vidjet ćeš stadion. Ovdje igra nogometni klub Osijek. Natječu se u 1. HNL. To je ona liga u kojoj gazduje tvoj šef Mamić. Da, da Zdravko Mamić za kojega si rekao da je mafijaš i grobar nogometa. On te nazvao razbojnikom. Baš nekulturno. No, dobro kad ti je ponudio izborničko mjesto i udio u transferima Dinamovih nogometaša brzo si se predomislio, pa je sada Zdravko Nećeš Razbojniče Mamić tvoj dobar poslovni prijatelj. Novac spaja ljude. Svi smo dirnuti kako ste se stavili u funkciju hrvatskog nogometa. Nemoj se obazirati što vas vrijeđaju na svakom hrvatskom stadionu… Pusti sirotinju da se zabavlja na svoj način, a vi radite biznis kako ste se dogovorili. Dogovor kuću gradi!
Inače u Osijeku je rođen i tvoj novi prijatelj Davor Šuker, iako to od Njega vjerojatno nisi mogao čuti. Davor često kaže kako je Zagreb Njegov grad, a Dinamo Njegov klub. Nije mu za zamjeriti, jer On je brend. Tako bar On kaže za sebe. Trebamo mu vjerovati. Isto kao što mu trebamo vjerovati da nije sramota što po prvi put nema Hrvatske na FIFA igrici i da nije katastrofa što je HNS izgubio 100 000 dolara. Kaže Šuki da pravi frajeri igraju PES. Vjerojatno On igra PES pa zato priča o frajerima. Jer on je frajer i brend. Ujedno!
Uglavnom, NK Osijek ima mladu momčad sastavljenu od igrača iz škole nogometa. Ima nekoliko nadarenih igrača koji zaslužuju da ih makar jednom uživo pogledaš. Znam, znam moraš zvati igrače iz Dinama, jer to piše u ugovoru s vra…, pardon Mamićem. Imaš i ti pravo na poneki bonus, pa si zvao Radoševića kojeg zastupa tvoj brat. Da, dečko ima 18 godina i kažeš dobro igra. Ima tu u Osijeku polivalentan igrač. Vjerojatno nisi čuo za njega. Marko Lešković. Može igrati nekoliko pozicija, ima duel igru, igru glavom, pregled igre…Dolazi u gol šanse, zabija i asistira. Znam da je veliki hendikep što ne igra u Dinamu ili Hajduku, ali i Osijek je u Hrvatskoj. Sjećaš se učio si to iz zemljopisa.
Bojimo se da ih ti klubovi ne upropaste. Pogledaj Maglicu. U Osijeku bi bio glavni igrač, a u Hajduku skuplja lopte. Mali Špehar bi bio prvotimac, a u Dinamu igra za juniore, dok njegovi vršnjaci Kovačić i Halilović igraju u seniorima…Prodali smo mi Mamiću i braću Plum. Pojma nemam gdje su sada. Ako ne vjeruješ pitaj šefa!
Skoro sam ti zaboravio reći da su Osijekovi junior prvi u HNL-u za mlade. Pobjedili su i tvoj Hajduk i Mamićev Dinamo. Šta da im kažemo da rade ako žele napredovati? Imaju li šanse upasti u neku od reprezentacija ili moraju u Hajdin čak i sa Špeharovim poučkom?
Uglavnom Igore probaj odvojiti vremena i pogledati neku od utakmica Osijeka. Ako ti se svidi neki igrač ti se konzultiraj sa Mamićem pa ti možda odobri da makar kažeš poneku lijepu riječ o nekome od njih. Možeš zvati i Šukera da sve uljepša, jer On je ipak brend…
nije bitchno, ziva christina hahahah these damn anonymous’s make up funny nicknames
@ Majstore thanks i have a laptop i just wanted to know if it works and is it safe
Sammir to play in skoplje reports
I watch games off of saan and have never had any problems with it.
Tko kaze Dado Prso je Srbin ima mali kurac i Jebe Svoju majku i sestru u dupe
Saantv anyone aj molim vas odgovor
Oh the Croatians of the Islamic faith what do you disappointment me so?
Only if the last names are in cyrilliac.
@Ziva – Found some Macedonia gear for ya, but unfortunately all the jerseys have player’s names on the back. Hope ya don’t mind.
Note the second sarcasm
I can’t believe you would say something so insensitive, note my sarcasm. It doesn’t matter if you’re a commie or not, want Sammir on the team, want Croatia to join the EU or anything like that. I mean, we’re all Croatian and this world is Candyland.
Last week no one even new who halilovic was lol.
If I’m Halilovic, I would pick BiH for one simple reason. BiH is in FIFA 13, Croatia is not in it.
@Doktor Prle, wouldn’t playing for Croatia make Halilovic a traitor to Islam? And do you consider Pakistan as just a Nation of traitors to India? All I’m saying is that Croatia should be more diverse, more ethnic, racial, and religious diversity. You shouldn’t judge people based on religion, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, etc.
Halilovic = Janissary
@@nije bitchno –
shut ur ass up and bring it if your gonna bring it! I’m waiting for your bitch maid ass!
1)The Vatican isn’t a nation, it’s a state
2)Croatia is a nation-state. There’s a difference.
3)Catholicism is no doubt central to the Croat identity, but not the exclusive criterium.
4)The juxtaposition of Eduardo/Sammir to “Bosnians” is a false one. And requires no further discussion. In fact, if Halilovic were to choose BiH over Croatia, that would mean he has committed treason. In which case Eduardo/Sammir would have acted quite responsibly, as they have “assimilated” to their new nation – whereas the Bosnian muslims have shed/rejected their original and true identity.
The next lesson won’t be gratis.
General Wesley Clark can go F himself. The U.S. Government will allow Turkey to turn all of us into Vassals again. That is the policy that they support. A supposed soft power by Turkey. The West seems to hold Turkey as an example for the Muslims to follow. A Modern moderate state. What a joke!!! What has been happening is that Turkey has been celebrating it’s Ottoman past. It is supported in Turkey’s media and film. No mention of the crimes that it is guilty of!!! Turkey has over 70 million people and that’s a big market. Its all about the money for the U.S. Now our best football prospect might become a Janissary
I read your comments before. What kind of dipstick talks shit on a website and puts a “romantic” photo on that website? What if Farrakhan’s soldiers hunt you down? They take as kindly to insulting Farrakhan as Muslims do to insulting the Prophet Muhammad. What if they cut your head off and wipe your ass with your face while both parts are still alive and functioning? Then your asshole will be face to face with another asshole. Who would you hang with in a prison yard, the brothas? Maybe, Niggas respect White boys who beg for their approval. Maybe LaRaza? There’s the Catholic connection. The Aryan Brotherhood? You may have problems here. You are anybody’s and everybody’s BITCH,NO?
Hej guys does anyone have saan.tv here does microsolft silverlight slow the pc please hvala
According to dnevnik.hr this is what the starting lineup is looking like against Makedonija after their practice today.
“Prema onom što se moglo zaključiti gledajući trening, Hrvatska će u Skoplju zaigrati sa samo jednim napadačem. Postava bi, u formaciji 4-2-3-1, mogla ovako izgledati: Pletikosa – Vida, Ćorluka, Šimunić, Strinić – Vukojević, Modrić – Srna, Kranjčar, Rakitić – Mandžukić.”
I have a Mate Lonecar jersey what’s wrong with that.
@Doktor Prle, I read some of your comments about Halilovic, what’s with the Bosnians are ethnic Croats crap? Croatia has two players of African or partial African descent and a growing minority community, and you are outraged about Bosnians basing their Nation on religion instead of ethnicity? The Vatican is not part of Italy, it’s its own separate Nation based on guess what? you got it – Religion. Croatia is based on Catholicism, ethnic purity is racist in nature. Remember General Wesley Clark who saved Croatia? He said “there is no room in modern Europe for an ethnically pure state”. And I applaud him for having the Courage to say that.
Im sure a communist like yourself knows places on the black to find some nice Yugo gear like that.
Although it probably wont go with your Castro military outfit.
It’s fine as a kid because you dont know any better, but no excuses for wearing jerseys with someone’s name on the back as an adult.
If anyone else has questions as to what could make them appear as a jock sniffer, just let me know and I will help you out.
Anyone find a place where I can buy macedonia gear for this Friday?
My Modric Madrid jersey is in the mail!
As far as owning the shirt of a player who might ride the bench for half the season, who gives a shit?
We should all be proud that that little Hrvat went from war torn Zadar to the biggest football club in the world.
Let me rephrase that. I know about Jack Lambert through what people have said and through highlight clips i never personally watched live games.
@ Ziva Your wrong bro. I have A Pittsburgh steelers jersey that I wear to steelers bars out here on the west coast when the steelers play. It has Jack Lambert’s name on it. I’m not old enough to have watched jack play but that doesn’t mean I’m jock sniffing him. I don’t know about him nor have i ever watched him. I just bought his Jersey and sport it with all the other steelers fans at the bar. Its called getting geared up for and rooting for your team on game day. Wearing and representing the colors or jerseys. That’s why there is sports apparel out there man not for jock sniffing but for being festive during games. You prob have a cro Jersey with your name on it and jock sniff yourself right? lol
Nothing wrong with wearing a shirt of a player whose skills or character you admire.
It’s no worse than wearing a name-brand you like or a rock shirt of a band you might like.
If you’re a fan of something or someone there’s no shame in showing it.
I think Ziva might be a communist.
He probably dresses like Castro.
What about superheroes? When I was a kid in the 1970’s I had a 6 million dollar man t-shirt. Was that Ok?
Why is Eduardo still on this team? He has lost his job.
I can’t wait to see Eduardo and Sammir at attention for the Croatian National Anthem. This will be a great moment in Croatian history, finally this will show the world we are starting to shed our racist-Utsase past. Of course, this is just the beginning, we still have a long way to go in regards to diversity. Best case scenario in the near future is Sammir and Eduardo on the field at the same time with one of them scoring a goal, that should shut the mouths of the racists and get the fence sitters on the correct side.
@Allen……nice try at the theory, but not even close.
There is something very strange in wanting to wear another man’s name on your back.
Imagine all the fools out there who purchased a Real Madrid Modric jersey and get to wear it sitting down at the same time Modric is sitting in Madrid.
@ ziva i don’t understand. what is the difference between cheering for modric and wearing his jersey and cheering for the repka?
yah I think I am right, you used to get bullied in high school by the “jocks.” I have never seen some one so angry towards the idea that some one might be a fan of a person. I do not see this issue that some one might like the way a certain way a person plays the game, or can appreciate how skilled they might be. Your going a little over board with your theories. With out these individuals there is no sport to watch, I got no issue is a person wants to wear a jersey with a name on the back, maybe you should put your anger towards more important issues lol. Its okay guys, wear your jersey’s and if you are a fan of a certain individual and feel the need to buy his jersey 99.9% of society is okay with that, only ziva and a few others have this mentality.
Jock sniffing hate coming straight from his mom’s basement decorated with AYSO jerseys and sportsmanship trophies from your hay day.
@everybody else
Jock sniffing or not, Suker losing a supposed 100,000 on this just shows the stupidity on our management. Croatia will always be the dark horse that people cheer for, but they’ll never be a team that kids buy the game for. Barcelona, Real Madrid, Man United, and every other stacked team are always going to be priority number 1.
@T.O.Cro…..no, it makes them egomaniacs. Or, for some guys its the cloests they will ever get to playing meaningful minutes.
Grown men who wear sports jerseys with the name of another human being on that jersey have serious issues. You people are probably the same jock sniffers who go nuts when they see a celebrity and try to capture a photo of that person on your phone. Or, even worse. You go up and ask for a photo alongside that person or an autograph.
You know what amazes me….FIFA 13 is out with no Cro and the world is still functioning fine. Imagine that.
@ ante. time to get fifa 13
@ ante . you’re retired from playing that game now. we saw the marriage photos
Hey does anybody remember what we used to spend our time on before games? Yeah, they’re called women. Their buttons are more fun and they play back.
Ovi pricaju, a Ziva Istina zadovoljno trlja ruke….
Vec vidjeno tisucu puta. :rolleyes:
lol jeez i guess half of pro athletes are jock sniffers…..and rappers…..I agree with ziva on some stuff and he is a very smart individual but when I read his hate for video games and wearing jersey’s with an individual’s name on the back of the shirt, I have this feeling that this guy got his ass handed to him in high school and will not let it drop.
I love sports (more for making a good living off it now), i got no issue wearing a jersey with a name on the back, and I love playing video games when i get a chance, which is almost never because I got other things going on. But when I do get a chance, I can play all night and I got no issues with it.
its simple, blame the HNS, they weren’t happy with the FREE money EA Sports was giving them, they wanted more money.
Suker’s response too was funny, basically “no big deal, most people think PES is better than FIFA” 😀
@ Ziva,
A lot of pro athletes play FIFA, does that make them jock sniffers as well?
@ Ziva
Just so you know as far as bad behaved women. The prize goes to the English. I have never seen a bigger boat of sluts and degenerates than them especially when they are drunk. The Garden Festa is proof positive. And yes I have sleep with some. Rubbish!!
Well they are in PES 13…
And yes they aren’t popular, have you played FIFA online? There are about 3-4 popular teams. Everyone uses either spain, barca, madrid or italy and that’s about it. You never see any others.
I really doubt Croatia is one of the more popular teams in the game. Nobody will miss Cro in the game, unless you are Croatian.
Now, for you adult males who play video games all I can tell you is to keep playing. At some point you will grow up. I realize it may be hard for you to no longer think you are Modric or Srna and live through them via a video game. But, in due time all of this will make sense one day.
The one thing that I am sad about is all of the 26-yr old guys who are not ware of this and will be shocked as they open up their Christmas presents in a few months and start playing the game before they realize their is no Cro in the game. Christmas will be ruined for these jock sniffers. Someone needs to prepare them.
Maybe they will release a a patch or a Croatia cheat code. It is a blessing in disguise we get to keep more of Croatia to ourselves.
I kinda agree with Dukic not guna lie ! Lmao but still sucks Cro isn’t in the game
this is good cause this means sammir isnt in the game.
And this year in fifa you can manage national teams ! If this is a sign of things to come then soccer in cro is fucked, get ready for player boycotts, dressing room unrest and corruption scandals…
There is only one Ziva KrISTINA and it is not you.
I would gladly sniff those fine gentleman’s jocks! 🙂 And I will still buy the game.
Any adult blah blah blah, jock sniffing, blah blah blah, dalmatian women blah blah blah
Here come the Ziva Istina “jock sniffing” comments…
The Yugoslavian daily – JUtarnji list – with an attack piece on Davor Suker reported that Suker rejected $100,000 from EA for the HNS license. How factual that claim is, I don’t know.
FIFA 13 has sold 4.5 million copies world-wide. Croatia not being in it is, just from a marketing perspective, is tragic.