Photo: AP
‘Super’ Mario Mandžukić beat out Luka Modrić for the 2012 Croatian ‘player of the year’. After an average end to the season at Wolfsburg, Mandžukić dazzled in Poland where he scored three goals in as many games at Euro 2012, joining the likes of Mario Gomez, Mario Balotelli, Cristiano Ronaldo, Fernando Torres and Alan Dzagoev for most goals at the tournament. Mandžukić then continued his fine form in the Bundesliga with new club, Bayern Munich, scoring nine goals in his first 15 games for the Bavarian giants. reports on the Večernji List poll.
Croatia and Shakhtar Donetsk captain, Darijo Srna (above), was voted for having ‘Best goal of 2012’ for Shakhtar by their fans in 2012. It occurred vs. Dnipro in a 2-1 win where Srna volleyed a corner kick from outside the box into the ground and inside the far post. Shakhtar have used this tactic many times this season when Srna is open outside the box on a corner kick.
Should Croatia start implementing it as well? Srna has now won this award for a second straight year.
Srna volley vs. Dnipro
Blacky you wright
@Ziva Istina
” I have stock in defense contractors and companies that deal with the Defense Dept.”
I hope it was small arms & ammunition companies. Invest in General Atomics now before their stocks increase over next few decades.
“but I am sick of seeing me taxes increase to fund our ever-increasing debt and programs I dont need or use.”
Don’t worry it’ll get worse.
“These fuckers are raising taxes but wont come up with any spending cuts.”
They have, the US military is seeing military spending cuts, even the F-22 has seen their share. It’s just enough to keep your heads out from drowning.
@ Elvis
“This was a direct result of free trade and globalization which has torn a hole in this country.”
A direct result of politicians & companies selling out their own people for a buck is a major problem. Everything has moved to Asia resulting in more powerful companies that put out American competitors. Now everyone buys from a pool of a dozen suppliers instead of hundreds or thousands.
All bullshiting aside, Favorit does suck haha Istra is better at wine and rakija. I’d take a Pan or Karlivack anyday over a Favorit 😀
Where can i buy that Hajduk Wine ?
@nije bitno
Whenever I’m on the coast, I always grab the PAN Zlatni. Much better than Karlovacko or Zuja.
But if you ever manage to see this beer anywhere, you’ve gotta try it:
Best thing to come out of Lika…next to the Serbs of course.
Whatever it is, it’s delicious! I don’t know why but it’s the best beer I’ve ever had. I really don’t know why though. lol
@ Nije bitno Drink hajducko Pivo which is the same as Zlatni Pan but just says hajduk on it
All i have to say is if you had a Mate Bulic concert and a Halid Beslic concert on same day Diaspora guys would choose Bulic where as in Croatia they would choose Beslic thats the differnce turbo folk rules in Croatia
Talk about cat piss! I bet cat piss costs more per bottle than favorit! that stuff is like 2 kune a bottle. Its economical beer good for beer pong but a major headache comes along with it. I can keep going with the Torcida alcohol we are all over 😉
i bet they both taste like cat piss 😉
try this on for size next time and let me know what you think 😉
I wonder where all that money went. Kerums pocket???
Anyways fellas it’s Friday and i’m off early so i’m going to leave you guys with a little toast…
Heres to you and heres to me may we never disagree but if we do fuck you so heres to me! ZIVILI!
to each his own……..
I know that when I am in Cro I get pissed when a serb song comes on in a club. I just shame my head at my friends. They don’t think its a big deal (and I understand why they think that way), but for me, I don’t like it.
A lot of us know exactly what’s going on, but what do you expect us to do? Start another civil war? Corporations run everything in this world, so I wouldn’t blame everything on the US.
According to a couple people that I’ve talked to, both here and abroad, a lot of Hrvati are listening to Serbian music while a lot of Serbs are listening to Croatian music. Ante BB let me know that Kazaliste…a guy that said he’d never perform in Serbia…just went and performed there a few months ago.
For me, music is music. Sure I’m not going to listen to their nationalistic stuff, but they have some upbeat tunes.
any winter transfer news? anything on Perisic?
@ Ziva
I don’t like the taxation and I don’t think it will fix anything. However, the wage and wealth gap in this country is unacceptable. This was a direct result of free trade and globalization which has torn a hole in this country. A tiny few have reaped the fruits while millions have seen their income drop. Both parties did it and Bush just let it ride. With wages dropping where do we cut? Social security? Work until your 70 when job discrimination begins at 40?
Anybody got any sharbini info? Looks like he’s gonna sign today but I can’t find anything definitive
So what do you want, a handout? What isn’t run by business interests? Don’t you make your purchasing decisions based on your income? Is that not a business decision?
Both politcal parties in the US are fucked up. The Republicans are being run by the vocal minority fringe section of the party. While the Dems want to tax, tax , tax to pay for entitlements. I don’t want this to get into a plitical discussion, but I am sick of seeing me taxes increase to fund our ever-increasing debt and programs I dont need or use. This latest mess in Washington is the perfect example. These fuckers are raising taxes but wont come up with any spending cuts.
Yes they lied. The GOP is run by business interests and religious fanatics. They could care less about the working stiff. Was Jesus a Capitalist?
crazy fan!—269060.html
@UDBA……..are saying George Bush, Dick Chaney and the others all lied to us?????? That can’t be!!!! They are all patriotic Americans. Plus, Fox News says so as well.
All this Croatian division…who planted it and why? I understand that not every one can live up to the Dalmatian ideal from Astoria NYC. IF it looks like a Croat and quakes like a Croat it’s a Croat.
Korak do potpisa: ‘Bosanski Hulk’ koji nije prošao u Werderu stiže u Dinamo
Why should we leave it alone? Fortunately the rest of the world doesnt have their heads in the sand like the US public, that war is joke in everyone elses eyes.
It’s a good investment for you though, because that “war” is a financial disaster for the US (middle / lower class), what is it now 4 trillion dollars? So you should be reaping the rewards in those stocks, if you invested appropriately. The almighty dollar is more important to the US than its civilians. The fat cats dont care about the soldiers, lower class, unemployed… as long as they keep getting richer.
What is Udba , BIG Cro Ziva ?
@UDBA…….hey, leave our “war of terror” alone. I have stock in defense contractors and companies that deal with the Defense Dept.
@Poglavnik…….I agree with you, but don’t be fooled. Our guys on the repka listen to the serb music more so than they listen to cro music. To them its all the same. For every Simunic and Pletikosa who listen to the “good tunes” there are the Rakitic, Mandzukic, Olic, Vida, and Srnas of the world.
In Mama Istina’s house we only listen to cro music and we don’t sign serbian flags……although lets stop caling Tomic a hrvat. He happens to have parents who were born in Hrvatska. He is not a hrvat.
Is that it?… You done?
@ante b
Udba radi!
Of course you would, thats what the best do.
btw nice use of the “H” in Ustase… goes well with your surname.
You call yourself Udba, and I call myself Poglavnik.
Enough said.
@Veliki Kreten!
Im a first generation Canadian Croatian.
Family are all from Hercegovina.
My father went back in the ’90s to fight when he was in his late 50’s. He hadnt been back since he fled the army for Italy with nothing but a pistol in the early 1950’s.
My moms first cousin was on that TWA flight with Zvonko Busic who is also a very close family friend.
Grew up with stories of Ustashi and pictures of Pavelic so thats the Croatia I know.
@Veliki Kreten!
LOL @ Poglavnik… it all makes sense now 🙂
We now know he will be supporting Milos Raonic and BiH at WC2014!!!
Poglavnik = the real UDBA!
Well the whole NBA world outside of Miami hated Lebron and he did alright. And every Kobe Bryant sponsorship was cancelled after his rape trial but when he returned to being the best player on the planet they all came back. Tennis has a long history of asshole that did things their way and made a great career out of it. Safin, Rios, McEnroe, etc… So yeah you don’t have to be some “PC” pussy to be successful in sports. I actually prefer my athletes to have personalities that haven’t been contrived.
And what kind of example are you trying to make that Srna the muslim isn’t as deeply rooted a Croat as some? Big fuckin deal! Nobody expects him to be.
Show me some of evidence of a Hrvat with proper heritage like Jelavic doing that shit I might be a bit bothered.
If he signs it he owns it right?
Isn’t that like Eli Manning signing the new Cowboys stadium after winning the inaugural game there!
btw., what’s wrong with vodka and picke…?
Connoisseurs, the whole lot of you:)
Y’all need to get out Ziva’s mom basement or else you’ll start to drivel banality too.
@ Poglavnik so your ethnic croat from BiH
Maybe in “your” Croatia. Slavonia is awfully close to Serbia so whatever. I live in Vancouver and we have signs in cantonese, mandarin, punjabi, you name it. Just because they exist doesn’t mean they have to be accepted. You think the Hrtvati in Vukovar are happy about those signs? My father refused to write in that shit when they tried to force him in school. “My” Croatia is technically in Hercegovina and thank god it is!
“He’s not an actor or pop star”? How old are you, 7? Tennis players have sponsors and are part of a national federation bound to their rules, regulations which include values and responsibilities, no different to any job in the real world. That’s how it is career suicide, back to school for you.
“What do you know about what Croatian players listen to?” Its actually common knowledge and the captain of the repka (l’ll let you figure that one out) has been photographed in a number of cajke clubs along with just about every player. So you better stop supporting the repka, it would be “shameful” after all!!!
“Not everyone’s as indifferent towards Serbs as you. Believe it or not there are still Hrvats that wouldnt be caught dead associating themselves with anything Serb related…”
Who said I am indifferent? I am realist unlike you, who doesn’t let facts get in the way of your incoherent ramblings. The signs are going up in Vukovar, how’s that for associating with Serbs? Better turn your back on Vukovar too, how “shameful” of them!
to add also we fought for free croatia and 20 years later we are going to EU whats the differnse between Jugo and EU?
Thats the probelm in croatia we forget to easy the orothodox croatians call them selves serbs i told one of them go to fuckem belgrad this is not serbia bre.
Finally, some common sense! svaka cast!
All these “hardcore” Croatians who claim to be a bigger Croat than the next on internet forums kick and scream about Tomic, calling shame, disgrace etc and in Croatia the introduction of Cyrillic scripts to respect Serb rights are being introduced. I guess its easier to debate what you saw on the sports highlights show, rather than doing actual research into the governance of the state of Croatia.
if “Australia can have his stupid ass” are you going to turn your back on Croatia now? or on Vukovar? after all, how can they have such signs, thats shame isn’t it?
What do you know about what Croatian players listen to? And I don’t care what career suicide he’s committing. He’s not a pop star or an actor. How popular you are in sport doesn’t mean shit as far as how successful you’re gonna be. Not everyone’s as indifferent towards Serbs as you. Believe it or not there are still Hrvats that wouldnt be caught dead associating themselves with anything Serb related…
Your interpretation can only be as inerrant as you are, and that’s good to keep in mind.
Once you understand what I said, then respond with some logic, my message of not “gladly accepting” wasn’t too cryptic. Your little rant about tourism being vital to the economy is about as obvious as the U.S recession.
Come on Croatia is Run by Serbs from Congress to Prime Minster! Now they are putting Cirlica everywhere idemo opet uboj hahaha!
What a load of a horseshit lol
You’re telling me the tourism sector in Istra, Kvarner and Dalmacija won’t “glady accept” money of of tourists hands?! hahaha you guys must be scoring some preemo shit in ljepa nasa haha
It’s unfortunate to say, but if those working in the tourism sector in those areas didn’t “glady accept” American and westerner Euro’s and dollars, the little economy that was left in those regions would collapse. I wish I could even brag about my region (Istra & the Kvarner) being able to survive, but if the tourists left for good, unemployment, homelessness and poverty would skyrocket. Same for Dalmacija too.
I want no part of Anas back at Rijeka.
He burned all his bridges with the fans and Armada when he left. Dude is a complete waste of talent and just an overall jerkoff. Unless he publicly apologized for that all the bullshit leading up to and following his transfer, he’ll get booed for a while at when he comes back to Kantrida.
If I were him, I’d stick in the Saudi league…
It’s not an “excuse”, its called “reality”, why don’t you try grasping it? The reality is that Tomic is a professional athlete who should not do his image any more harm by creating racist controversy, it would be career suicide. The repka players you idolise so much are best friends with Serbs and listen to cajke music all day. So if its ‘Shame on Tomic for claiming Croatian ethnicity’ what do you have to say for the players you represent the country! Best you stop supporting the repka now, you dont want to contradict yourself mr big number 1 hrvat.
@Ziva Istina
I dont “gladly accept” any money out of tourists hands. If that money should find its way into our economy then so be it. More importantly, thank you for showing your truly colours by saying money spent in Croatia to support our economy is a “waste”. Perhaps your money will be better spent on the ‘war on terror’… what a joke that is.
I’m coming to Hrvatska throughout July. I hope to prove you all wrong about the diaspora from the states.
F-that “he was signing everything” excuse. Would he have a signed a pink slip for his car? I wouldn’t have touched that disgusting flag! Shame on him claiming any Croatian ethnicity. Australia can have his stupid ass!
Don’t get too sentimental. There is some good and bad everywhere. Sure there will be some arrogant American diaspora but not all of them are assholes. Same for Austrialian diaspora or Croatians who live in Croatia. Why should we start a battle between Croatians. Lets unite. We’re not too many.
Tomic is Australian. He can sign what he wants.
I fear a thread derailment coming.
@UDBA… might despise the ignorant yanks (and trust me, there are plenty of them), but you will glady accept their money when they waste it as tourists.
Did we have enough of who depise who and who can not stand who for one post? What is wrong with Croatians?
I thought we supose to unite……………
Croatian diaspora i cannot stand some of them when i see them at the Pleso but some are cool i hate the spoiled ones who only know how to say baba and the baba knows 1 word in english yet they talk to here in croatian, in other news 2013 is gonna suck here in croatia but we live life goes on!!!!!!
Tomic did sign the flag as he was signing EVERYTHING which was hanging from the stands. He just came off what was arguably his biggest win of his career, do you really think he gave a fuck what he was signing? He represents Australia not Croatia, if he refused to sign it there would have been a media shit storm in Australia which jumps all over Croatian ethnicity especially at the tennis.
Most Australian Croatians speak the language and go to Croatian Saturday school, which is more than the American jugos who add H’s to your surnames, pray for a return of a “greater Yugoslavia ” and diddid fuck all during the war of independence.
We like the Australian Croatians who come as tourists, we despise you ignorant yanks
yep, just more proof as to how much of mickey mouse organization hajduk is by dealing with that clown.
Isnt Anas Sharbini’s dad Jamal his agent? From what i can remember during his transfer to Hajduk his dad was a real pain in the ass forcing them to take his brother too or else there would be no deal for hajduk. What a bust those two are! They both had to ask their daddy Jamal if they could take a leak it was kind of embarrassing for the both of them.
Korea Republic v Croatia
agreed……..him going to Spurs would be a complete shock. A return to Rijeka is the only thing that makes sense unless mamic can work out the differences between him and his old man..
Everything I’ve read has said he’s all but signed for Rijeka. Those English soccer news sites will write anything to get a few clicks. Would be pretty interesting, though.
I doubt Tomic even speaks croatian.
is that true regarding the flag episode??
On Tomic.. He signed a serb flag after the game.. how you fellas feel about that cocksucker now?
good business for Dinamo and Mamic. He was brought back to Cro for 1 million and sold for 6. Just another in a list of examples were dinamo is ages ahead of jadan hajduk.
Dinamo sells players without having to split any of the money with the player, while jadan hajduk makes moves at the mercy of the agents/managers collecting a significant portion of the transfer fee.
I’m a bigger Hrvat than you!!! Red, White & Blue… USA and Croatia unite!!!
Six mill for Vida? I’m sure Mamic needed to change his pants after he closed that deal. His wallet just fucktupled in size.
On teh other hand, I heard Vida will be making one mill a year in the lovely city of Kiev. That’s still what, DOUBLE what he was making with Zagreb? Best of luck, buddy. I’ll pop a beer on the bus for ya!
I talked to a guy today at the Pleso and he was telling me that for a small country in football terms we dont get respected he told me how a country of 3.8 million could be so consistant in qualiying he said that whales scotland ireland would kill for that!
Guys like Kranjcar, Pletikosa, Srna and Kalinic I could careless about. The first 3 are in the tail end of their careers, have made their money and are looking to cash out before hanging them up. I don’t see Kranjcar moving to another team (no matter the league) and having a ‘bounce back’ year. I think he realizes that too, since he probably doesn’t give a shit that he’s riding the pine at Dynamo. Kalinic, even though he’s young, is a bum. Even Scifo, Vukojevic and Bartolovic are bit players on the repka, at best.
I just hope for guys like Vida, Carli and Strinic, Ukraine is just a pit stop for them and they move back to Western European leagues after a year or two.
I dont have a problem aslong as they play im just saying alot of them are in Those 2 countries, Modric should have went too hahah lol
those guys want to get paid and they pay some good money in Russia and the Ukraine.
@ Armada thats right we the fans should not expect much from him i hope i am wrong but i really dont know it seems our entire Hrvatsku is in ukraine or Russia lets look this starting 11 from the 23 roster Pletikosa Srna Scifo Carli Strinic Kranjcar Vukojevic Vida Bartolovic Kalinic Eduardo.
@ Tornado
LOL ain’t that the truth – first day in Kiev, he’s gonna crawl into a vodka bottle, find some skanky picke and call it a night
Bravo Vida the Vodka Factory in Kiev are happy to see you and are looking foward you being a regular customer!
Tomic is overhyped. He had a good showing at Wimbledon and at one Aussie Open so far in his career – and that is it.
He plays junk tennis. Maybe he has improved, but what I have seen from him in the past makes me disagree with jm’s comment about him being a typical balkan player with a big serve. His serve has been crap. One of the biggests knocks against him is his serve and inability to get free points from his serve.
I wouldn’t put too much stock into him beating Djokovic. He did the same before in Australia in this event by knowcking off top players. Djokovic was coming off a tourney title somewhere in the middle east and had flown into Australia only two days before. That is how he has beaten other top name players before – beating them only days after they arrived down under.
You are correct about his old man. Seems to be a bit of a problem.
@ jarac tomic i believe is or at least was the youngest player in the top 100 tennis players. so definitely a lot of talent and potential. your typical balkan player (tall and big serve). his dad is also apparently a nut job and has had all sorts of issues with the australian tennis federation and threatened to have his son represent croatia instead in the davis cup
Bernard tomic beat the joker today, supposedly he is a croat in austrlia. Nice win for him
Navijači kijevskog Dinama podijeljeni oko transfera Vide: Preplaćen je, šest milijuna eura za rezervu!
Bravo Vida! Hopefully you’ll have a great time in Ukraine!
Modri ostali bez srca momčadi: Vida za 6 milijuna eura potpisao za Dinamo Kijev!
I know they announced Mandzukic as VL Player of the Year, but has anyone heard if they announced the SN Yellow Shirt HNL POY for 2012?
So apparently Vida to Dynamo Kiev is a done deal?
Hard to disagree with Mandzo being selected POY. Great WC, great start at Bayern. Aside from him and Srna, no one really lit it up in their respective league. Jelavic had a nice run last season, but aside from these guys, wouldn’t have had anyone else in the running really…