is proud to launch Operation: #SviZajedno. Take a photo of yourself saluting our Generals and post to your Social Media with the hashtag #SviZajedno.
You may also copy and paste the following description which will help make this campaign viral and produce a set of photographs from all over the world with Croatians saluting! will be watching the #SviZajedno hashtag and will be posting some of your photos here on this page.
In honor of the release of #Croatian #Generals #Ante #Gotovina and #Mladen #Markac #CroatianSports urges all #Croatians to show their #respect by posting a #photo #salute ala #MarioMandzukic to your Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter. Copy and paste this message along with the hashtags to spread the word of #Operation #SviZajedno. After his release, Gotovina said, “Okrenimo se #buducnosti #SviZajedno,” which translates to “Lets turn to the #future #together.”
Ana- Toronto, Canada
Ante Kvartuč- San Pedro, CA
Fanks buddy
Matija says:
‘Can i rip a zeig heil instead’
Brilliant comment, & particularly impressed with your spelling skills.
Izjave i slavlje nakon oslobađajuće presude generalima Gotovini i Markaču
Interviju generala Ante Gotovine za Kurir – Audio snimka interviju koji je general Gotovina dao srpskom listu Kurir.
Gotovina legend!
I know u cant understand it, so I will explain it to you. Ur a huge football team with many fans around the world. All of the sudden there are media outlets contacting you or your players about there celebration and if it was intended for croatian generals involved in the homeland war, who were just released from the hague. U then pull in ur player and say hey buddy keep the politics or the balkans out of this club. U get it now? Separate yourself from your croatianism and you will see why it my stir up some controversy.–sow.html
Snoop Pas! Maybe we can get him to change his mind and invest in Hajduk Split. For shizzle.
I don’t understand how saluting a general who was acquitted of all crimes is “politically incorrect”.
I don’t understand why Mandzo would suddenly try and distance himself from what he did. There is nothing controversial about it at all.
Of course it was the politically correct thing to do. We all know what mandzo was doing, when have you seen him salute in a celebration. I dont remember him doing so.
I yield to Ziva about the meaning of Mandzo’s salute. Was he advised to take a departure from participating in “politics”?
disappointing. mandzo’s salute would’ve been pretty cool if it were to the generals!
Alright, now that the Marine in me has spooled down a bit… Do the Benny Hill British salute for all I care, but please just use the RIGHT hand 🙂
A very noble idea. I know most of you haven’t done any military service, but let’s get some remotely correct technique!… otherwise it’s going to drive me insane (Agent Argentina is saluting with his LEFT hand for God’s sake; that’s like an anti-salute).
Raise the RIGHT hand sharply, fingers AND thumb extended and joined (get those thumbs out from under your hands), palm facing down, and place the tip of the right forefinger slightly to the right of the right eye. The hand and wrist are STRAIGHT, 45 degree angle.
Mandza’s actually looks pretty good
@anonymous——-“first day after acquittal”
Gotovina is a class act. He invites her in for coffee. Gotta love that.
Can i rip a zeig heil instead
Štimac: Moja izjava o generalima izvučena je iz konteksta!
Dnevnik – Štimčeva ideja nije sjela Šimuniću ‘Treba imati dostojanstva’
@Ante B…thanks! Let’s just hope that it catches on virally. For it to go viral it is important that a critical mass of us post our photos to Instagram an twitter with the hash tag. Also post on Facebbok to make sure people know about the campaign. Can you guys imagine having one million Croatians saluting the generals from all around the world!! #SviZajedno
General Ante Gotovina – the first day after acquittal
Brane, it would be remiss for me to not congratulate you on the epic idea. Svaka cast to this idea and the Mandzo picture?
Do you guys have a video of him saluting?
@ Ante B,
The idea came from braco, Mr. Branimir Kvartuc. Thank him.
I’ll give the generals a salute and a big middle finger for the serbs. Either way who cares what those little bitches do in serbia, do that shit in croatia or in the croatian communities abroad and see what happens.
How anybody can be against this is beyond me…96% of Croatians in Croatia are in complete jubilation, probably the same in the diaspora (strike that if Ines is here)…Gotovina and Markac isn’t a domovina-diaspora debate, it’s about all Croatians as Markac put it during his speech
Yesterday we had Croatians in th Hague, today there are none.
Yesterday Oluja was considered illegitimate; Croatia was thought to be a nation built on genocide; our veterans and branitelji were thought to be aggressors; today that’s no longer the case. If Mario can salute the general, so can we. And I’m sure Gotovina would love the gesture.
The Serbs will burn our flag either way; that speaks volumes more about them than us.
Ante, absolutely gREAT idea. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise like the Ines’ of the world.
a little more zen Ines….breath…..
Actually, can we be like soccer teams and make a trade, i’m getting sick of having Serbia as neighbours, can we get them out of there altogether? Theyre obviously not happy playing on a European team, can Europe trade them for Argentina maybe? Even Kazakhstan, I can live with that.
I’m going to puke..What are we gonna do if Serb fucks start burning Croatian flags at our next match? huh? what then? that’s what I want to know. serblia really should never be part of europe which it isn’t anyway.
Neka vide da nas ima…
Great idea guys I can’t wait images..
Great idea-
Nice move Mario.