Late Monday afternoon, Croatian media outlets 24Sata and Večernji List reported on our ( Joe Šimunić campaign and how we would like to raise $5000 to pay the fine he received for chanting “ZA DOM SPREMNI” to fans at Maksimir after Croatia’s 2-0 win over Iceland to book their spot at the World Cup in Brazil.
Does Joe need the money to pay the fine? NO. But as Joe, and other Croatian players represent us, the money coming from us is a symbolic representation that Joe did nothing wrong, just as we do nothing wrong when we say it.
With Christmas around the corner, these funds will be given to those that need it most in Croatia as we look towards the Red Cross or a Vukovar Fund to assist. So please contribute if you can. We in the dijaspora are blessed to be a part of a great Croatian culture that has fought hard over the centuries to keep its identity while being raised in places which offer greater opportunity.
Let’s get together and finish this campaign strong as we currently have collected $2,000 and show the world what a bunch of guys who have never met each other can do when they put their heads together for a charitable cause.
Your name can remain anonymous if you wish. If Mr. Šimunić refuses to accept this donation, we will request that he donate the funds to a Croatian charity in his name. If that is also refused, the funds will be automatically refunded back to the original donators. We will only accept the first 52 people (2 people to cover paypal fees) that submit payment.
For all inquiries, questions or comments, please contact
We are Joe Šimunić and Joe Šimunić is us.
Illustration: Drago Teskač
Please sign the online Petition
Deadline for donation submission is December 1, 2013.
1) Denis S 33) Frano S
2) Ante K 34) Anthony L
3) Ante B 35) Slavko J
4) Nije Bitno
5) John D
6) GoldenChild
7) Aaron B
8) Mr. Black
9) Robert M
10) Doktor Prle
11) Ivica S
12) Pere D
13) Danijel J
14) Tomislav Z
15) Black Zodiac
16) Marin L
17) Tony M
18) Niksa B
19) Ilija K
20) Mike R
21) MAKS
22) Karlo S
23) Dr. Vladimir
24) Mate F
25) Vlasta L
26) John S
27) Ladislav V
28) Danijel D
29) Anne D
30) Mario Majic
31) Frank M
32) Alen B
dalmatinci nisu sigurno, ( uvijek imaizroda), dalmatinci su vam se najebali matere(I opet ce ako bude trebalo) I usrasama I cetnicima I vasim gazdama svabama I talijanima. moze jedino govnari iz zagreba I slavonije
inace ja sam DALMATINAC, PELJESCANIN majmuncino
Ovo su ljudi većinom Dalmatinci s mora, iz Zagore, Zagreba i Slavonije. Ponajmanje nas je iz hrvatskih zemalja BiH. A sve da jesmo, jebali bi ti mater četničku.
homeland….ahahaa nije hrvatska vas homeland nego bosna vi ste vecinom bosanskohercegovacke pobegulje koji su zbrisali od neimastine gladi I bijede na zapad a sad prodaju price da su morali zbog “politike” I udbe, ahahaaa pobegulje
I actually think this will bring the team together. Immense pressure I doubt it. These guys are professional and deal with all levels of pressure.
Idemo u Brazil. Congratulations.
@Kangaroo Joe
Thank you for the acknowledment, I always enjoy a decent debate, and as a such I understand that every person has their own views and beliefs.
When re-reading my posts I can understand why Prle got the feeling that he got, and I must say it was not my intention. Sometimes I have trouble expressing clear points and tend to get caught into my own words. But in generaly never meant to be apologetic, just trying to be objective. And on that note there were people in my family who were persecuted by the communist regime as well, for their beliefs.
We as a nation are on the crossroads in this decade. What we lack in the homeland is communication. Communication on a broad level. The problem is, I see us a nation divided.
I personally do not care nor want to tie our destiny to anyone else, but on a daily basis the media and some groups in the government and certain citizen groups are linking us to our neighbours, to our past, not alowing our full potential to be unleashed for bettering ourselves and our future. This needs to change, and in order to do that we need to have a clear catarsis of our society, and to have a full lustration of the subjects (ex-communist party members, and most political parties which are registered atm) which seem to flurish on our divisions.
About Simunic, I do understand his inclinations regarding this, but I also condemn his lightheartedness in that moment. As a football player, he will probably never clear out the historical contexts, nor will he rehabilitate the chant (that should and must be done by a proper authority, whose work will be recognised internationaly), but he managed to put our NT in hot water, and believe it or not, it does affect the team in many ways. They have been put under immense pressure, which will be redacted for the WC.
Given our political situation, such things only give ammo to those who wish to harm our reputation.
And considering the geopolitical situation in the world and who wields the most power, believe me, we do not need such publicity. Especialy because as a nation we are not fascist, and linking us to the regime which represented a minority is not correct imho.
Hopefuly nobody is offended by my views, but feel free to express yours.
I appreciate the calm, considerate responses you’ve given.
Simunic did not chant ‘za dom spremni’ with the intention of glorifying the Ustase or mimicking their war cries.
When he uttered those words he had an understanding of its use as a historic salutation deeply rooted in Croatian culture. An understanding similar to the reasons given for the donation drive in his honor.
He had reason to believe the chant had this meaning. Croatian supporters had performed it from as far back as I can remember without controversy or punishment. There was an atmosphere of normalcy around its use. Only recently had the HNS received fines for its mention by the fans.
The media have acted as if Simunic was insufficiently aware of the ill-repute of the Ustase and of the atrocities committed in NDH.
He was aware. His response after the game indicated as much. “People should know their history”, “I’m not afraid” etc. Aware that his actions could be misconstrued, that they could be associated with the Ustase.
Simunic was naive. He did not do his due diligence. He did not work out the worst possible scenario. His were innocent mistakes not actions committed out of hatred.
I am not apologizing for any one nor any regime nor any yugoslavia.
I agree, our discussion is over.
“Dvostruka mjerila Fife: NDH im nije smetala kad je igrala za njih
Nisu ni provjerili informaciju da sporni uzvik zapravo dolazi iz vremena kada nije postojala NDH, a bogme ni Fifa. Ali očito kad su u pitanju novci, Fifa ima dvostruka mjerila.
Na skandiranje Josipa Šimunića “Za dom” pri čemu je publika odgovorila sa “Spremni” nakon kvalifikacijske utakmice između reprezentacija Hrvatske i Islanda reagirala je i Međunarodna nogometna federacija (Fifa) koja je pokrenula istragu o spornoj proslavi pobjede nad Islandom koju je započeo hrvatski nogometaš Josip Šimunić.
Ta vrsta skandiranja često se dovodi u vezu s Nezavisnom državom Hrvatskom što je izazvalo bijes raznih udruga, članova Vlade te na kraju i Fife. Međutim, ne spominje se podatak da je ta ista NDH u vrijeme postojanja, dakle od 1941. do 1945. godine, bila punopravna članica krovne nogometne organizacije te u tom razdoblju odigrala 15 službenih utakmica.
Zanimljivo da im NDH nije smetala davne 1945., ali sada bez problema istražuju nogometaša koji je iskreno priznao da mu nije bio cilj promicati mržnju već istaknuti ljubav i ponos koji osjeća za svoju domovinu. Nisu ni provjerili informaciju da sporni uzvik zapravo dolazi iz vremena kada nije postojala NDH, a bogme ni Fifa. Ali očito kad su u pitanju novci, Fifa ima dvostruka mjerila.
Jedino logično što možemo zaključiti da bi onda i Fifa trebala sama protiv sebe pokrenuti istragu te se očitovati o činjenici da su dopustili da NDH ima članstvo u njihovoj organizaciji. ”
The Independent State of Croatia (1941-45) was a member of FIFA. Can we expect that FIFA should start proceedings against itself?
It is so very true Doktor, to be some sort of apologist for Communism in general and Jugoslavija in particular is astounding.
Gassed at Jasenovac? These threads are in dire need of moderation. This shit is beyond ridiculous.
There were no gas chambers at Jasenovac. There were no ovens, either.
What’s next, talk of lamp-shades and human eyeballs on Pavelic’s desk?
Our discussion is over. You are an apologist for the worst totalitarian regime ever to rule in Croatia and you are an apologist for the worst ideology in the history of mankind – communism. The death-tolls speak for themselves. EOD.
Really crappy to have to read through all of the “crap” posts, calling other names, and not resorting to civilised discussion.
We are discussing some real issues, which affect our lives in general, and at the same time we have people dropping the level of the thread with one-liners which mean nothing.
Ok let me elaborate for Doktor Prle, we seem to have a bit of a problem understanding each other 🙂
The thing is Communism as an Ideology has class based conflict in its core, and I agree with Krizni put and the attrocities commited by the Jurishne divizije in the north.
I dont know how familiar you are with the complete picture, but you must understand that MOST of those killed there were not Ustashi, but mainly domobrani, honest croats which defended their homes, and which were betrayed by members of the ustashe regime. And many of those escaped or changed the uniform for the one with Titovka on the head.
Talking about Djilas and the borders of contemporary Croatia, I can not express enough how pleased I am with these borders. There shall always be apetites for some “historical” lands, but we must understand that every nation has such apetites (hell, look at the hungarians who claim they lost over 60% of their “historical” lands). But in general, considering the whole situation regarding this I have to say that even though they participated in the communist regime, these people paved the way for contemporary Croatia.
And when talking about Communist crimes, most of those responsible are the ones who remain in the shadows of the powerstructure. They do still run things, but they are not communists by belief, they were communists by opportunity, as they will be what ever it takes for them to remain in power.
This can consist of Tito, Josipovic, but I will add Tudjman, Pavelic as well.. Why I names these people? Because if there was a different situation in given times, these people would choose what suits their ambitions best. Those who really put everything on the line, are the heroes. And those who stood their ground and lost their lives.. Namely Starcevic…
Learn how to spell you fuckin loser. Your parents failed you.
Ante B – I’m sorry Brate – it could be pizda??????
Sta pjevas sad debeli prasac???
Ante B you are a pisda! I’m sure you’ll figure it out.
Does it not make you the scum of the earth at minimum????????
Wishing something doesn’t make you a war criminal. Question: answered.
Ajmo let’s sing some for the fatties:
Ante B – can you answer my question?
What’s a pisda?
I do have a problem with girth but it’s not the one around my tummy.
Ante B – the ghoooooost from Christmas Paaaaaaaaast awaits your response debeli prasac (that’s what we called that poor kid). If the ghoooooost from Christmas paaaaaaast doesn’t hear from you soon I’ll have to post this on the last thread for allllllll to see debeli prasac! Maybe the good doktor can respond for the debeli prasac pisda!!!!
At ghost – Kaput ti skidan da se smrznes ove zime…
Ante b – scum always congeals and comes together.
One question Ante B – I understand you have a girth issue. In the town my parents are from na more which I spent many beautiful summers their was a pretty fat kid. Riddiculed like you wouldn’t believe by everyone in town. My family was always tough on people with girth. My question to you is if I wished fat Croats be gassed at Jasenovac since they are an embarrassment to an althletic and warrior people does this make me a war criminal?
Leftists play with words. They define them however they wish, and use them however they wish just the same.
I was a watching a show called ‘Football Headliners’ last night on GolTV which did a clip on the Simunic story. The narrator said in a normal voice “some call it patriotic”, then in a derisive voice said “others say it’s pro-Nazi”; he went on to say that some Croatian “authorities” fined Simunic for “racial hatred”.
First, notice how the anti-whites don’t say “racism” anymore, now the word they use to justify suppressing free speech is “racial hatred”.
Second, how in the hell does one get “racial hatred” out of ‘For the Homeland’? And since Croatia is all White, isn’t it true that “racial hatred” is not a problem in Croatia?
This is great piece that makes a lot of sense.
fair point…..forget the n word…..
You have the right to say anything you want in public…….but there are consequences.
You make a good point. However, the “n” word is used by blacks and I think that they should be allowed to use it if the wish. At the same time, you can’t make the rules for someone and not for another.
You are free to use the N word. You have freedom of speech to do so. But, there are consequneces for you, for anyone.
I can go into a meeting with a client and say, “how about those fucken (n-word), they are an easy sale”. I have the freedom of speech to say that in my client meeting. Hell, I can call into the local sportstalk show and say the same thing. But, my boss may not want to hear me say those things and have someone associated with their company saying those words.
So, yes you do have freedom of speech. But, there are consequencs for your speech.
Same thing with Simunic. I have no issue with it. But, now he has to deal with the consequences of possibly missing World Cup games because he used a remark that some find controversial in his speech. Unfortanetly, we all have to play the game and the rules of this game are not established by us.
It’s also worth noting that there are no consequences for your speech in the fortified basement. Its open season down there.
Seriously have we ever seen the regular posters this united in something? It’s a great thing to see when we are all on the same page.
First, appreciate the comment.
Yes, this saying was used by Ustasa. So what? Ustasa wore white underwear too. Should we be banned from wearing white underwear.
This saying was used hundreds of years ago. Can you prove otherwise?
Also, Serbians flash the three finger salute all over the world. Cetnici flash the three finger salute with pride, some pro cetnik some anti-cetnik, because this was not used only by Cetniks!
I just want equal rights.
Here in the states, the government is trying to ban the “N” word. The NFL will start to fine players that use the “N” word on the field. WTF happened to freedom of speech? If blacks want to use this word, let them.
equal rights, thats all I want.
Im just happy Gotovina and Markac are freeeeeeeeeeeee.
“Mi nećemo dopustiti ostacima jugokomunističkog sustava, niti jugosrpskog, stanje kakvo smo bili zatekli u Hrvatskoj uspostavom hrvatske slobode i demokracije. Nećemo dopustiti da nam sve to dovedu u pitanje. Nećemo to dopustiti tim jugokomunističkim ostacima, ali ni onim političkim diletantima, bezglavim smušenjacima koji ne vide o čemu se zapravo radi danas u Hrvatskoj i u svijetu sa kojekakvim regionalnim planovima…Nećemo dopustiti onima koji se vežu i sa crnim vragom protiv hrvatske slobode i hrvatske nezavisnosti, ne samo sa crnim, nego i zelenim i žutim vragovima…Nećemo dopustiti onim koji se povezuju sa svima protivnicima hrvatske samostalnosti, ne samo povezuju nego im se nude, ne samo da im se nude nego im se prodaju za Judine škude, kao što se i sami hvale da dobivaju dotacije iz svih centara svijeta, a povezuju se od fundamentalističkih ekstremista, do kojekakvih lažnih propovjednika, pseudodemokratskih obmanjivača koji nam danas propovijedaju velike ideje o ljudskim pravima i slobodama medija.”
Franjo Tudjman
@Doktor Prle
Well done on bringing up the UDBA agent that the current Croatian governmnet will not hand over to the Germans. Pathetic how they come up with a special law to protect him while he is responsible for eliminating a Croat.
I am really watching this development with interest as the Germans will not back down and I wonder what the outcome will be. He is not the only one and many of them need to be brought to justice.
Tito je dopustio Bleiburg i Križni put, jer – kako je u svojim memoarima rekao Milovan Đilas – »Hrvati su morali umirati da bi živjela Jugoslavija«.
Tell me, what basis do you see in the above quote? On what basis were the Croats killed? Clearly, it was on a national basis.
And if you don’t know who Milovan Djilas was, he, along with a few others, was Tito’s right-hand man and drew the borders of contemporary Croatia. Piece of shit Montenegrin that he was.
Doktor – Bravo! I commend you for the many factual comments that you make, you are articulate and communicate through historical facts, not feelings!
“but I for one can not put an equal symbol on both, mainly because of the ideological reasons, the first will commit genocide based on name and nationality, which means everybody is a target, while the communist regime offered brutal reprecussions but never on the strict line of nationality or race.”
You just relativized the deaths of 100 million people that communism killed from China to Croatia. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Brutal repercussions??? Wrong. Wholesale murder, nationalization, genocide, and culturocide. The revolution, the revolution is steeped in violence and murder, and was prescribed by Marx himself!!!
So now I’m supposed to argue why it’s NOT ok to kill people on a class-basis, the way communists did. Communists killed people on EVERY basis. Especially in Croatia. Where they killed CROATS because they were the MOST opposed to their rule and YUGOSLAVIA.
You’ve got some fucking nerve, and should be ashamed.
apart = a part
You are comparing apples & oranges.
Tito’s legacy is apart of official national and state policy, while the “memorabilia” you speak of is present on an entirely personal level. Occasionally that stuff goes public – out of revolt against neo-Yugoslav repression and their thought cops in the government, media and (non)governmental orgs…
Croatia is the last bastion of political and cultural communism in all of Europe. Not one communist has been brought to justice for a half century of communist crimes, repression and state terror!!! Tito is officially and openly revered and valorized by state officials and the government!! In the highest of offices!!!
Enjoy your president Josipovic and his “lijepa kapa partizanka – kapa mira I ljubavi” – and I hope you especially enjoy it when sanctions are brought against Croatia due Milanovic’s refusal to hand over Tito’s secret police to Angela Merkel!
PS: Whether or not I have ustase lineage is entirely irrelevant! Even the most hard-nosed ustase in the diaspora democratized over the course of 50 years, their children and grandchildren, naturally, did as well. They grew up in the West.
None of them sought an NDH-revival. What they did seek, though, is condemnation and prosecution of communist crimes AND the condemnation of all things Yugoslav, repressive, totalitarian and criminal!!!
Milanovic, asked whom he holds in higher esteem and value, Tudjman or Tito – answered Tito. Tito, the life-long president of YUGOSLAVIA. Tudjman, a communist dissident who would go onto become the democratically elected president of an independent CROATIA and lead her to victory in battle!!!
If this last example doesn’t put things in proper perspective for you, nothing will!!!
I too have heard those stories, but at the same time I know alot of the monies did get into the right hands.
Freedom comes at a price.
Needless to say, to me the act of giving far outweighs the personal gains some received illegally when it was all said and done.
Croatia gained independence and the diaspora played no small part, monetarily, weapons, supplies and in blood.
It truly makes me cringe every time someone throws a blanket over the diaspora indicating we have no idea, or we have it easy or we are out of touch.
We all in the diaspora have heard the stories and lived the life of poverty when our parents came to a strange country not knowing the language, not knowing anyone, with no education or job skills. Our parents survived and prospered. Why? Because they worked hard and lived the way they were taught in their homeland to be humble, God-fearing and honest.
Generalities are for the ignorant. Perhaps Goran and his like should camp out at the Airports in Zagreb and Split every summer as the diaspora head back for extended vacations to spend their hard-earned money and tell them they are ignorant and should go home.
Show us some principles Goran.
@ Sude Mi
I know exactly what you mean brother..
But coming here in person, the stories I heard about some of these “funds” which was connected to our parish in Santiago… I actualy saw a nice house built by this money, of course a large part never got to those who needed it.
Well Doktor Prle, I am happy you shared your thoughts about the points i expressed in my post. I do understand your frustration about TITO-ist legacy, which is being brought forward by many people, but I take you as well live in Croatia in present day, and I for one see much more of the ustashe memorabilia on the youths here in Dalmatia, is the on the cars, or is on the T-shirts, even last week, the game of my dearest Hajduk there were again lots of such memorabilia shown (very interestingly the fans had words of the song by V. Nazor called “pravoslavna majka” which depicts ustashe relations to the orthodox christian croats, talk about paradox).
Anyway I never mentioned nothing about the communist regime nor its crimes, because this is not a forum dedicated to the 1941-1989 history of Croatia, rather its the comment section on an article regarding a player which represents Croatia, and his actions.
I believe you failed to notice i only live in Croata for a good 10 years. The reason being my family which had to emigrate to south america during the late 1930s. So in a way like Joe, I have returned to live where my grandfather lived. So obviously I can not objectivly nor personaly condone any kind of actions by the communist regime by default. And honestly for me, totalitarian regimes are evil regardless of their color, but I for one can not put an equal symbol on both, mainly because of the ideological reasons, the first will commit genocide based on name and nationality, which means everybody is a target, while the communist regime offered brutal reprecussions but never on the strict line of nationality or race.
So from your comment I feel that you might have personal connections (perhaps through your family) with the Ustashe regime, and even if your grandfather was a soldier of the Ustashe, you as a proud Croat can not take additional pride in the actions of the ustashe.
In anyways I always tend to tell people who live in other parts of the world to come home and do something for the country, rather than be big mouths from Perth, Melb, or Santiago.. I came back, even Joe came back, Will the others come back, and help make a better future for our children? Somehow I doubt that, but you all seem to flip out when HDZ loses the elections…
“ignorantni kao vecina dijaspore”
Actually, only the ignorant would proclaim such a generality amongst such a wide-spread population.
You criticize fascism by inciting such generalities and expect to be taken seriously? Really? Look up the definition of the word ignorant….kettle meet pot.
It is truly amazing how quickly people forget the contributions made during the Homeland War by the diaspora in terms of aid for Croatia.
I remember it vividly, it seemed like every night there was a fundraiser going on for food, medicine and other essentials.
No-one EVER stopped to question the money being raised, the supplies being gathered nor the goodwill being demonstrated. No-one told any of the boys who died on the battlefield but were born in far-flung places outside Croatia to not come. No-one reached out from Croatia to call us second-class citizens then, or questioned our intelligence or best intentions.
Goran kaze:
I tebi, sinko!
Jebem vam partizansku mate u usta sugava.
Ogoljela laz logora Jasenovac
Titov logor Jasenovac je bio u pogonu do 1948 godine, kada je sravnjan sa zemljom. Tamo su pogubljeni ustase i domobrani dovednih Kriznim putem.
Jednom su jugoslavenske vlasti pokusali s iskopom ostataka zrtava. Eskiviranje je hitno obustavljeno, kada su pronalazili ono sto im nije odgovoralo. Ustaska znakovlja, domobranska znakovlja i, naravno, njihove ostatke.
Za “milijunske” zrtve Srba i drugih, nema materijalnih dokaza niti je ikada bilo.
Za hrvatske zrtve koje se broje u stotinama tisuca – materijalnih dokaza je napretek. Gdje god Slovenci prodju bagerima, iz zemlje izviru hrvatske kosti. Samo u jednom rovu – Tezno – ima ostataka nekoliko desetaka tisuca Hrvata.
Zato se neo-jugoslavenska vlast toliko protivi istrazivanju jama i smrtna polja duz Slovenije, Hrvatske, BiH i dalje…
To je istina o Jasenovcu i o drugim stratistima. Naravno, nitko nije nikada tvrdio da ustase nisu pogubili svoje neprijatelje u Jasenovcu dok su ga oni kontrolirali. Pod ustaskom vlascu je kompleks Jasenovac bio radni logor – radni logor – tvornica za preradu koze. Postojala je i ciglana. Nevini jesu stradali. Broje se u tisucama. 1945 partizani preuzimaju logor i kompleks i pretvaraju ga u iskljucivo logor smrti.
Odjebite sa jugo-cetnickim mitovima o desecima tisuca ili stotine tisuca “nevinih Srba” i drugih….
@Goran – Go back and count the number of posts you have sent in regarding what Simunic did.
Now go back and remember how many posts you ever sent to any website regarding the Serb slaughter in Vukovar.
Uh, yeah, that should tell you all you need to know.
@Denis Svircic
If germans are ashamed of “sieg heil” greeting
i think you should be ashamed of za dom spremni
Do you know who was responsible for jasenovac,
EDUCATE URSELF!!! Just because u want something to be the truth does not necesarily make it TRUTH!
the evidence is there just have to accept the fact and not the stories…
Lijep tekst i svaka cast slazem se sa vama!
I agree with u a great tekst…
Ponosite se ustasama onda se ponosite i JASENOVCEM
a pametan covjek bi se toga ttrebao stidjeti…
Sada je pitanje da li ste pametni ili…ignorantni
kao vecina dijaspore VEci HRVATI OD PRAVIH HRVATA
kladim se i da ne znate koji je plan i program HDZ za koji glasate….
@81 Just because i was not in the mood to type does not mean im iliterate, however let me educate u a bit
Greeting Heil was a simple hello
however cause of the nazis who used it it became a NAZZI greeting, same thing with ZA DOM SPREMNI
If u didnt know u ignoramus u should know that it was a specificaly NAZZI ustasa GREETING in jasenovac therefor
that greeting is tainted. Im a real CROAT living in CROATIA, Where do you live, how do u educate urself, do you think JASENOVAC is a good thing? How many Serbs, Gipsy-s and Jews were killed there DONT BE ILITERATE
That is A NAZZI GREETING and i hope who ever uses it gets punished and jail time ….
@doktorina prle!
Awesome point. I’ve been thinking the same. I am proud of the Ustase even though Pavelic gave away half of dalmacija haha. My dida was involved in a Krizni Put and fought for Croatia. Nothing else. That’s all Croatians ever wanted was their land, they never wanted to keep on going like the Germans did.
@Doktor Prle
Svaka ti cast. You always give excellent examples to back up your points. Many of us appreciate it.
Sort of sad how many jugos visit this site and cry for the old jugoslavia. Everything from Tito is a hero and so on. Fuckin pathetic.
But you’re not sad to see the full rehabilitation, celebration, reverence and valorization of Tito’s communist regime that lasted for 45 years; which killed hundreds of thousands of Croats in the post-war era? You’re not sad to see communist symbolism as official regalia of the current regime in Croatia?
That doesn’t upset you, does it? The communist killed more people than all fascists, Nazis, ustase, cetniks – you name it – combined. Yet, somehow the sadness over the promotion of the communist revolution in all its shapes and forms how evades you???
You are so full of shit!!! And fucking brainwashed.
PS: The only swastika in Croatia today is the Cyrillic script that is being forced into use in Vukovar and elsewhere. That’s your swastika, buddy!
Actualy, lets not call anyone names for starters. Secondly, even though we all like to think that this chant by Joe was nothing wrong, it actualy was, IT WAS SO WRONG!
Let me elaborate, while we are all proud to be croats, we are surely not all proud of certain parts of our history. We did not do anything as people, especialy not our generation, but during WWII this chant was used by one of the most brutal quisling regimes. Not all croats supported this, but we must all agree that the chant was contaminated and it has been contaminated heavily.
Like nobody today in the western societies does not link the svastika with its original meaning and its geographical context, that is how nobody in their right mind can link Za dom spremni with Zrinjski or Jelačić. The chant was different then, and those of us who know our history also know that chant in the form of Q: “ZA DOM” A:”SPREMNI” was used solely in the Independent State of Croatia and was utilized by the regime.
We all know that the first Ustahse had nothing to do with nazism as they pre-dated ww2 by a century or more, but there was an organisation which claimed power in Croatia during WW2 which abused the name and this chant. So I for one, always understand this chant as something contaminated and I really do not want my country to be associated with nazis or any other regime which has been in bed with them.
So for Joe, I would recommend using something which connects more croats:
I dont know about you, but I have been living in Croatia for over 10 years now, and i am very sad to see the rehabilitation of such a monstrous regime. Another thing which saddens me is that we mostly unite in anger and hate towards our eastern neighbours, and hardly for something else. (see the current situation in Vukovar, or this about the chant). If we had such unity in our daily lives against the real problems facing the modern croat, where would that path take us…
yeah wtf is it with serbcunts?
I cannot under any circumstance imagine EVER wanting to go visit cuntsports, err, i mean to post there or read anything they have to say, i totally could not give a second toss what they have to say.
Should we be flattered that these cunts are so infatuated with us they have to keep coming to OUR websites ???
These Serb cock suckers are annoying, no wonder when there is a poll a certain 20% vote negatively lol that’s where we get a lot of traffic on this website, because they have no website and no World Cup hahah . I think we should have something for everyone who comments on this website to sign up via email and get an i,d and can get the boot if abusing comments and posting illicit nonsense 🙂
Let’s not mention the English, those prody scums.
1918 will commence again, and “Croatian” lands will be rightfully returned to the Serbs insha’Allah (as your Albanian lovers would say)
Off topic but anyone know the pots and which team are gonna be in the pots for the draw on december 6.. Im trying to see the possible teams we could face
The worlds media is largely owned by jews. In fact any sort of flow of information is controlled by the jews, including Hollywood. The main stream media in this world is fso far skewed to the far left – they attack anything that is right of centre govt. Even patriots are attacked as terrorists. Have a look at how the american democrats and the media portray the tea party – they openly call american patriots terrorists.!
Socialism is nothing but a sick human condition. In times of high unempoyment as is the case in Croatia these communist scums get in power. Yes, they will bow to the EU b/c the EU is a socialist ideaology. These fuckiing scums dont care about Croatia or Croatians. Their allegiance is to socialism and their own pockets..
Za Dom Spremni. Za Joe Spremni!!!
Good point. It all starts with the Croatian government. All they care about is EU $$$$. They will get down on their knees and take it in the behind for the EU.
“croatian courts have up held Za Dom Spremni as not being racist. It then becomes harder for Fifa to act.”
Yes sir.
I dont blame the world for calling us Nazis, fascists, etc etc. They dont know better. I blame the croatian govt for kissing the EU’s ass.
Has everybody signed the petition to Sepp Blatter?
21K have signed it. Another 29K is needed. Forward it to all of your friends.
Sign here:
Joe will not accept or pay the fine. As far as the money goes, I suggest he donates it to the Stozer Za Obranu Hrvatskog Vukovara.
If Joe accepts and pays the fine he has accepted his guilt. And then Fifa will further the penalty with most likely a ban of some time. He has no choice but to contest the charge and in fact the croatian courts have up held Za Dom Spremni as not being racist. It then becomes harder for Fifa to act. If it does he has right of appeal or other civil action under Free speech.
Once I get my check I’ll donate.
The emblem and slogan of HOS – a legal and legitimate military unit of HV (Hrvatska Vojska). They fought the Serbs all over Croatia.
The slogan is controversial only to those that wish Croatia didn’t exist!
Dok su se kukavice Josipović i Milanović skrivali po zagrebačkim podrumima u obranu se uključuju Hrvati iz kraja gdje je rođen Joe!
Treba li uopće govoriti gdje je rođen, u kakvim uvjetima, Josip Šimunić, treba li robovati stereotipima koji tvrde da je hrvatska emigracija, dijaspora, kako god želite, proustaška te besramno bogata? Naime, hrvatska dijaspora, u Šimunićevom slučaju Australija, tijekom komunističkog režima nije imala izbora, komunizam u voljenoj domovini nikad nisu prihvatili, svaki oblik društvenog uređenja koji bi terorizirao hrvatski narod hrvatskoj dijaspori bio je zaista stran, komunizam su, živeći u demokraciji, potpuno opravdano prepoznali kao najveće zlo.
Tamo ‘gdje je rođen Joe’ oduvijek se hrvatski disalo i sanjalo se o oslobođenju Hrvatske od jugoslavenskog režima, bilo kakvih mračnih ideologija, Pavelić je za jedan dio hrvatske emigracije bio simbol otpora komunizmu, međutim, nije bio simbol slobode hrvatskog naroda. Uostalom, i hrvatska emigracija bila je žrtva fašističkog ludila Europom, stigmatizirana, napadnuta, ponižena, ali nepokorena.
Nakon što je početkom devedesetih došlo do pada Berlinskog zida, komunizma u Hrvatskoj, nakon što je Hrvatska postala slobodna, iako ratom i velikosrpskim fašizmom razorena, hrvatska dijaspora okrenula se svom demokratskom lideru, prvom predsjedniku, dr. Franji Tuđmanu, iako je Tuđman bio komunistički, Titov general, što dovoljno govori da hrvatska emigracija nikada nije sanjala nikakvu ustašku, komunističku ili nacističku Hrvatsku, već jednostavno samo Hrvatsku, državu u kojoj će građani svojom voljom birati vlast i biti birani.
Komunistička propaganda pokušala je, i djelomično uspjela u tome, emigraciju pokazati kao ekstremni dio hrvatskog naroda, kao teroristički dio koji zapravo i ne zaslužuje postojati, nešto se promijenilo padom komunizma, međutim, hrvatski mediji, mahom sastavljeni od skitnica i odrpanaca osamdesetih, i dalje ustraju na podijeli hrvatske dijaspore te se govori o ustaškoj i onoj koja to nije, naravno, za komunistički režim svaka Hrvatska bila je ustaška Hrvatska. Uostalom, za komuniste je i jedan intelektualac Bruno Bušić, bio ustaša, zato su ga i ubili, toliko o onima koji sotoniziraju hrvatsku dijasporu, toliko o sustavu ‘vrijednosti’ koji još uvijek baštinimo iz Jugoslavije.
Tko je krao a tko pomagao?
Kad je počela agresija na Republiku Hrvatsku početkom devedesetih što mislite tko je prvi Hrvatima u Hrvatskoj krenuo u pomoć, kako financijski tako i s ljudstvom, tko se uključio u obranu Hrvatske, dok su legalni ratni profiteri, ratne kukavice, poput Nine Pavića, zgrtali lovu naokolo, dok se Milanović skrivao u Zagrebu? Naravno, i opet dijaspora, i opet Hrvati iz kraja gdje je rođen Joe. Što je Šimuniću sve ovo trebalo, mislite li da mu je trebao povratak u domovinu? On je mogao izabrati između Australije i Hrvatske, izabrao je Hrvatsku, za razliku od glumaca, pisaca i ostalog ološa koji su početkom rata pobjegli iz zemlje dijaspora se vraćala? Nije Joeu sve ovo trebalo, ali je učinio to, i opet, sve za Hrvatsku, pa čak i kad griješi. Tamo gdje je Joe rođen tamo se Hrvatsku sanjalo desetljećima, jednako koliko se ovdje, gdje su hrvatske moralne protuhe rođene, gazilo po Hrvatskoj nakon što smo, kao guske u magli, otrčali 1918, u bratski zagrljaj istočnoj braći i to platili krvavom nadnicom.
Dijaspora se vratila u Hrvatsku, a onda su je opljačkali, i to opet nisu učinili desničari, kako nam tumače ratno-profiterski mediji. Naime, tko je danas od desničara u Remetincu kao profiter, bolje rečeno, znate li nekog tajkuna a da je desničar, bogatstvo jednog jedva obrazovanog Stjepana Mesića nadmašuje sve ono što je imao Franjo Tuđman, a Franjo Tuđman je za Mesića bio Einstein…
Tamo gdje je rođen Joe sanjalo se Hrvatsku, ali to nije bio san o ustaškoj, ali ni san o ovakvoj Hrvatskoj, lopovskoj, moralnoj kaljuži. Bio je to Gundulićev san o slobodi.
November 25, 2013 at 5:28 pm
yep……so true, Bobby V. So true.
I’m afraid our savez is going to bow down to FIFA and we will end up seeing Simunic get a multi-game ban.
Very good comment Bobby V
There is more outrage over what Simunic did then there was over what the Serbs did in Vukovar.
Shows you whose in control in Croatia and the media.
Hey Goran,
How about you settle down and educate yourself a little bit
and take an English class or two. We might (fat chance) take you a little more serious.
1-800-ABC-DEFG (Hooked on Phonics) It helps.
The term, “Za Dom, Spremni” was used well before Jasenovac. Do a little more research and you’ll see what I’m talking about. (I’ll loan you my library card)
Goran, have a great day!!
We need 4.5 Million guys like Joe Simunic. Loves his homeland – hates nobody.
I’ll throw in another $100 to buy Ministar Jovanovic a one way bus ticket back to Belgrade.
What a fucking shitstorm over nothing.
Jasenovac is a concetrancion camp
where nazis used his GREETING and killed
That is a nazi GREETING U NAZZIS
JASENOVAC is one of those NAZZI greetings wasw used
Playing to be bigger croats than real croats
Go to hell..
Letter from Joe Simunic
Yes, we will figure out logistics once all the money is in. Not quite there yet. Only half way.
Well, yeah that’s what i was gonna say – u would get more ppl to donate if it’s 100% going to charity, is it a 100% sure thing tho ???
The funds are going to Simunic, however, he would not dare keep them. I needed to be a bit more clear as many of our followers were unhappy that we were paying a millionaire’s 5000 fine instead of donating to charity.
“With Christmas around the corner, these funds will be given to those that need it most in Croatia as we look towards the Red Cross or a Vukovar Fund to assist. So please contribute if you can. ”
Sorry, what’s the update here?? Has he said he won’t accept it or – i mean im glad if it goes to charity just want to know where the leap to this was made??? Did i miss something??