With just over a month before Euro 2008 begins, we here at CroatianSoccerReport.com want our readers to know everything and anything pertaining to the Croatian national soccer team. Even if it’s letting you know what bus they will be riding to the games. Sure, this isn’t the most relevant news we could find but check out the other 15 teams and their slogans.
Is this seriously the best they can do with slogans? I mean come on. I’d like to hear insight from you all on what you would give each country as their slogan. And let’s try to keep the bashing to a minimum.
no offense Ante
but I think the Italian one is the only one that makes sense considering they have been the Azzuri for ages (The Blues for those who do not know) and it does somehow make sense, like the Dutch one, they are orange but the slogan is not that good.
Another reason why these may seem “whack” its because of the translation to english, like whatever happens its not the same as pase lo que pase, I mean its the translation but “whatever happens” doesn’t have the feel that Pase lo que pase has, I dont know if you understand where im going but I think the slogans are kind of lost in translation you know?
Ill post my slogans for the teams when im feeling inspired
I swear they got all the coach’s together and had a secret drawing out of a hat for these slogans. Italy- the sky is always bluer…? wow….spain-whatever happens,spain always!…maybe that’s why they never get past the 2nd round…and the list goes on…
Exactly where is the facebook like link ?