In an apparent motivational speech, Dinamo Zagreb general manager Zdravko Mamić told all his players Monday night during a team dinner to “close down the (Zagreb) cafes, trash the clubs, trash the hotels, Dinamo will pay for everything!”
And he was serious.
A majority of the team celebrated the speech while few remained silent at the table. How much longer will this behavior be tolerated?
@ Pasnjak za krave have some respect for BiH most of our Cro national team players are from there or have origin’s there.
At Pasnjak za krave have some respect for BiH alot of our players are from there and have a background from there.
@ Pasnjak za krave You say to Mamic go back to Hercegovina. Alot of our Cro National team players are originally from BiH or have background from there. Vedran Corluka, Dejan Lovren, Nikica Jelavic, Ivan Rakitic, Darijo Srna, Ivo Ilicevic, Mateo Kovacic, Joe Simunic and other former players such as Davor Suker list goes on have some respect bro.
he can smirk and play his act and enjoy his time, diss former managers or anyone who doesn’t follow his polluting of dinamo zagreb history and existence. I know for a fact there are bullets with his name on them, he’s going to be a milo ‘mille’ markovic in the future and he doesn’t even know it. tick tock to the future…..
Mamic hates NK haaa whats wrong maminhjo no dinamo player on national team nike buddy neznalica did.
you idiot pasnjak za krave
wow !!!!! really ?? we are all lost. HNS hasnt existed in years. mamic , go back to hercegovina !
Manic gives so much Money,without him there is no HNS
There’s no elbow room for those guys to eat, they are crammed into that table like sardines.haha.
Reminds me of my soccer banquets when I was a youngster.
Did you guys see Sammir singing away..awesome.
interesting video. what was going on there? was that some sort of pep rally? halilovic seems to have a good “get me out of here” look on his face
Govno = Cico
^^^^^^^mes did that
Damned you mama istina will have as muchs as i wasnts screwsyou all drink what I want when want i your boy is a lyin turd growup-yeah right.
Got me a cordless phone made you the ensuite you want shouldbe happy so what if i tatooed my name to Zivas back when drugged him deserves it
G – nk SRAMOTA 1,000,000 Over !! Govna !! Now U know what the (G) Stannds 4 !! No Class ! Hey Let’s go Rip our City’s that Our People Had to Fight 4 !! SRAMOTA !!! Junk , Junk !!
little love for super mario before tomorrow’s champions league game… i hope he plays and tears it up
Great video of the Penn State locker room with Zdravko Sandusky.
@ Denis
I’ll go with under 5. I predict it’ll be most likely due to a wild card like a heart attack or health issue that forces him to step down.
Exactly. His argument fell apart before it even started. But see, that’s the problem as well.
@Laku Noc……….So that makes it OK for Mamic to act and behave like a dictator? I think some of you are OK with Mamic as long as the national team performs. I am not. I would sacrafice an appearance at multiple World Cups and Euros if it meant Mamic was gone for good and all those who support him were gone as well.
And you are wrong to think the savez would not produce players without Mamic. They would. Cro has and always will have individual talent. In a few years Mamic will no longer produce what he has over the last 10 years because much of the younger talent will go to other EU countries where those clubs will be able to buy our players for cheap at a younger age. Just look at the Muric example taking place now. There was no Mamic around for the 98 World Cup squad and those guys all developed without Mamic.
At least its entertaining haha.
How long will the Mamic empire be in power? over/under 5 years… Sadly, I have to go with over. I don’t see what could change in the next five years.
What tournament? Where in Cali?
You guys should make an article for that tournament in Cali that’s in a couple of months, I flew out last year and the tournament wasn’t even a tournament so try to post it so people can start getting tickets to fly out and have a team
Everybody hates on mamic but without him HNS would be shit and have no money.
Agreed, me too. Hajduk, like the BBB, has to keep the fight and never back down. One of the main victories in all of this is the BBB and Torcida uniting.
I agree with that. That is why I am playing close attention to see how this Dinamo-Lokomotiva story ends up. Hajduk keeps fighting it, but we will see what the savez decides to do.
It is but at the same time, they’re fighting him with every means available to them. The real fans at least, not these turncoats from the article. Uzas, sramota. And to further your point, it’s not only Dinamo fans. You Hajduk guys should take note. This is the man that runs all of the league and the HNS. In essence he basically leads Hajduk as well. This of course is ignored by the likes of the ignorant.
It is a real shame the true fans of Dinamo have to endure that idiot as the leader of their club.
MAMIC ===== HEROJ–prljavi-ples-gazde-dinama-zdravko-mamic-gol-do-pasa-divlja-na-stolu-i-pjeva-dinamovu-himnu/1166213/
Thanks for that update which was all over Aus news 3 days ago Ziva and that we all already knew about..
Curitaba is the one in question btw the other one should be fine but yeah thanks for that snail-mail news that no aussie cares about cos we all already knew of
For those of you planning on going to Brazil this summer today could get interesting, especially if you have already booked flights to various cities around Brazil. FIFA may determine two of the stadiums are behind schedule and could shift some games around. Curitiba and Cuiaba are the two stadiums. They don’t concern Croatia or US games, but Cuiaba is holding the Australia – Spain game and that was one I was thinking of hitting in between days.
If they complete the stadiums, they better have wifi.
Yet praise Mamic and then bitch at the same time about how corrupt the league is.
and people openly wonder when HNL games draw little fan interest in Cro.
Love it. Hey cico you want idiots look at your team.
Mamic is the best.
*high fives cico*
Bog , Hrvati , USA , Pete Carroll , HAJDUK , HNS , & People With Common Sense !!!
What A GREAT team ! Crap !! Be PROUD dinamo fans !! What A-Holes ! Committ Crimes ! What IDIOTS ! Be Proud a-B ! Be Proud ! Nothing but Thugs with Money ! No Class ! What a Backwards Team ! GNk , Govna !! Now U show Your True Colors !! What an EMBARRASSMENT !!! Sick Team !! D-heads ! Sick, sick sick !! Low of the Low !! Bad blue boys – Pizdas !! Junk !!! What Tardds ! If U Root for this Crap , GO SEE A Doctor !! 1st place International Idiots !! SHAME ,Shame!!!
u know what else is entertaining?
and more coherent too
and we left our crazy dictators in other countries for this crazyness;)
fuck at least the guy is entertaining
i wonder what all the foreigner players think of mamic when he goes on his tangents and they don’t understand… all they hear is blah blah blah dubre, blah blah picke lolol
And you’re shocked by this?
Guaranteed there will be hypocritical comments made here. Let it begin.